Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I am aware of the clock drift problems but can anyone tell me if its the system clock or the RTC that drifts, from what i could make out on the wiki it seems as if the system clock is the only one to drift (http://dns323.kood.org/howto:reduce_clock_drift)
i belive there is a package for checking drift time of a system clock thats more automated than that, from memeory it also alloms the time to be pulled and sent to the rtc saving alot of work. will post the link when i remeber the name
The DNS-323 comes with the /usr/sbin/sntp executable which can be run in a daemon mode to keep things synced. When I was tinkering around with this a few weeks ago (after reading the wiki of course,) I reset the RTC from the system after making sure it was accurate by executing /usr/sbin/rtc -w
Below is my fun_plug and I've attached the script I created for kicking off sntp. Hope this helps you.
DNS-323 2x Western Digital WD5000AAKS 500GB SATAII (3.0Gb/s) 7200RPM 16MB RAID1 FW1.03 ext2
#!/bin/sh # fun_plug # # Start the telnet daemon # /mnt/HD_a2/starttelnet.sh # Adjust Clock 'ticks' to account for drift /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/busybox3 adjtimex -t 9960 # # Adjust TimeZone setting # USA, East Coast is 5 hours earlier than UTC # Daylight Savings Time start/stop is: # 2nd Sunday in March, 1st Sunday in November # 2:00AM is default switch time. # echo 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' > /etc/TZ # Replace CRON jobs crontab -r echo '*/10 * * * * /usr/sbin/getdhcp&' > /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root # Kick off the network time daemon /mnt/HD_a2/start_sntp.sh
For what I could tell (testing on fw v1.02 USA)
the system clock drifts in one direction and the rtc clock drifts in the other direction.
the rtc drifts much slower than the system.
The way D-link handles this clock drift issue (with native firmware) is with a nightly root cron task.
This cron task sets the 'quickly drifting' system time to the 'slowly drifting' rtc time at 2:30am.
I've attached a plot of the hourly time with the default D-link time management enabled (max drift ~5 min)
Last edited by mig (2007-06-16 10:45:35)
I manage the time drift on my DNS-323 by:
1 first use the 'adjtimex -t 9960' command
2 then execute a script 'ntp_sync.sh'
which uses sntp to sync the DNS-323 system time with my in-house time server
and then sync the DNS-323 rtc to the DNS-323 system time
3 then remove any cron tasks with either 'daylight' or 'rtc' in the command
4 then install a new cron task to run the 'ntp_sync.sh' at 2:05am every day.
the above logic is implemented in the fun_plug and associated initialization scripts.
This attachment is a plot of hourly time with my time management enabled. (max drift ~5 seconds)
Last edited by mig (2007-06-18 03:53:07)
I've changed a little bit the startup script from fonz (timezone.sh) and combined the ideas already submitted, so that the time is set every hour from ntp and written daily to the RTC, some little changes to the crontab to reflect this and to stop the rtc and daylight tasks.
@fonz: maybe you can check it and implement it in your funplug (I love it, thanks a lot).
btw: How can I make an attachement?
mre wrote:
I've changed a little bit the startup script from fonz (timezone.sh) and combined the ideas already submitted, so that the time is set every hour from ntp and written daily to the RTC, some little changes to the crontab to reflect this and to stop the rtc and daylight tasks.
@fonz: maybe you can check it and implement it in your funplug (I love it, thanks a lot).
btw: How can I make an attachement?
Sounds very interesting to me!
Attachment: When you write a meesage to this forum there is an extra field under the message field named "attachment" and a button right next to it to browse and select an attachment. Should be straight forward.
@hennemtk Thanks, there is a difference between Post and Quickpost (with and w/o attachment ). Nice to know. So 'll take Post for attachments.
Would be fine, if you could monitor the sntp process over one or 2 days or so (ps -A should be enough) to see if it's still working. You can make timezone.sh executable, so it becames autostartable (see fonz funplug readme for details).
Slightly modified the script, so please use the new timezone.sh.
Last edited by mre (2007-08-06 16:39:09)
mre wrote:
Slightly modified the script, so please use the new timezone.sh.
So the only change is the replace the timezone.sh i the start directroy and chmod 777 timezone.sh, right? I guess i did it right because there is now a sntp.log and fun_plug.log tells me that timezon.sh was started.
