Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I'm not able to access the ftp server from outside my network
I have a Dlink Router
I setup the FTP server to use port 1265
I setup my dlink Router to forward port 1265 to the ip of the DNS-323
Am I missing anything ? I had a ftp server on my workstation a long time ago and I don't remember anything else that was needed.
Internal works fine.
When I try from firefox - it connects but the directory is empty
When I use SmartFTP - here is the log (I put xx for my ip and login) I think this passive mode log on the bottom might be an issue as i did not enable passive mode on the DNS-323
12:14:16] SmartFTP v4.0.1140.0
[12:14:16] Resolving host name "xx.xx.xx.215"
[12:14:16] Connecting to xx.xxx.xx.215 Port: 1265
[12:14:17] Connected to xx.xx.xx.215.
[12:14:17] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[12:14:17] 220-You are user number 1 of 10 allowed.
[12:14:17] 220-Local time is now 11:14. Server port: 1265.
[12:14:17] 220-This server supports FXP transfers
[12:14:17] 220 You will be disconnected after 2 minutes of inactivity.
[12:14:17] USER xxxx
[12:14:17] 331 User xxx OK. Password required
[12:14:17] PASS (hidden)
[12:14:17] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[12:14:17] SYST
[12:14:17] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:14:17] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:14:17] RTT: 95.172 ms
[12:14:17] FEAT
[12:14:17] 211-Extensions supported:
[12:14:17] EPRT
[12:14:17] IDLE
[12:14:17] MDTM
[12:14:17] SIZE
[12:14:17] REST STREAM
[12:14:17] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[12:14:17] MLSD
[12:14:17] ESTP
[12:14:17] PASV
[12:14:17] EPSV
[12:14:17] SPSV
[12:14:17] ESTA
[12:14:17] AUTH TLS
[12:14:17] PBSZ
[12:14:17] PROT
[12:14:17] 211 End.
[12:14:17] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[12:14:17] PWD
[12:14:17] 257 "/" is your current location
[12:14:17] TYPE A
[12:14:17] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[12:14:17] PASV
[12:14:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,10,0,100,217,46)
[12:14:18] Passive ip address returned from server different from server ip.
[12:14:18] Opening data connection to Port: 55598
[12:14:18] MLSD
[12:14:39] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
There are two issues that you need to deal with ...
- the first is that if you plan to use passive mode ftp you need to forward the range of ports used by the ftp server to the DNS-323
- the second is that your DNS-323 is sending it's internal address in response to the PASV request - you need to tell it to send the router's public address.
Please note - that if the router's public address changes, you will need to make the same change in the DNS-323 's ftp server configuration everytime it changes - I believe this is a bug in the firmware.
Hello Voine.
The way I fixed this problem is first using the fonz funplug to enable telnet. Then login with telnet. In your router forward port 1265 to your nas and the (for example) passive port range 4500-4600.
Then type this:
Step 1: type: vi /pasv-ftp
This wil open the text editor.
Step 2: push the "a" button
Step 3: copy and past the text from below
#/bin/sh ip=externalip # Vul hier jouw extern IP in port=1265 # FTP poort pbegin=4500 # FTP PASV portrange begin en eind pend=4600 killall pure-ftpd pure-ftpd -A -E -I 5 -K -W -S,$port -P $ip -p $pbegin:$pend &
Step 4: :w (return) then :q (return)
Step 5: Type the following text: chmod 770 /pasv-ftp
Step 6: Type: ./pasv-ftp
This will reboot the FTP service.
Now you will be able to login with workin passive mode. Be sure when you login in localy to disable passive mode on your client ftp software.
Hope this will help!
Last edited by Mukkie2007 (2010-10-08 23:00:11)
You can configure the passive port range using the web interface - there's no need to use telnet.