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Hi all,
I'm having some trouble installing Transmission, and I think it has something to do with my 'nobody' user.
Basically I need to run a command in the format:
#su -c nobody "<some transmission command>"
and I get some error that
su: cannot run /bin/sh:/ffp/bin/bash: No such file or directory
So I did some testing, and I only get this problem when I try and run a command as the nobody user.
# su -c nobody "echo Hi" su: cannot run /bin/sh:/ffp/bin/bash: No such file or directory # su -c root "echo Hi" Hi # su -c brent "echo Hi" Hi
I was following a guide the other day which was doing something with the nobody user (something I didn't understand) and I guess that I've buggered it up.
Is there some way to reset the nobody user to the 'default'?
Check this thread
See if user nobody is correct in your passwd file.
what does your passwd file even have in it?
try 'cat /etc/passwd' and post results.
Also, is it possible that the PATH is not set for the user nobody? Or is PATH a global environment variable and not a user variable?
Hi guys,
Thanks for the replies, and indeed both of you were correct about the problem.
For some reason I'd changed the 'nobody' user info so /etc/passwd was stuffed.
All fixed up now by changing back to how it should be with
usermod -s /bin/sh nobody
(Thanks to KyleK in the Transmission thread for the code)