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#1 2010-08-14 08:56:47

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 16

High cpu usage by Transmission

I installed transmission2.03-1 from Kylek's repo. Installed fine. Fired up transmission and a few torrents.

However I notice three problems:

1. High cpu usage. running top command shows upto 80% cpu usage. Please see attached screen shot file for more info.

2. I notice multiple instances of the transmission-daemon showing up in the list of running processes? Is this normal? Can someone confirm?

3. Transmission sometimes stops by itself. I have then ssh into the NAS and then start transmission again.

Anyone have any suggestions or fixes?


Attachment Icon Screenshot-Terminal.png, Size: 481,389 bytes, Downloads: 268



#2 2010-08-15 13:48:10

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

THe only one I can answer is #2. It is normal to have more than one process/thread for transmission. I haven't seen the other issues you mention.

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#3 2010-08-16 18:34:05

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

1) Is there any activity in the transmission? Such usage may appear while rehashing or hi-speed downloading|uploading.
2) normal
3) what you see in logs? If nothing then try to run transmission in screen. (search KyleK's transmission thread for howto)



#4 2010-08-17 02:06:51

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 16

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Thanks for your replies!

1. I see the point. If transmission crashes, then the rehashing has to happen, which can consume cpu cycles. I think this could be the case, because I checked the process using the top command after 30 minutes after power up, I saw only 5 transmission processes and cpu was more like 25%.

2. Good to know its normal.

3. I will read through the big thread. If you could post the relevant post that you want me to read, it would be very helpful.

Thanks again.



#5 2010-08-17 03:16:15

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Something like that:

KyleK wrote:

1. Install this.
2. Open a new screen by simply typing "screen".
3. Make sure Transmission is shutdown (/ffp/start/transmission.sh stop, wait a little while)
4. Start Transmission in foreground:


$ transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

5. You should see normal Transmission output right in the console. You can also check if it works correctly by accessing the web interface.



#6 2010-08-17 09:11:47

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 16

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Installed screen and have been running transmission. Transmission crashed once, but I could not open the log. It complained about not being able to open the log.

root@nas:~# cat /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/transmission-daemon.log
[21:38:29.301] Couldn't read "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json": Permission denied
[21:38:29.302] transmission-daemon Error loading config file -- exiting. (daemon.c:421)

Also I now notice that I can't open transmission normally

root@rnvnas:~# sh /ffp/start/transmission.sh start

does not start the transmission process. But running through kylek's screen option does. and I can see the output on the screen.

Edited: To remove irrelavent info.

Last edited by vishnumrao (2010-08-17 18:34:39)



#7 2010-08-19 22:16:01

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 16

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Bump!!! Anyone have suggestion?

1. I can't open the transmission log.

2. Now I notice that I can run transmission on screen, but transmission will not run otherwise.

Help appreciated!



#8 2010-08-19 23:29:59

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission


chmod -R 0777 /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

Try this and then run transmission again.



#9 2010-08-22 08:44:11

Registered: 2010-08-09
Posts: 16

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

I tired the suggestion.  I was able to read the logs but noticed nothing unusual. It had the same contents as what was being printed out when transmission was run using the command

transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

I have been experimenting  a little bit. I notice that if I run 3 torrents or less, transmission is stable. It has not crashed in the last 5 hours. But if I have 4 or more transmission crashes. Even if I have total of 10 torrents, with only 3 running, transmission crashes. but if I remove 7 paused torrents no problem. Any clue why it could be happening?

Last edited by vishnumrao (2010-08-22 09:10:57)



#10 2010-08-22 16:05:23

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Very strange. I've had 20 or so running without a problem.

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#11 2010-08-22 20:02:59

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: High cpu usage by Transmission

Maybe clean install from the scratch will help.



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