DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1601 2011-02-19 22:50:48

Registered: 2009-01-14
Posts: 25

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

SkyNet wrote:

I also confirm that the /ffp/vag/log/ was not created during the installation.
I created the directory manually but I now get the following error message upon starting up:

"Couldn't open "/ffp/var/log/transmission-daemon.log": Permission denied".
What permissions should I give to the /ffp/var/log/ dir and how?
Btw should I also move the transmission.log file ?

Any idea how to resolve this?
also when trying to stop the transmission daemon I am getting the following:
/ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
Stopping transmission-daemon
Unexpected response: <h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User

Something looks broken unfortunately.

Character Zero wrote:

Open transmission.h and make sure the user is correct.  I don't run mine as"nobody" I run it as a different user and I would get those messages if I didn't change it.  Run a chown if you have permission issues.

Can somebody help me in a detailed manner how to do the above that Character Zero recommended?
Lesson learned if you 're a newbie like me never install beta builds...



#1602 2011-02-19 23:35:25

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 8

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Check the download folder in the Transmission preferences, if it really is set to /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads.
Also check if that folder and its subfolders belongs to user nobody and group 501.
Check the user rights of the folders (should be 0755).

Also, try changing the "umask" option in your settings.json to 0. (Remember to properly quit Transmission first, otherwise your changes will be overwritten).

I have been struggling with the issue of being able to move / delete files from my download directory for quite a while now...and learnt some minor linuxish on the go from being totally lost to start with smile
But now after trying a bit I am really lost and have been googling&trying  solutions for half a day without success.

- DNS-323 with transmission v ?? (December 2010 something i installed it but since i can not start it can not see the version)
- Access with Windows 7 home premium (or whatever it was called) with thumbnail caching turned of via registry

- I have tried chmod 1777, chmod a=rwx, chmod 777, chmod 0777 without success - win 7 says the file is in use if i try to move it and if i try to delete it windows says it belongs to user nobody and i need permission for the action
- json unmask = 0 so that is not the issue

Users as below (user defined ones replaced with jada jada)


root@DNS-323:/# cat /etc/passwd
root:x:0:0:Linux User,,,:/home/root://ffp/bin/sh
admin:x:500:500:Linux User,,,:/home/admin:/bin/sh
nobody:x:501:501:Linux User,,,:/home/nobody:/bin/sh
jadajada2:x:505:505:Linux User,,,:/mnt/HD_a2/Hardware:/bin/sh

Privilieges of download directory (files renamed  "jada jada")


root@DNS-323:/# ls -lah /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads
drwxr-xr-x   14 nobody   501          4.0k Feb 19 17:46 .
drwxrwxrwx    7 root     root         4.0k Dec 11 20:27 ..
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 18 19:02 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 18 19:10 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:19 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:20 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:21 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:25 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:21 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 19 16:44 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb  3 19:22 Jada jada
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   703          4.4G Feb 10 05:09 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 17 04:46 Jada jada
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 10 02:14 Jada jada
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   703          4.0k Feb 10 02:58 Jada jada

Also I can not start the daemon any more :-(
Trying to start daemon after setting user nobody (to be sure) i get as below


root@DNS-323:/# /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
Stopping transmission-daemon
killall: transmission-daemon: no process killed
root@DNS-323:/# chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
root@DNS-323:/# chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads
root@DNS-323:/# /ffp/start/transmission.sh start
Starting transmission-daemon
root@DNS-323:/# /ffp/start/transmission.sh status
transmission-daemon not running

And the permissions for the damon and ffp


root@DNS-323:~# ls -l /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Nov 16 00:24 blocklists
-rw-------    1 nobody   703          1030 Feb 19 16:38 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Feb 19 16:38 resume
-rw-------    1 nobody   703          1983 Feb 19 16:38 settings.json
-rw-------    1 nobody   703           163 Feb 19 16:38 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Feb 18 22:03 torrents
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   501           184 Feb 19 23:05 transmission-daemon.log

root@DNS-323:~# ls -l /ffp/start/
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           52 Oct 25  2008 LOGIN.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           35 Oct 25  2008 SERVERS.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          203 Sep 29  2008 inetd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          229 Apr 13  2009 kickwebs.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          223 Apr 13  2009 lighttpd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          267 Apr 15  2008 mediatomb.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1468 Apr 15  2008 nfsd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          526 Mar  2  2009 ntpd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          160 Apr 15  2008 portmap.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          224 Mar  3  2009 rsyncd.sh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          971 May 19  2009 sshd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          383 Sep 29  2008 syslogd.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          169 Sep 29  2008 telnetd.sh
-rwxr-x---    1 root     root          763 Nov 26 02:53 transmission.sh
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          998 Feb 26  2009 unfsd.sh

I hope some wizard can help me getting this running again :-)


Last edited by Boogieman (2011-02-20 00:10:41)



#1603 2011-02-20 00:32:23

Registered: 2010-08-04
Posts: 251

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Why are all these files owned by nobody with group 703? It should be 501.
use chown nobody:501 to change file ownership and group of those files.

What does the transmission-daemon.log file say?

Last edited by scaramanga (2011-02-20 00:35:20)

DNS-323 HW Rev. C1 FW 1.10 fun-plug 0.5
2 x WD10EARS-00Y5B1 in Standard mode (LCC set to 5 min; Aligned to 4K)
Transmission with Transmission Remote GUI



#1604 2011-02-20 02:05:45

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 8

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

scaramanga wrote:

Why are all these files owned by nobody with group 703? It should be 501.
use chown nobody:501 to change file ownership and group of those files.

What does the transmission-daemon.log file say?

WOW, that was a quick answer - thanks :-)

    I dont know how, maybe I have mixed up chown with chmod command sometime when I was trying to get it to work?
    To be honest I initially thought 501 was permission settings (chmod) until i saw kyleks post and checked security in Win7 and
    found "unix group/501", "unix user/nobody" and "everyone".
    But I didn't know how to set the group until your explanation, so thanks again for learning me something new smile

    Shall all below directories have user:group = nobody:501
# /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
# /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads

How about /ffp/start/  ?
Can/should I set that to nobody:501 as well?

When I installed transmission i did it without user:pass (as below) - does that matter?
# su nobody -c "transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -w /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads -T -a,192.168.1.*"

2. The transmission-daemon.log says


root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# vi transmission-daemon.log
[23:27:40.368] Couldn't read "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json": Permission denied
[23:27:40.369] transmission-daemon Error loading config file -- exiting. (daemon.c:458)

Sounds like permission issues right?

I will try changing to nobody:501 on below to start with smile
# /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
# /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads

Have changed # /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads now:
The strange thing is that the FILES does have FULL access rights in Win7 but the folder have no rights at all (nothing ticked) for any of the listed users ("unix group/501", "unix user/nobody" and "everyone"), as if noone has right to access them
Even after changing to nobody:501 by


#chown -R nobody:501 /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads

I can change the file names, but not the folder names so it seems to be right that it is wrong, but why hmm
It is only the folders that Win7 complains about being used by another user. I am really confused why this happens?

Now I got permission for all downloaded files by doing below smile


chown -R nobody:501 /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads
chmod -R 777 /mnt/HD_b2/Downloads

Maybe a bit to unrestrictive permission settings but at least i know it works now - seems like i had to set the right user before i used chmod for RWX access.... though everything looks exactly the same with ls -l before and after the chmod -R above
....Strange but good that it worked big_smile

Huge regards

Last edited by Boogieman (2011-02-20 03:39:36)



#1605 2011-02-20 06:27:24

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 8

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Finally I got the daemon running without ant faulty logged events, and torrents resuming as they should big_smile  *EDIT: Ooops not - se end of post
Though I had to raise the privilege for the "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon" folder to drwxrwxrwx - I dont really like that hmm

Tried raising from 755 to 775 but no luck below


root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# chmod 775 /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# ls -lah
drwxrwxr-x    5 nobody   501          4.0k Feb 19 16:38 .
drwxrwxrwx    9 root     root         4.0k Nov 26 02:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4.0k Nov 16 00:24 blocklists
-rwxr-xr-x    1 nobody   501          1.0k Feb 19 16:38 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4.0k Feb 19 16:38 resume
-rwxr-xr-x    1 nobody   501          1.9k Feb 19 16:38 settings.json
-rwxr-xr-x    1 nobody   501           163 Feb 19 16:38 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4.0k Feb 18 22:03 torrents
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   501          1.8k Feb 20 05:10 transmission-daemon.log

root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh start
Starting transmission-daemon
root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh status
transmission-daemon is running
root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
Stopping transmission-daemon

root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# vi  transmission-daemon.log
[05:13:20.089] Transmission 2.11 (11329) started (session.c:634)
[05:13:20.090] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: (rpc-server.c:788)
[05:13:20.090] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: 192.168.1.* (rpc-server.c:788)
[05:13:20.090] RPC Server Serving RPC and Web requests on port 9091 (rpc-server.c:961)
[05:13:20.091] RPC Server Whitelist enabled (rpc-server.c:965)
[05:13:20.091] DHT Reusing old id (tr-dht.c:382)
[05:13:20.092] DHT Bootstrapping from 165 nodes (tr-dht.c:154)
[05:13:20.092] Using settings from "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon" (daemon.c:483)
-> NO GO -> [05:13:20.093] Couldn't save temporary file "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json.tmp.bbXSsu": Permission denied (bencode.c:1726)
[05:13:20.093] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) initnatpmp succeeded (0) (natpmp.c:70)
[05:13:20.093] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) sendpublicaddressrequest succeeded (2) (natpmp.c:70)
[05:13:20.094] Fringe.S02.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS Queued for verification (verify.c:320)
[05:13:20.094] Loaded 2 torrents (session.c:1842)
[05:13:20.095] Fringe.S02.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS Verifying torrent (verify.c:234)
[05:13:21.095] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Found Internet Gateway Device "" (up
[05:13:21.095] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Local Address is "" (upnp.c:115)
[05:13:23.127] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding through "", service
[05:13:23.127] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding successful! (upnp.c:205)
[05:13:23.128] Port Forwarding State changed from "Not forwarded" to "Forwarded" (port-forwarding.c:95)

Set folder privilege to 777 and TADA


root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# chmod 777 /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh start
Starting transmission-daemon
root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh status
transmission-daemon is running
root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
Stopping transmission-daemon

root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# vi  transmission-daemon.log
[05:14:38.942] Transmission 2.11 (11329) started (session.c:634)
[05:14:38.943] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: (rpc-server.c:788)
[05:14:38.943] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: 192.168.1.* (rpc-server.c:788)
[05:14:38.944] RPC Server Serving RPC and Web requests on port 9091 (rpc-server.c:961)
[05:14:38.944] RPC Server Whitelist enabled (rpc-server.c:965)
[05:14:38.945] DHT Reusing old id (tr-dht.c:382)
[05:14:38.945] DHT Bootstrapping from 165 nodes (tr-dht.c:154)
[05:14:38.945] Using settings from "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon" (daemon.c:483)
-> OK -> [05:14:38.946] Saved "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json" (bencode.c:1697)
[05:14:38.946] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) initnatpmp succeeded (0) (natpmp.c:70)
[05:14:38.947] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP) sendpublicaddressrequest succeeded (2) (natpmp.c:70)
[05:14:38.947] Fringe.S02.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS Queued for verification (verify.c:320)
[05:14:38.948] Loaded 2 torrents (session.c:1842)
[05:14:38.948] Fringe.S02.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS Verifying torrent (verify.c:234)
[05:14:39.949] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Found Internet Gateway Device "" (up
[05:14:39.949] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Local Address is "" (upnp.c:115)
[05:14:41.980] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding through "", service
[05:14:41.981] Port Forwarding (UPnP) Port forwarding successful! (upnp.c:205)
[05:14:41.981] Port Forwarding State changed from "Not forwarded" to "Forwarded" (port-forwarding.c:95)
Closing transmission session...

