DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2009-11-28 13:05:16

Registered: 2009-03-23
Posts: 7

New harddrive problem again

I installed a second harddrive in the cabinet. After reading all the suggestions here I took the old one out from left storage and put the new one in the left storage. After that I entered the web interface and followed the instruction and and formatted the drive. After that I shut down the dns and put the old one back but this time in the right storage as the webinterface suggested the the left storage was slot 2 and the right was slot 1. But when I restart the system my new hardrive was adressed as Volume_1 and my old was named Volume_2 and all my link therefore was wrong. So I switched back old one in the left and the new one in the right and restarted. Now every folder had the right link and the old one had the desired Volume_1 labeled. But now I cannot not reach my bittorrent client which was on the drive. When I try through my web UI I get this message " connection failed " if I try ssh I get " ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused " I found something similiar ( http://dns323.kood.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4473) and the suggestion was to put " If you drop the two funplug files from fonz (fun_plug and fun_plug.tgz) in the new drive and reboot ffp will install and run again on the new drive and your console access will be back. " I did this and I get the telnet back but I assume it just give me acces to the Volume_2 area and I want to get my old installation back. I can see in the log that my bottorrent client still works but I can not get any access to it. Is there any suggestion how to fix this or do I have to reinstall the funplug and transmission?



#2 2009-11-28 16:36:04

Registered: 2009-03-23
Posts: 7

Re: New harddrive problem again

OK I tried to take the new harddrive out and left the old one in left storage. Now everything is back to normal. But when I put the new one in again the web interface for the bittorrent is gone again though it still have the volume_1 label. Could it be that somethins is unlogical. For example the left storage is labeled Volum_1 but is considered slot2 and when the dns boot it looks first in the slot 1 which get labeled Volume_2



#3 2009-11-29 16:07:05

Registered: 2009-03-23
Posts: 7

Re: New harddrive problem again

OK, I solved the problem of my own. I had to start from the start. Taking out the new drive from the right slot as and reformat outside the cabinet using gparted. the put it in again in the cabinet this time in the left slot let the web ui reformat the new hardrive. Then I put the old hardrive in the right slot. And a miracle everything was back as it should and the new drive working as expected.



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