DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2010-10-07 00:02:33

Registered: 2010-10-06
Posts: 29

Default "/usr/include" content ?

Dear all DNS-323 users,

I think I might mess up with my DNS-323
I installed fun_plug 0.5 and tried to build a samsung patched version of minidlna
It failed to compiled as it did not find the usual librairies (it was lokkin in /usr/include and not in /ffp/include).
So I decided to add a link inside fun_plug so each time it starts files in ffp/include will be found when looking in /usr/include

But I guess I'm a newbie as I added  a "ln -sf /ffp/include /usr/include" which I think delete the original files from /usr/include with the one from /ffp/include.

I want to remove this link but before doing so I'm afraind I won't (may be) be able to boot anymore...
So could you please tell me if I'm wrong ?
Could some one help me to restore the orginal content of /usr/include (a tar which I'll untar in /usr/include will be the easiest way I think) ?

So any vonlunteers ?

BTW minidlna using a patch recreates the look and fell of Samsung PC Share Manager and include also chapters navigation (5 thumbnails),  subtitles menu, video thumbnails, replay at last position inside a video (bookmark).

Last edited by fboulange (2010-10-07 00:05:51)

DNS-323 1.9 ~ miniDLNA Samsung patched ~Transmission 2.10



#2 2010-10-07 18:43:50

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 229

Re: Default "/usr/include" content ?

In my version of the firmware, 1.07, there is no /usr/include.  If that is the also the case with your firmware version, then you can simply remove the "ln -sf /ffp/include /usr/include" from your fun_plug and reboot.  You can also just "rm /usr/include" to remove the symlink instead of rebooting.

If your firmware does have a /usr/include, which I doubt, then removing the "ln -sf /ffp/include /usr/include" from the fun_plug and rebooting it should make the boot process rebuild /usr/include in the ram disk root filesystem.  But again, I doubt that this is the case.

So, no need for anyone to send you a tar file - there isn't anything in /usr/include.

When you build packages on a system like this, the headers and libs for dependent modules might be installed someplace other than relative to the root, such as relative to /opt or /ffp.  In these cases, it is FAR better to simply point your build/config scripts at these non-root-relative locations, instead of making a big mess of your system with symlinks, etc.  All good build/config systems let you specify directories for it to use to search for include files, etc.

DNS-323 FW 1.07 : 2 1TB WD Caviar Green SATA : fun_plug: utelnet + optware (no ffp)



#3 2010-10-07 21:39:07

Registered: 2010-10-06
Posts: 29

Re: Default "/usr/include" content ?

Cheers karlrado for your help and tips.
I've removed the link and reboot and everything is fine...
Now I'll have to build my minidlna correctly smile
Thanks again, I was afraid to brck my DNS-323 !


DNS-323 1.9 ~ miniDLNA Samsung patched ~Transmission 2.10



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