DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2011-01-17 19:31:04

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2011-01-17
Posts: 10

Q: rebuild 'standard' kernel and initrd in u-boot format

Hello all,

first post after a lot of reading and searching.

I have a CH3SNAS (= DNS-323 rev.B1) running DNS-323 fw 1.09 and a DNS-323 rev.C1 running fw 1.08. Both are equipped with ffp (from usb).
I have the smartmontools installed, but I'd really really really like to get rid of the log-filling, annoying kernel warnings regarding the depreciated ioctl (while still running smartd ;-) ).

I've obtained the source (GPL) for fw 1.08 from Dlink and located the location of the warning printk's in the kernel source. I also have the splitdns323fw en mkdns323fw scripts.

So the plan was to simply remove the warning printk's, rebuild the kernel, rebuild the firmware and flash it (I don't have a serial or JTAG connection).
But ... it appears the kernel needs to be built in a u-boot format.

Also, I'd like to replace the Dlink logo in the webinterface of the CH3SNAS with a Conceptronic logo (just replace the header image), to avoid a mixup between the 2 (rebooting the wrong one, for instance).
But the initrd also needs to be built in u-boot format (?).
The initrd.bin produced by splitdns323fw can't be gunzipped, but when I strip the first block, it can (dd if=./initrd.bin of=initrdtest.gz bs=64 skip=1 -> initrdtest.gz can be gunzipped and then mounted).

My question: can someone give me some pointers on how to (re)build the standard firmware (kernel and initrd) from Dlink in u-boot format?




#2 2011-01-22 14:54:58

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2011-01-17
Posts: 10

Re: Q: rebuild 'standard' kernel and initrd in u-boot format

Well, I figured the kernel part out. Running smartd and looking at a clean /var/log/messages right now.  ;-)



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