Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I have an acer easystore which is quite similar to the 323 I think. I just got one problem: after rebooting I have to run the programs manually and insert the cronjobs also by hand. I inserted the stuff I want on restart in the es_plug file (for 323 fun_plug) but it doesnt work. For example to run lighttp I put in the es_plug the following line;
sh /ffp/start/lighttp.sh start
But it does not start. what do I have to do to get it started automatically.
Is that line the only line in es_plug? I think the script should at least contain:
#!/ffp/bin/sh export PATH=/ffp/sbin:/ffp/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin sh /ffp/start/lighttp.sh start
and the script might have to be executable.
But I think it's a better idea to call rc instead:
#!/ffp/bin/sh /ffp/etc/rc start
and make the services which have to be started executable in /ffp/start
Hi again,
does it have to be #!/ffp/bin/sh ? my file starts with #!/bin/sh and afterwards some variables and the
sh /ffp/start/sshd.sh start
sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh start
and so one. So ssh starts at the beginning but all the other stuff I but in there doesnt do nothing.
What is rc ?
Thanks again
does it have to be #!/ffp/bin/sh ?
Maybe. the shell specified after #! is used to execute the script. When you specify /bin/sh the internal shell of the firmware is used, which could be too simple to execute the script, while /ffp/bin/sh is sufficient.
/ffp/start/lighttpd.sh internally specifies /ffp/bin/sh again, so only your 'variables' are influenced by this header. On the other hand, you specify 'sh' explicitly to execute /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh, which overrules the specification in this script. Which sh is used (/bin/sh or /ffp/bin/sh) depends on whether you specified /ffp/bin in the beginning of the PATH variable or not.
What is rc ?
/ffp/etc/rc is a script which is designed to start (or stop) all executable scripts in /ffp/start
If the scripts are in the ffp/start directory, and are executable, then you don't need another script to call them, they will be run automatically when ffp starts.
Define 'starting ffp'
Thanks a lot, everything is working!!