Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I had been getting disconnected from server when trying to use unison from computer to dns-323.
I installed a unison.ipk along with an ocaml.ipk I still have had no success in running unison from home computer rrr to the nas. This is with two different computers into the dns. Same version of unison ( 2.27.57 )on both computers and on the nas
1. I can utilize unison via root from the dns-323 to the computer box. example
unison ebooks/ ssh://pxyzzz@ Speed is not that bad. However it is not storing the results (example arfb0f11eef31a9389d65f2a9fc56067d0) on the nas. It does store the results on the home computer in ~/.unison
unison.log of aborted
Fatal error: Warning: inconsistent state.
The archive file is missing on some hosts.
For safety, the remaining copies should be deleted.
Archive ar49d0bb9f3f6d1d778c761128509cd623 on host blinker is MISSING
Archive ara2d3661bc33e90e690b99b5a5637c3b7 on host rrrr should be DELETED
Please delete archive files as appropriate and try again.
I have found out that adduser will not persist without a script but that I can have a persistent user via the web administration of the dns-323. I then can keep permissions synced. I have changed ownership persistently of data files from nobody:501 to pxyzzz:501 on the dns-323 sucessfully.
So since I am running as root via ssh on the dns-323 - for storing Archives ar... would I put a directory called .unison in mnt/HD_a2/ipkg/opt/etc or mnt/HD_a2/ffp/etc ? I notice that I have a unison.log in /home/root but I would guess that gets wiped when the dns-323 is powered down.
2. Any ideas of how to use unison from the computer to the dns-323? What obvious thing am I missing? The Ubuntu boxen does not seem to be able to see the unison program on the dns-323 when I do
unison /media/bup/foo/ root@ssh.
much praise to the compiler of the .ipk for unison and ocaml
First you have to create a symlink from /opt/bin/unison to /bin/unison:
root@HOME_SAN:~# ls -al /bin/unison
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 31 14:48 /bin/unison -> /opt/bin/unison
Then don't ssh using root. create a user (user1) with a home directory for instance in :/mnt/HD_a2/home/user1:
To do everything, just use the following optware.sh script in /ffp/start/ (Adapt it of course with your own users etc...):
root@HOME_SAN:~# cat /ffp/start/opware.sh
mkdir -p /opt
mount --bind /mnt/HD_a2/.system/ipkg/opt /opt
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin
## FOR UNISON (I use usermod because those 2 users already exists... created using the DNS323 web interface)
ln -s /opt/bin/unison /bin/unison
usermod -d /mnt/HD_a2/home/jerome/ -s /ffp/bin/sh jerome
usermod -d /mnt/HD_a2/home/claire/ -s /ffp/bin/sh claire
for i in /opt/etc/init.d/S??* ;do
[ ! -f "$i" ] && continue
case "$i" in
set start
. $i
$i start
hey, can please someone share the binary of unison, tried to cross compile without success.
The binary should run on a zyxel nsa-220 plus?:
Linux nsa220 #24 Sat Apr 10 22:09:41 CEST 2010 armv5tejl unknown
thx, patrick
http://rapidshare.com/files/315265128/u … m.ipk.html
The filedropper one worked for me in July 09 peace.
I still haven't gotten it figured out how to put ~/moi into the dns, but unison does work on my dns for me.
can you please share the binary of unison for dns323?
the links don't work anymore.
Strange, the email I use to register for forums, I only visit a few times a year. today I did.
MY DNS-323 works, but I have to reconfigure a router, old one died, to get into it and get the unison.ipk and ocaml.ipk I do not today have acess to the unison or ocaml .ipk's
My unison is 2.27, I had to down grade to that when I went to #! on my box.
Maybe unison and ocaml are part of busy box now. first try ipkg update then ipkg listall | less to see if it is available. (double check on syntax via ipkg --help) I will work on the router.
Thanks. But ocaml and unison are not in the latest busybox. So still expect to see a compiled binary.
Last edited by bearguts (2010-12-13 02:39:30)
Here it is for unison: http://rapidshare.com/files/437031176/u … -2_arm.ipk
Thanks for sharing. I managed to install it with ocaml. Installation fine, but running unison complains about "cannot run binary file" on DNS 323. I guess it is something related to DNS323 platform.
bearguts wrote:
Thanks for sharing. I managed to install it with ocaml. Installation fine, but running unison complains about "cannot run binary file" on DNS 323. I guess it is something related to DNS323 platform.
Strange... it runs perfectly on my DNS 323....
I run the command "file unison", and get the following output. Not sure that indicates the reason or not.
#file unison
unison: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
bearguts wrote:
I run the command "file unison", and get the following output. Not sure that indicates the reason or not.
#file unison
unison: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
Did you installed the correct ipk package??? I provided you with an arm one:
root@HOME_SAN:~# file /opt/bin/unison
/opt/bin/unison: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped