DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#51 2011-04-25 16:54:08

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

rellikzephyr wrote:


im having trouble loacating and accessing my dlink after b7 install

i was running b6 (on top) and i just installed (on top) b7, now i may have used used the old fun_plug not sure now, wasnt paying enough attention i guess

The new fun_plug only has a new fail-safe mechanism, interfering with nothing else.

with b6 i had set a static ip of  and now that ip reveals nothing, cant see dlink in network map either (win7)

If you have saving settings, then IP should be the same.
Have you tried to direct your browser to the box, typing "" as the URL?
Have you tried to use the command line to "ping"?
If you use DHCP in your network, have you see you DHCP (usually the modem/router ) for any client?

i believe it worked, as the LED looks like it used to and holding the power button gives the orange blink on one then other drive

That is a good indication that everything is running fine. You only have to find the box ip. Does 'nmap' exists for MS-windows?

but for the life of me i cant reconnect to it. also i have HEAPS of data still on drive that i dont really wanna lose.

also reason i went to alt-f is original firmware was playing up so i dont really wanna have to rely on that cause dont know how it will work after all this time

any help would be much appreciated. side note: i am a beginner at this linux stuff



Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#52 2011-04-25 17:01:36

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

gazsiazasz wrote:

jcard: Will be to the DNS-325 Alt-F support? smile

I have already answered similar questions for other dlink boxes:

-Not until 0.1 is released
-Not until someone with ffp installed on a 325 tries to 'insmod' one of fonz 'reloaded' kernel modules and post the *exact* command output (the command will fail, no harm will happens)
-Not until someone experienced owning a 325 uncovers the box "secrets".
-Not until someone offers me a 325 smile

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#53 2011-04-26 02:37:31

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 23

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

jcard wrote:

If you have saving settings, then IP should be the same.
Have you tried to direct your browser to the box, typing "" as the URL?
Have you tried to use the command line to "ping"?
If you use DHCP in your network, have you see you DHCP (usually the modem/router ) for any client?

That is a good indication that everything is running fine. You only have to find the box ip. Does 'nmap' exists for MS-windows?


yeah  thats what i meant, typing into browser only gives me "oops google chrome could not connect to" obviously im using Chrome

ping cmd gives me  "destination host unreachable" tho in ping statistics it say 4 packets sent and 4 received

HAHA  your dhcp comment reminded me where the table is on my router, so i just searched that and it seems all my devices have moved into range, not sure why but at least now i know

from that i have found the dlink ip, box ip has moved to .113, and since setup everything i need

time to test out minDLNA with my googleTV

Thanks jcard you're 3 kinds of awesome


Last edited by rellikzephyr (2011-04-26 11:07:03)



#54 2011-05-14 23:26:21

From: Latvia
Registered: 2011-05-09
Posts: 12

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Please look at following output:
sfdisk -d /dev/sdb > /mnt/sdb4/disk_sdb
# cat disk_sdb
# partition table of /dev/sdb
unit: sectors

/dev/sdb1 : start=       64, size=  1060224, Id=82
/dev/sdb2 : start=  2084368, size=3904939697, Id=83
/dev/sdb3 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
/dev/sdb4 : start=  1060288, size=  1024080, Id=83

and compare it with attached picture.

Size of /dev/sdb2 is different. 3904939697 vs 2147483647

Is it bug or feature?

P.S. Disk /dev/sdb was formatted in DNS-323 with fw.1.10 Beta7 and after flashed with ALT-F.
P.P.S. Disk /dev/sda I reformatted with compiled parted.

Last edited by voljka (2011-05-15 16:39:05)

Attachment Icon sda_formatted_by_hand.png, Size: 72,806 bytes, Downloads: 220

Ooops! I did it again...



#55 2011-05-15 20:06:58

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

voljka wrote:

Please look at following output:
sfdisk -d /dev/sdb > /mnt/sdb4/disk_sdb
# cat disk_sdb
# partition table of /dev/sdb
unit: sectors

/dev/sdb1 : start=       64, size=  1060224, Id=82
/dev/sdb2 : start=  2084368, size=3904939697, Id=83
/dev/sdb3 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
/dev/sdb4 : start=  1060288, size=  1024080, Id=83

and compare it with attached picture.

Size of /dev/sdb2 is different. 3904939697 vs 2147483647

Is it bug or feature?

A bug, discovered (and fixed) some time ago.
The problem was that I only had a 1TB drive to test with, and very long numbers (number of sectors on partitions greater that 1.2TB) where truncated.

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#56 2011-05-15 21:32:11

From: Latvia
Registered: 2011-05-09
Posts: 12

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

jcard wrote:

voljka wrote:

Please look at following output:
sfdisk -d /dev/sdb > /mnt/sdb4/disk_sdb
# cat disk_sdb
# partition table of /dev/sdb
unit: sectors

/dev/sdb1 : start=       64, size=  1060224, Id=82
/dev/sdb2 : start=  2084368, size=3904939697, Id=83
/dev/sdb3 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
/dev/sdb4 : start=  1060288, size=  1024080, Id=83

and compare it with attached picture.

Size of /dev/sdb2 is different. 3904939697 vs 2147483647

Is it bug or feature?

A bug, discovered (and fixed) some time ago.
The problem was that I only had a 1TB drive to test with, and very long numbers (number of sectors on partitions greater that 1.2TB) where truncated.