EDIT: Damn, couldnt save resume file sad
If anyone could post their permissions that work for "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon" it would help a lot smile
Just type:
ls -lah /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
mark and copy the result and paste it here-....please big_smile

I might have found a reason for ll issues
My transmission.sh contains a username - this username replaces nobody:501 of
- dht.dat
- settings.json
- stats.json
- the files in the resume folder

I know i have removed that user from the DNS-323 once and then put it back.
That is probably the reason for the 701:Administ user:group in the start of this problematic post


root@DNS-323:/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start# vi transmission.sh

# PROVIDE: Transmission

. /ffp/etc/ffp.subr



Hmm how to solve that? Reinstall starts to feel like the easy way out :-(
Or can i just replace "jadajada" with nothing to have user nobody stay as owner again (and be able to lower permissions for "other" to 755 again)?

Thanks for all the support

Last edited by Boogieman (2011-02-20 07:16:35)



#1606 2011-02-20 10:28:50

Registered: 2010-08-04
Posts: 251

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Have you changed the user from nobody to jadajada in the /ffp/start/transmission.sh script?
This means that now the transmission-daemon is running with user jadajada permissions instead of the nobody user. That means that the owner of the files/directories should be jadajada, not nobody.
type "id jadajada" to see to which group (gid) the user belongs, and set permissions accordingly.

Read about permissions and ownership here: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/htm … 03_04.html

...and stop messing with the box if you're not having fun wink.

Last edited by scaramanga (2011-02-20 10:36:48)

DNS-323 HW Rev. C1 FW 1.10 fun-plug 0.5
2 x WD10EARS-00Y5B1 in Standard mode (LCC set to 5 min; Aligned to 4K)
Transmission with Transmission Remote GUI



#1607 2011-02-20 22:41:30

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 21

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

scaramanga wrote:

AdamBrunt wrote:

Quick question ...

Had to rebuild the PC, is there anyway I can find out what username and password I need to use in Transmission Remote GUI ?

No need for that. Just set them again to whatever values you'd like:
1. telnet/ssh to the DNS-323.
2. issue the command: "/ffp/start/transmission.sh stop". Wait a minute or so to make sure transmission is not running, or check with the "ps" command.
3. edit "rpc-username" and rpc-password" in the settings.json file. It is located in /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon by default.

Edit: Make a copy of that file before changing it, just in case. You may need to change the ownership/permissions using chown/chmod, so make to ls -l that file before making your changes and take note of the file's ownership/permissions.

Thanks scaramanga - worked a treat. I only needed to find out what the username was (could remember the password)



#1608 2011-02-21 16:07:20

New member
Registered: 2011-02-10
Posts: 3

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I have installed transmission V2.21, all is working fine, I can download and also upload.

But in the web UI, the DL and UL speed are always at 0 Kb/s which is false because it is downloading and uploading

Is this a known bug or did I miss something?
thank you



#1609 2011-02-21 16:39:02

Registered: 2010-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

But in the web UI, the DL and UL speed are always at 0 Kb/s which is false because it is downloading and uploading

Yes, I been getting the same result too. I wonder if speed control is being affected as well. I can monitor the bandwidth usage from my router and from there, bandwidth usage is much higher than set speed limits.



#1610 2011-02-21 19:57:55

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hm, very weird. I had the same problem a couple of days ago, and tried older versions (mainly 2.20 betas) to see when it occurred first. But when I installed 2.21 again, all was back to normal.

I can't really explain what's going on. Have you tried restarting Transmission?



#1611 2011-02-21 20:17:31

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 41

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I'm getting these issues also, will try a restart now



#1612 2011-02-21 21:36:18

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I've never seen that issue, but I run transmission-remote. I haven't checked the actual Transmission GUI.

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#1613 2011-02-22 00:12:39

Registered: 2010-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I can't really explain what's going on. Have you tried restarting Transmission?

Yes, restarting Transmission by running the command "/ffp/start/transmission.sh restart" seems to have fixed the bandwidth display problem.

Thanks for the tip. That will do for now. I don't often power down my DNS-323 anyway. BTW, I also have to restart samba to get it to share after power up.

Running FW v1.08 FFP with Transmission v2.21 and Mediatomb running.

Last edited by motion55 (2011-02-22 03:29:59)



#1614 2011-02-23 13:35:27

New member
Registered: 2011-02-22
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Restarting Transmission fixed the bandwidth display problem only for few hours on my DNS-320. I was not aware that this is only the display stats problem. I didn't check my router, so I was thinking that Transmission has stoped all download and upload after 2-3 hours. So I downgraded to 2.13-1, the version that was running before the upgrade. It's still running 2.13-1 and I will wait for the next update.
Without transmission I don't think I will use these D-Link products.
Cheers! Great work!

