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Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2010-12-21 06:10:18

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

Looked and didn't see anything about this.

I've just finally updated to 1.09 from 1.05, partly due to the availability of the "easy" Firefly add-on from Dlink. (Through disuse I've lost the little Linux capability I picked up when I first got the drive, so I was looking forward to the "easy" firefly install.  ;-) )

After the FW update and a restart I installed the add-on (version 1.0) and enabled it.

I go back to the iTunes server tab and click on the launch interface button, and no matter how long I wait (minutes or hours) it keeps telling me it's initializing the firefly database and never completes. 

Also, once I enable the add-on, the drive becomes inaccessible from my computers...drive not found errors.

I've tried it multiple times, removed and re-added the add-on, restarted the drive multiple times, reset factory defaults, etc., to no avail.

I have an old version of fun plug installed (from 2007) but don't really have any customizations in place. 

I'd really appreciate it if anyone has any troubleshooting advice on this.  Making me a bit crazy...

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#2 2010-12-21 10:43:04

Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 81

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

I saw this first posted on the dlink bulletin board
There are a number of settings for the indexing.  Cant remember their names.  One is monster, next normal and last is minimal or somesuch.
Use normal.  Mega seems to do a really good job on mp3 duration - minutes and seconds.  For me close enough, is close enough. 
40,000 tracks takes WELL OVER 24 hours to index the first time.  After that use incremental. 
Neither you or the other poster has said how many you are working with.  Dont be coy. 
Also do a search - someone said that each track takes up a certain space of the memory - i dont remember the details and that too can overload the DNS323.



#3 2010-12-21 19:10:49

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

Biscotte wrote:

I saw this first posted on the dlink bulletin board
There are a number of settings for the indexing.  Cant remember their names.  One is monster, next normal and last is minimal or somesuch.
Use normal.  Mega seems to do a really good job on mp3 duration - minutes and seconds.  For me close enough, is close enough. 
40,000 tracks takes WELL OVER 24 hours to index the first time.  After that use incremental. 
Neither you or the other poster has said how many you are working with.  Dont be coy. 
Also do a search - someone said that each track takes up a certain space of the memory - i dont remember the details and that too can overload the DNS323.

Thanks for the reply.

There are about 1500 folders (organized by artist) and some greater number of subfolders, obviously...total of about 115GB of files.

Where do you get access to any settings for indexing?  As I noted, the Launch Interface button doesn't do anything except bring up the message that the database is being initialized, which blocks me from getting to any settings as far as I can tell.

I'm fine waiting for the indexing to complete (upnp AV indexing of my Media folder took two days), but unlike the upnp AV indexing, I lose all access to the drive while firefly is enabled/indexing.  Not only is that unacceptable for our use of our home network, it also seems to tell me that Firefly is getting hung up and locking up the drive, not just taking a long time to index...

I've ordered two new 2TB drives to replace the 500GB ones I'm running...hoping that the additional space may help, but if this a ram issue on the DNS-323, then maybe I'm hosed.  Maybe my music library is just too large? 

The strange/annoying part is that the stock iTunes server in the previous version of the FW worked fine on the same library...so why this would not work is odd.

Last edited by DNS-323 Talker (2010-12-21 19:20:40)

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#4 2010-12-21 21:42:07

Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 81

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

I use the front door to get in

‘’Advanced’’ tab – ‘’itunes server’’ – ‘’launch interface’’
Then go to ‘’Help’’ and it tells you most of what you want to know.
Only thing that I don’t like is that it only recognises some of my m3u files.  The ‘smart playlists’ routine is dire.  Oh, and I have no idea where it stores the database.



#5 2010-12-22 01:30:18

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

Biscotte wrote:

I use the front door to get in

‘’Advanced’’ tab – ‘’itunes server’’ – ‘’launch interface’’
Then go to ‘’Help’’ and it tells you most of what you want to know.
Only thing that I don’t like is that it only recognises some of my m3u files.  The ‘smart playlists’ routine is dire.  Oh, and I have no idea where it stores the database.

Thanks....but as I've said a couple of times, if I have Firefly installed/enabled, the Launch Interface button only displays the message:  Initializing database.

If I don't have Firefly installed/enabled, the Launch Interface button is disabled. 

Thanks anyway.

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#6 2011-01-12 05:10:14

Registered: 2011-01-11
Posts: 11

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

I'm having the same issue.

I originally configured Firefly under 1.08, and later upgraded to 1.09 and Firefly kept working just fine.  But I just upgraded both drives in my DNS-323.  Had to reinstall the Firefly add-on, and now only get the initializing database message...  Frustrating.



#7 2011-01-12 05:34:18

Registered: 2011-01-11
Posts: 11

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

Quick Update... 

I went ahead and disabled then uninstalled the Firefly add-on and rebooted the DNS-323.  I figured I'd try to use the ffp pkg for Firefly (but not tonight).

After the DNS-323 rebooted, I heard the drives chattering, so checked status.  The iTunes settings page on the web gui now shows that it refreshing - and about 28% of the way through...  Looks like 1.09 has Firefly built-into the firmware and you don't need to use the add-on (just a guess...)

Wil report back later if that's the case.

Last edited by ZBB (2011-01-12 05:35:51)



#8 2011-01-14 05:28:50

Registered: 2011-01-11
Posts: 11

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

ZBB wrote:

Wil report back later if that's the case.

I'm confirming that this is working fine.  Once the scan completes, you can go in and set a folder for the music (it defaults to root), and the DNS-323 will show up in the Shared section of iTunes.

No need for the earlier Firefly Add-on to be installed or enabled on 1.09



#9 2011-04-12 07:55:18

New member
Registered: 2011-04-12
Posts: 1

Re: Firefly and 1.09 FW - known problems? Won't work, kills drive access.

I was having the same problem... after hitting "launch interface", I was stuck with the "building database" message for over 24 hours.  Just to make sure things were really working, I edited /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/iTunes/etc/mt-daapd.conf

Just change the mp3_dir setting to something that doesn't contain many (or any MP3s).  Then when you launch the interface, it should pop right up.  From there, you can manually configure what folders you want to scan.  Of course, if you scan the whole library at once, it can still take a while... this is just a good way to check to make sure things are working.

Hope that helps.

edit: if you want to check to see if your song database is being updated, watch the timestamp on /mnt/HD_a4/.systemfile/songs3.db

Last edited by loosenut (2011-04-12 07:56:28)



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