Great, thanks :-)
Better change the fun_plug file directly an forget the timezone.sh. The process dies from time to time and so you have the drift again. My NAS runs for 24/7 and I don't like to check if the process s still running. So here are my changes for fun_plug, insert it and all is fine
#SET correct Timezone on every boot ** BEGIN **
#SET the TZ for Berlin
export TZ
#Adjust Clock 'ticks' to account for drift or RTC time
${BINDIR}/busybox adjtimex -t 9960
# Replace CRON jobs and append sntp job for executing every hour at x.03 o'clock
# Write RTC time from system time every day at 2.32 a.m.
crontab -l |sed -e '/rtc\ -c/d' -e '/daylight/d' -e 's/rtc\ -s/rtc\ -w/g' -e '$a03 * * * * /usr/sbin/sntp -r -P no de.pool.ntp.org &' |crontab -
# executing the time protocol every boot to set correct time during boot up process
/usr/sbin/sntp -r -P no de.pool.ntp.org 1>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 &
# #SET correct Timezone on every boot ** END **
Salve Mike
mre wrote:
Better change the fun_plug file directly an forget the timezone.sh. The process dies from time to time and so you have the drift again. My NAS runs for 24/7 and I don't like to check if the process s still running. So here are my changes for fun_plug, insert it and all is fine.
Just a stupid question fom a Linux Dummy like me: You mean to insert the lines of code from Your previous post in the fun_plug file and remove the timezone.sh file, right? Or is the timezone.sh still required. How can i see that it works, i just tried it and there is no entry in the fun_plug.log.
Does this keep the time correctly or does it just set the correct time at startup time?
Here is my complete fun_plug (using a CH3SNAS), is that all correct?
My fun_plug wrote:
export VOL1
export VOL2
export ETCDIR
export BINDIR
export LIBDIR
export LOGDIR
export LOGFILE
export PATH
umask 022
mkdir -p ${FUNPLUGDIR} ${LOGDIR}
echo "**** fun_plug script for DNS-323 (2007-07-22 tp@fonz.de) ****" >>${LOGFILE}
date >>${LOGFILE}
if [ -r "${FUNPLUGTAR}" ]; then
echo "* Extracting ${FUNPLUGTAR}..." >>${LOGFILE}
/bin/tar -xv -f ${FUNPLUGTAR} -C ${FUNPLUGDIR} 1>>${LOGFILE} 2>&1
echo "* Deleting ${FUNPLUGTAR}..." >>${LOGFILE}
# suid busybox
if [ -e ${BINDIR}/busybox ]; then
chown root.root ${BINDIR}/busybox
chmod 0755 ${BINDIR}/busybox
chmod u+s ${BINDIR}/busybox
echo "${LIBDIR}" >>/etc/ld.so.conf
if [ -d "${FUNPLUGDIR}/start" ]; then
for fun_plug_script in ${FUNPLUGDIR}/start/*.sh; do
if [ -x "${fun_plug_script}" ]; then
echo "* Running ${fun_plug_script} start ..." >>${LOGFILE}
${fun_plug_script} start 1>>${LOGFILE} 2>&1
echo "* ${fun_plug_script} not executable..." >>${LOGFILE}
echo "* ${FUNPLUGDIR}/start: Directory not found"
echo "* Done" >>${LOGFILE}
#SET correct Timezone on every boot ** BEGIN **
#SET the TZ for Berlin
export TZ
#Adjust Clock 'ticks' to account for drift or RTC time
${BINDIR}/busybox adjtimex -t 9960
# Replace CRON jobs and append sntp job for executing every hour at x.03 o'clock
# Write RTC time from system time every day at 2.32 a.m.
crontab -l |sed -e '/rtc\ -c/d' -e '/daylight/d' -e 's/rtc\ -s/rtc\ -w/g' -e '$a03 * * * * /usr/sbin/sntp -r -P no de.pool.ntp.org &' |crontab -
# executing the time protocol every boot to set correct time during boot up process
/usr/sbin/sntp -r -P no de.pool.ntp.org 1>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 &
# #SET correct Timezone on every boot ** END **
# restart samba
# firefly itunes server
# twonkymedia upnp server
AHHH, the line "Write RTC time from system time every day at 2.32 a.m" explains it. It corrects the time every deay at 2.32, not permanently or every 10 minutes :-)
Last edited by cybermike (2007-10-14 09:52:37)
Not really correct,
#Replace CRON jobs and append sntp job for executing every hour at x.03 o'clock
So every hour at 3 minutes after full clock the time is set with the sntp command. So you have the correct time with minimal drift. And the process doesn't run permanently.
# Write RTC time from system time every day at 2.32 a.m.
This syncs both times on the NAS. (The system and the RTC clock, have a look at the wiki to understand the differences).
BTW: You can telnet to the NAS and execute "crontab -l" to see the new cronjobs.
I have a small question about my dns-323 , it's always 20 minutes in advance to my normal time ...
If I change the time , it is of course rechanged by night ( by the RTC's command in the crontab )
What's the simpliest way to make this at the correct time ... ( so 20 minutes before ) ?
It's really enoying as my Dns-323 is running squeezecenter and is the place where my squeezebox takes the time it shows when not beeing playing music !
-- update --
For information
Here is the content of the crontab :
32 2 * * * /usr/sbin/rtc -s
30 2 2 * * /usr/sbin/rtc -c
59 1 * * * /usr/sbin/daylight &
Thanks for the answers.
Last edited by cryoglobe (2009-02-22 10:11:17)