DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-06-10 03:42:21

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Just an FYI that I'm working on running SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 on my DNS-323 with ffp 0.5. I'll use this thread to document progress and also get feedback from others who might have it working or want to get it working.

Based on personal preference; I am set on doing this without any chroot debian dependence. I am after an ffp 0.5 only solution.

Basic requirements:

1) mysql (got it here based on the DNS-323 Mysql thread)
2) squeezecenter (I pulled 7.0.1 from slimdevices SVN: http://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/slim/7.0/tags/7.0.1/)
3) DNS-323 compiled versions of various perl modules required by squeezecenter


1) Need a new version of mysql; the natively compiled one above is 5.1.23.RC. It has mysql bug 34655 which prevents building of DBD::mysql for perl (I hacked the DBD::mysql code to get around this but mysql 5.1.24.RC would be a much better solution). I cross-compiled mysql; but I don't think that'll have the right uclibc for ffp 0.5; I need to check into the details - an ffp 0.5 cross-compile environment would be ideal.

2) Need libgd to build GD perl module; I don't think the php+GD with ffp 0.5 has libgd; maybe I made I mistake. Anyway; I built this myself. For the heck of it; I built it with support for libfreetype (which I aslo built); GD build recommended it - I have no idea if it's actually needed for squeezecenter, probably not, should check.

3) Building some of the perl modules requires other CPAN modules on the DNS-323; it worked but was a pain to get all of the right pieces in place (Encode-Detect which is not properly registered as a dependency for SC 7.0.1; looks like that got fixed in unrelease 7.1 branch).

4) Have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DBD::msql doesn't find libmysqlclient; I don't know yet whether I built wrong or if the mysql above puts the lib in a weird place or if using LD_LIBRARY_PATH is normal for this situation.

5) Need to figure out the right packaging setup to make this a clean ffp 0.5 install.

Right now; I can start the server and don't get dependency failures (anymore) but I have not completed the mysql configuration and verified that the whole thing works. Further; my setup is very messy since it's a development environment with things strewn all over and use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to fix some library location issues, etc. Very much WIP.




#2 2008-06-10 21:45:01

Registered: 2007-11-30
Posts: 12

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

I have succeded in installing the squeezecenter and it is quite close to running.

I have configures a bit in my.cnf file and prefs/server.prefs.

But when starting slimserver I get the following output:
~/HD_a2/ffp/slimserver # ./slimserver.pl --user=slimserver
[08-06-10 19:36:58.5749] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::enablePlugins (373) Couldn't load Slim::Plugin::PreventStandby::Plu
gin. Error: Plugin is incompatible with your platform.
[08-06-10 19:37:08.3322] main::checkDataSource (874) Warning: Schema updated or no tracks in the database, initiating sc
The following modules failed to load: DBD::mysql

To download and compile them, please run: /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/slimserver/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl DBD::mysql


Does anybody have an idea why DBD::mysql cannot load on the system?
DBD::mysql.3.0002 compiled and installed OK.
I have set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /ffp/lib/mysql.




#3 2008-06-11 00:27:10

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

That's weird; I thought the DBD::mysql load failure should have been reported much earlier. But I didn't have mine configured and such when I resolved that.

What version of mysql are you using; where did the DBD::mysql objects go (the slimserver/CPAN or under /ffp/lib/perl?), etc?

Mine is running now and looks pretty good

/ffp/share/squeezecenter # ./slimserver.pl --user=squeezecenter
[08-06-10 13:07:47.9845] Slim::Schema::init (151) Warning: Creating new database - empty database or database from 6.3.x found
[08-06-10 13:08:27.2583] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1329) Warning: [13:08:27.2558] Use of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at /ffp/share/squeezecenter/Slim/Utils/PluginManager.pm line 102.
[08-06-10 13:08:30.8729] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::enablePlugins (374) Couldn't load Slim::Plugin::PreventStandby::Plugin. Error: [-5]
[08-06-10 13:08:35.3384] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1329) Warning: [13:08:35.3362] tempfile(): temporary filename requested but not opened.
Possibly unsafe, consider using tempfile() with OPEN set to true
[08-06-10 13:08:35.4445] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1329) Warning: [13:08:35.4424] tempfile(): temporary filename requested but not opened.
Possibly unsafe, consider using tempfile() with OPEN set to true
[08-06-10 13:08:37.0688] main::checkDataSource (873) Warning: Schema updated or no tracks in the database, initiating scan.
[08-06-10 13:08:37.4938] Slim::Networking::mDNS::startAdvertising (110) Error: Couldn't find mDNSResponderPosix binary! Aborting!

