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#1 2009-09-08 19:03:43

New member
Registered: 2009-09-08
Posts: 3

Accessing from a MAC

Moved all my music to a DNS-323, it appears in ITunes but I can't drag any on the songs from the NAS to my ITouch. I can only play them on my mac. These are all non-DRM songs. Any idea's?



#2 2009-09-08 21:16:11

Registered: 2009-02-16
Posts: 39

Re: Accessing from a MAC

Well, it depends on how you're trying to accomplish this.

The DNS-323 firmware has an UPnP/iTunes server built into it.  All this does is share out a media/music folder on your network by broadcasting, "Hey, I'm an iTunes music library available over here, you can connect to me as an iTunes shared library!"

If this is what you did, then it's the same as if you were to see another computer on your local network running iTunes that has checked boxes to share its library.  It allows you to listen/stream songs from it, but not copy anything over to your own, local library database running on your own desktop.

Now, if you copied all of your music over to a share on the DNS-323, then went into iTunes on your local desktop, went to preferences and designated this network file share on the DNS-323 as your library location (via network mapped drive letter, SMB path, etc.), you're telling iTunes that this is the physical location of your own iTunes library, it just so happens that it's located on a network drive, rather than on a local drive.

In the first scenario, you would not be able to copy files from a shared iTunes library to an iPod Touch connected to your local computer, but in the second scenario, you would be allowed to, since it's your own library.

Also, you can have both of these scenarios running at the same time if wanted.  You could locate your iTunes library on the network share and also use the DNS-323's built-in iTunes server to then share that library out on the network so it would be accessible to stream from even if you computer were not turned on.



#3 2009-09-08 23:39:57

New member
Registered: 2009-09-08
Posts: 3

Re: Accessing from a MAC

I'm looking to share a single library via the NAS)among different users via ITunes. So save any downloaded music to the NAS and be able to drag n drop any Ixxxx for synching. I thought enabling the ITunes server option would do this so I need to go with the second scenario.

Last edited by jc8367 (2009-09-08 23:41:34)



#4 2009-09-11 03:58:27

New member
Registered: 2009-09-08
Posts: 3

Re: Accessing from a MAC

I did go into preferences>advanced and change the location to the shared drive on the NAS but nothing comes up in ITunes. I do have the share automatically come up at login so I know I can access it but nothing in ITunes. What else to I need to do in ITunes?



#5 2009-09-12 02:01:00

Registered: 2009-02-16
Posts: 39

Re: Accessing from a MAC

Okay, so it sounds like all you've done is changed the desired location of your iTunes library to point to \\yourdns323\Volume_1\whatever-your-share-name-is

Now you have to let iTunes add all the music into its library/database.

So, before you do the next step, to be clear, you changed the iTunes music library location in Prefs, but you currently have no music showing in your iTunes interface, right?

If that's the case, then I would go back into iTunes > Prefs and make sure the box to copy music to library location is unchecked (you will likely want to turn this back on after building the library/database).

Now, go into iTunes > File > Add to library > select the parent folder of all your music on the DNS-323 and click go/ok/choose/whatever in the dialog box window.  This could take a while, depending on how big your collection is.



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