DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2006-11-15 06:22:25

New member
Registered: 2006-11-15
Posts: 3

Is the US RevB (or A) compatible in Europe?

I have a DSM-G600 with the eu firmware. I bought the device for its uPNP features to stream media files to a DSM-320. I first started streaming from a PC hard disk with the software from the CD that came with the 320. If you changed or added new mp3's then you could do a rescan to have them feature on the navigation menu on the 320.

However, with the G600, it has the media server embedded. In the eu version you cannot rescan the files/folders to recognise new files added nor changes to files already loaded. This was fixed on the US firmware. I logged a support request with DLink in the English site and it sat ignored for a whole month, and was then closed without reply.

There has been no update to the eu firmware since March 2006, (it is nearly year 2007 guys!).

So without the ability to rescan the media folders I have not used the G600.

If the US firmware can be loaded it might solve my problem, because DLink certainly are not!




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