I'm not sure what the tempfile() warning is; need to check.
I assume that mDNSResponderPosix is needed for network discovery; I'll look into that more as well. But my Duet is talking to my DNS-323 via SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 - so step one success is achieved!

I have natively compiled mysql 5.1.24.RC on my DNS-323 so I should be able to package it up and replace my current 5.1.23.RC version with the last_errno hack in DBD::mysql.




#4 2008-06-11 03:39:07

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

I managed to reproduce the error you got; it's from scanner.pl running in the background (you don't get it the first time because the scanner doesn't run until setup is done).

I tried hacking a simple solution (set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in scanner.pl); but it didn't work... there are other clumsier ways of doing it. But then I found this thread about the issue over at slimdevices.

So I created /ffp/etc/ld.so.conf with a single entry of "/ffp/lib/mysql" and ran ldconfig. That issue seems to be resolved (don't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run the server at all now).




#5 2008-06-11 04:06:24

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

mDnsResponderPosix (from Apple Bonjour project) compiles pretty easily from these source.

You have to patch the Makefile as described in this widely reported workaround.

The build failed relatively late in the Linux nss_mdns stuff; I didn't bother looking into it since it's not needed for SqueezeCenter. It can probably be turned off by tweaking the OPTIONALTARG and OPTINSTALL variables in the Makefile for linux.

The first time I ran SqueezeCenter after putting mDnsResponderPosix in the path; I got some error about a config file for it. But that's gone now (maybe a first-time run thing?) and it seems to be working.




#6 2008-06-13 18:14:10

Registered: 2007-11-30
Posts: 12

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Of course - I have debugged the perl scripts all the way downto scanner.pl. I have set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting slimserver - otherwise it won't start, but this env var is not taken in account when the scanner.pl is initiated from within slimserver.pl. Setting $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}='/ffp/lib/mysql' does not solve the problem.
I have seen this before but have forgotten that it can be solved by setting ld.so.conf!!

My slimserver are up and running and stays up.

I appreciate your hint Jeff - thanks a lot.



#7 2008-06-23 00:24:28

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 231

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

I read this post with great interest since i'm interested in getting this to run as well, or even slimserver 6.5.4 would be even better because i'm afraid i don't dare to upgrade the memory.............

I hope there will be an tutorial for the linux newbies on how to install this using funplug 0.5



#8 2008-07-02 22:10:19

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Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 4

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

I too would be really happy with a tutorial on installing SqueezeCenter 7. I made an attempt but got stuck when compiling perl modules. I'm still holding off on buying the Squeezebox Duet till I get this working first.

By the way, I'm using a USB drive as swap memory. Although it won't do as much as doubling the RAM, will it help make SqueezeCenter work more smoothly?



#9 2008-07-03 11:14:02

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Sorry; I've been busy and probably will be for awhile... once things settle down I will try to bundle things up.

In the meantime if you ask about specific issues; I might be able to provide suggests on how to get things built yourself.




#10 2008-07-09 23:22:02

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Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 4

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Ok well.. I get stuck when I try to compile perl's CPAN modules. It works for a couple of modules but then the rest all fails. I get a lot of errors like:

Perl.c:1234: error: invalid type argument of 'unary *'
Perl.c:1234: warning: cast from function call of type 'int' to non-matching type 'struct PerlInterpreter *'

When I try to start slimserver it says:

Can't locate auto/Compress/Zlib/autosplit.ix in @INC (@INC contains: /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8/arm-linux-thread-multi /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8/arm-linux-thread-multi/auto /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8.8/arm-linux-thread-multi /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8.8/arm-linux-thread-multi/auto /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8/arm-linux-thread-multi /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/5.8/arm-linux-thread-multi/auto /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/arch/arm-linux-thread-multi /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/lib /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter /ffp/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/arm-linux-thread-multi /ffp/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /ffp/lib/perl5/site_perl /ffp/lib/perl5/5.8.8/arm-linux-thread-multi /ffp/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .) at /ffp/lib/perl5/5.8.8/AutoLoader.pm line 160.
at /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/CPAN/Compress/Zlib.pm line 15
The following modules failed to load: DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD

To download and compile them, please run: /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/Bin/build-perl-modules.pl DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Compress::Zlib Digest::SHA1 YAML::Syck GD

And again, when running the suggested command I get all the errors like the ones in the beginning of the post. I've tried many things already but seem to get stuck again and again..



#11 2008-07-10 09:40:06

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Have you tried running build-perl-modules.pl with one module at a time in the arguments list; that will help pinpoint the exact problem ones?

