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#1 2010-03-17 22:44:18

Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 27

transmission crashes my 323..

this is weird, and it just started happening.  as soon as transmission starts downloading, both of my HDD lights turn orange, and I get an error in the transmission webUI, saying that I dont have sufficient HD space.  I do have plenty of space, and I can add files other ways no problem.  What is going on here?





#2 2010-03-17 23:17:15

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 229

Re: transmission crashes my 323..

Your root filesystem is filling up.  It is in ram and is quite small:


root@Toaster:~# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                9.7M  7.4M  1.9M  80% /
/dev/root             9.7M  7.4M  1.9M  80% /
/dev/loop0            5.7M  5.7M     0 100% /sys/crfs
/dev/sda2             916G  409G  508G  45% /mnt/HD_a2
/dev/sdb2             916G  273G  644G  30% /mnt/HD_b2
/dev/sda4             487M  1.5M  485M   1% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sdb4             487M  7.0K  487M   1% /mnt/HD_b4

Transmission is probably writing a log file, some temp files, or even the downloaded torrents themselves to a directory in the root filesystem.  You should probably go into the Transmission config files and look for settings that might cause this.  You'll want to alter such configurations so that space in /dev/sda2 (/mnt/HD_a2) is used instead.

This means not putting files in

/bin, /default, /etc, /home, /lib, /mnt (except as noted above), /proc, /root, /sbin, /sys, /tmp, /usr, /var, /web

/tmp is a strong possibility for temp files.  /var is also a popular place for log files.

If you have ffp or optware, then writing files to /ffp or /opt, respectively, is often OK since they are mounts or symlinks into the actual hard disk, where all your space is.  For example, logs to /opt/var/log instead of /var/log.

find / -xdev -type f -size +16k

is a useful command for finding culprits in the root (ram disk) filesystem.  The -xdev option will make it look only in rootfs and the size option only displays large files, as might be the case with a torrent download.  I only see about 20 files with this command on my system.  So it would be easy to notice something out of place.

Life will be much better after you fix this.

DNS-323 FW 1.07 : 2 1TB WD Caviar Green SATA : fun_plug: utelnet + optware (no ffp)



#3 2010-03-17 23:38:04

Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 27

Re: transmission crashes my 323..

Here is what I am getting:


root@dlink-67C24D:/# find / -xdev -type f -size +16k 

I don't see any transmission config files.  Can I erase those tmp files for my printer?




#4 2010-03-17 23:50:15

Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 27

Re: transmission crashes my 323..

hmm, my / is at 80% as well...


 df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    9.7M      7.3M      1.9M  80% /
/dev/root                 9.7M      7.3M      1.9M  80% /
/dev/loop0                5.6M      5.6M         0 100% /sys/crfs
/dev/sda2                 1.3T    444.9G    928.3G  32% /mnt/HD_a2
/dev/sdb2                 1.3T    485.3G    887.8G  35% /mnt/HD_b2
/dev/sda4               486.2M      1.5M    484.7M   0% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sdb4               486.2M      7.0k    486.2M   0% /mnt/HD_b4



#5 2010-03-18 00:03:55

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 229

Re: transmission crashes my 323..

I don't have an explanation then.  You have the same files as I do in the root.  I was pretty sure that was the problem, as I also had the orange lights come on when a script bug I had wrote large downloads into the root filesystem.

It isn't the Transmission configuration files themselves that we care about, since they are small and are likely in /ffp or /opt (not the root) since we want them around after a reboot.  What we do care about is a setting IN the config files that might say something like:

TorrentDestinationDirectory = /home/root


LogFileDir = /var/log

Both of these settings would have used up rootfs space.

Hmm, if you are checking this after a reboot or when Transmission is NOT running, you won't see anything unusual.

Maybe you could try watching the disk space and large files WHILE Transmission is downloading something.

Also, inspect your transmission configuration files to see if there is anything like what I mentioned above.

DNS-323 FW 1.07 : 2 1TB WD Caviar Green SATA : fun_plug: utelnet + optware (no ffp)



#6 2010-03-18 17:45:00

Registered: 2010-02-25
Posts: 27

Re: transmission crashes my 323..

karlrado wrote:

I don't have an explanation then.  You have the same files as I do in the root.  I was pretty sure that was the problem, as I also had the orange lights come on when a script bug I had wrote large downloads into the root filesystem.

It isn't the Transmission configuration files themselves that we care about, since they are small and are likely in /ffp or /opt (not the root) since we want them around after a reboot.  What we do care about is a setting IN the config files that might say something like:

TorrentDestinationDirectory = /home/root


LogFileDir = /var/log

Both of these settings would have used up rootfs space.

Hmm, if you are checking this after a reboot or when Transmission is NOT running, you won't see anything unusual.

Maybe you could try watching the disk space and large files WHILE Transmission is downloading something.

Also, inspect your transmission configuration files to see if there is anything like what I mentioned above.

I couldn't find a log file, or a my torrent destination directory anywhere, so I just set up new ones.  That must have been the issue because it is working again, Thanks.



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