Excuse my English, please!



#1615 2011-02-24 14:33:50

Registered: 2010-10-20
Posts: 5

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Yes, it's back to displaying 0.0KiB/s upload and download speeds.



#1616 2011-02-25 09:43:57

Registered: 2009-12-28
Posts: 41

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Same issue, a restart fixes the speed problems but only temporarily

for now i guess a work around would be a cron to restart tranmission every 3 hours



#1617 2011-02-25 10:48:14

Registered: 2009-06-12
Posts: 10

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3



#1618 2011-02-27 18:41:49

From: France
Registered: 2009-04-25
Posts: 19

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hi all,

For French community, you'll find in attachment the french translated version of Transmission 2.21's web interface.
Translated by me.

How to install :
Simply replace the content of directory /ffp/share/transmission/web/

Have fun!

Last edited by sil51 (2011-02-27 18:44:24)

Attachment Icon transmission-2.21-1_web_fr.zip, Size: 171,120 bytes, Downloads: 435

-=[ Sil 51 ]=-
DNS-323 / Firmware 1.09 / 2 x SAMSUNG Spinpoint F1 1To HD103UJ / FFP 0.5



#1619 2011-03-01 19:03:02

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

The culprit has been found & fixed, I'm expecting a 2.2x maintenance release soon.



#1620 2011-03-02 21:30:48

Registered: 2011-03-02
Posts: 6

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hello all

I am new to the community and new to the DNS-323 (firmware 1.09) and Transmission 2.21.

My installation has been running flawlessly for weeks now, but just the other night I rebooted the DNS-323 and now the Transmission daemon would start and after a few minutes have passed it would automatically stop. I start the daemon again and again it stops after a few minutes.

Anybody else ever run into this issue or have a solution?


Last edited by mortiferous (2011-03-02 21:31:10)



#1621 2011-03-02 22:06:14

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

It's probably a permisson issue.

Type this on the console:


$ transmission-remote --session-info

and check if the download directory is the correct one.

It is essential that your Transmission settings are stored on either one of the harddrives, otherwise all data is lost on reboot.



#1622 2011-03-02 22:40:58

Registered: 2011-03-02
Posts: 6

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

It's probably a permisson issue.

Type this on the console:


$ transmission-remote --session-info

and check if the download directory is the correct one.

It is essential that your Transmission settings are stored on either one of the harddrives, otherwise all data is lost on reboot.

Thanks for the quick response. I will give that a try tonight and post my results.



#1623 2011-03-03 04:37:53

Registered: 2011-03-02
Posts: 6

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

mortiferous wrote:

KyleK wrote:

It's probably a permisson issue.

Type this on the console:


$ transmission-remote --session-info

and check if the download directory is the correct one.

It is essential that your Transmission settings are stored on either one of the harddrives, otherwise all data is lost on reboot.

Thanks for the quick response. I will give that a try tonight and post my results.

Here is the output from the above command.

[21:27:51.631] transmission-remote: (http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc/) Couldn't connect to server

I am not running Transmission on port 9091, I have made the settings in the settings.json file. The daemon is running, however, I still can't connect via WEBUI.

My Tranmission settings are stored on the drive and my directories are all correct. I have rebooted my DNS-323 many times without an issue, except for this one time.

Any ideas anyone?




#1624 2011-03-03 04:59:43

Registered: 2011-03-02
Posts: 6

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I changed the rpc port in settings.json to the default 9091 and it now works. I am able to access the WEBUI of Transmission.

Anybody have any ideas how come it suddenly stopped working on another port when I never had issues before?




#1625 2011-03-03 11:19:21

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Well, if you are not using the default RPC port, you have to specify the port number when using transmission-remote:


$ transmission-remote <your rpc port> --session-info

And also when using the web interface:


http://<ip of your dnds-323>:<rpc port>/transmission/web/

Why you could access the web interface before, even though you had already changed the RPC port, I don't know. Sounds mysterious smile
Maybe you defined port forwarding in your router from port 80 to Transmissions RPC port, and the forwarding rule is no longer active?



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