I don't recall anything like the errors you're describing; but I did hit some problems. If you highlight the specific problem modules; I can double check just those.

Also, I assume you're using ffp 0.5 and have all of the right packages (I just installed them all).




#12 2008-07-11 21:01:38

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Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 4

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Ok thanks for the tip.. installing all packages did help a lot. I'm now stuck when building DBD::mysql with the problem you mentioned in the beginning. Can you explain your fix or can I get the .24 version somewhere?

Also, when I build GD it says 'all done' immediately without errors, but the package remains in the 'to build' list.

So, there's progress.. smile



#13 2008-07-13 18:14:37

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Registered: 2008-07-13
Posts: 2

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Hello smile

This is a very interesting thread, as Im trying to get Squeezecenter on my DNS-313.
Did you find a place to get MySQL 5.1.24-rc?


Last edited by Philox (2008-07-13 18:17:02)



#14 2008-07-14 00:53:59

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

The GD perl module requires libgd as a pre-req; you have to get, build, and install that separately prior to building the perl module.

I compiled 5.1.24-rc natively on my DNS-323 (takes a long time but I don't recall any big roadblocks; there was enough info in that thread to get it working) but I have not tried it yet. I'm using 5.1.23-rc from the mysql thread right now.

To work aroudn the 5.1.23-rc bug; you need to find "last_err" in the DBD::mysql source and replace it with "client_last_err"; I believe it was just a changes to a single .c file; but I don't have access to my unit right now so I can't verify.




#15 2008-07-16 20:50:05

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Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 4

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Still struggling but again progress. I can now start slimserver but I'm having problems with mysql. I'm using the .23 version with your fix.

Starting slimserver gives the following:

080716 19:39:53 [ERROR] Error message file '/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/MySQL/errmsg.sys' had only 463 error messages,
but it should contain at least 608 error messages.
Check that the above file is the right version for this program!
[08-07-16 19:40:22.7118] Slim::Utils::MySQLHelper::createSystemTables (433) FATAL: Couldn't connect to database: [Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/squeezecenter/Cache/squeezecenter-mysql.sock' (2)]

The Cache/mysql-error-log.txt says:

080716 19:31:24 [Note]
080716 19:34:10 [ERROR] /ffp/libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--innodb'
080716 19:34:10 [ERROR] Aborting

Any suggestions? Thanks again for the help so far!



#16 2008-07-21 07:05:51

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Registered: 2008-07-13
Posts: 2

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Vitoke: I had a similar error and followed this advice "Find the system version of errmsg.sys (probably in /usr/share/mysql/english) and copy it to /usr/local/SlimServer_v6.5.0/MySQL/". The mysql might not be started at all unless you copy that file.

Im getting the following error-message, but I can't figure out what is causing it:
[08-07-21 04:03:12.2074] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::enablePlugins (374) Couldn't load Slim::Plugin::PreventStandby::Plugin. Error: [-5]
Can't call method "log" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Log/Log4perl/Appender.pm line 189.

As far as I can see the PreventStandby::Plugin is only for win32, so should we find a way to disable it?
Anyone got an idea, what is causing the logger to fail?



#17 2008-07-21 11:10:31

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 231

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Question for those who got it running. How is the performance of Squeezecenter on the dns323/ch3snas with the standard 64mb memory? I really would like to get it running on my ch3snas and don't mind to wait till there are good instructions on howto install. But if the performance is not good then i might buy the new QNAP 109 with 256mb memory.



#18 2008-07-25 15:10:38

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Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Whenever a manual/howto is available, or even some short directions this would be great. Anyone that can provide?



#19 2009-08-11 16:04:14

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Registered: 2008-04-02
Posts: 1

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

Hi jdoering how did you manage to get DBD::mysql to work? could you explain how you "hacked" it to get around the problem? I have a problem in that I cannot get the DBD::mysql to pas tests before I install as below

make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /ffp/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
#   Failed test 'use DBD::mysql;'
#   at t/00base.t line 21.
#     Tried to use 'DBD::mysql'.
#     Error:  Can't load '/home/root/DBD-mysql-4.012/blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so' for module DBD::mysql: File not found at /ffp/lib/perl5/5.10.0/arm-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 201.
#  at (eval 5) line 2
# Compilation failed in require at (eval 5) line 2.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 5) line 2.
Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  Unable to load DBD::mysql
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1



#20 2009-09-02 18:22:25

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Registered: 2009-09-02
Posts: 2

Re: SqueezeCenter (aka SlimServer) 7.0.1 on DNS-323 WIP

I used the instructions from here (http://bfg100k.blogspot.com/2009/05/set … s-323.html) - worked perfectly first time



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