Glad to hear that. But I'm running Latest version 0.1B7 and problem not fixed as you can see.

Ooops! I did it again...



#57 2011-05-21 10:48:10

New member
Registered: 2011-05-21
Posts: 4

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

I am starting out with two new WD20EARS drives and was wondering whether the ext4 format will provide any performance advantages over ext3. I have read various articles on this, and was wondering whether any Alt-F users could share their experiences using the most recent release 0.1B7.

My intention is to take the safe option in the first instance and format the disks using the DLink firmware (1.09) and then install the Alt-F in a reload setup and then format as ext4. I see in previous posts in this thread that other users have the WD20EARS drives, and users experiences on these drives would also be appreciated. I have seen a number of posts in other forums about the issues with these advanced format drives

Regards, Grant

Last edited by gturrill (2011-05-21 10:49:57)

DNS-323 (B1) on Alt-F-0.1RC1
2x2TB WD20EARS (ext4 RAID 1)



#58 2011-05-21 23:54:22

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

You might be interested reading my findings in Alt-F regarding filesystem/raid relative performance:

http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/br … e775f6ead#

B7 disk partitioning page has a bug that does not allow bigger than 1.2 TB partitions. The disk wizard web page does not suffers from this problem (I was told)

Does 1.09 from dlink 4k aligns partitions? Alt-F does. (you say you will be using WD20EARS, which has 4k physical sectors. If partitions are not properly aligned write speed will suffer)

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#59 2011-05-22 14:11:15

New member
Registered: 2011-05-21
Posts: 4

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Thanks for the quick response João. I found your performance page very interesting, particularly the performance of the 2 internal disks and an external USB in RAID5 configuration.

With respect to the issues with the DLink firmware, I note that 2Tb and ext3 support only came with firmware version 1.08 in February 2010. The current DLink version, 1.09, is running a kernel based on 2.6.12, so I'm wondering whether the issues reported by others using the WD20EARS and the DLink firmware are related to the fact that the newer disk technologies in the EARS drives are running in a version of the kernel first released in June 2005. I note that your 0.1B7 is running on a 2.6.35 kernel base which, I suspect, will handle the newer technology drives.

All is conjecture at this stage, and unfortunately I haven't had an opportunity to test your most recent firmware due to work commitments. I note the point about the  disk partitioning page bug, so in order to format a 2Tb partition I will use the disk wizard web page. I will report back on my progress. Keep up the great work.

DNS-323 (B1) on Alt-F-0.1RC1
2x2TB WD20EARS (ext4 RAID 1)



#60 2011-05-23 04:08:39

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

gturrill wrote:

With respect to the issues with the DLink firmware, I note that 2Tb and ext3 support only came with firmware version 1.08 in February 2010. The current DLink version, 1.09, is running a kernel based on 2.6.12, so I'm wondering whether the issues reported by others using the WD20EARS and the DLink firmware are related to the fact that the newer disk technologies in the EARS drives are running in a version of the kernel first released in June 2005. I note that your 0.1B7 is running on a 2.6.35 kernel base which, I suspect, will handle the newer technology drives.

The issue I pointed to you is not related with "supporting", but with partition alignment.

To understand the issue, we have to understand how 4k sector-based disks that present themselves as 512byte sector-based disks work.

4k-sector-based disks can only read and write 4096 bytes at a time to the disk surface. This means eight 512byte classical sectors.

For simplicity suppose that your partition starts at sector 4, and that the kernel tells the disk to write sector 4; as the disk can't do that, it will read sector 0 to 7, modify sector 4 with the new data and will then write sectors 0 to 7 to the disk surface -- one single 512bytes sector write translates to reading, modifying and writing 8 sectors (for the disk it is only one 4k sector).

But thinks are not that easy, as filesystems are 4k based, i.e, even if your file has only 1 character on it, it will occupy 4096 bytes on the disk, eight 512byte sectors.
Now suppose that the file has changed and the kernel tells the disk to write sectors 4 to 12 (your 1 char file) The disk will read sectors 0 to 7, modify sectors 4 to 7, write sectors 0 to 7, then read sectors 8 to 16, modify sectors 8 to 12 and write sectors 8 to 16 to the surface! And only because the partition is not aligned on a 4K boundary!

If by contrary your partition started on sector 8, 4k aligned, only eight sectors would need to be written! not read-modifying-writing 16 sectors!  And this happens for *all* sectors on the disk, not only the first one.

Of course the disk caches the surface reads and writes, but even so the procedure degrades performance, as several reports indicate.

Sorry for the lecture :-(

[edited] PS - WD is aware of this problem, and you can insert a jumper on the disk that will add '1' to all sector requests; as most OS start partitioning disks on sector 63, adding '1' makes the partition looks like it is 4k aligned, as 64 is a multiple of 8, which is the requirement for  an aligned partition (on a simplistic view, the AF standard is much more complex). Of course this only works for the first partition on the disk, which is the usual setting for most MS-W users.

Last edited by jcard (2011-05-23 04:20:30)

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#61 2011-05-28 06:49:16

New member
Registered: 2011-05-21
Posts: 4

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

jcard wrote:

You might be interested reading my findings in Alt-F regarding filesystem/raid relative performance:

http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/br … e775f6ead#

B7 disk partitioning page has a bug that does not allow bigger than 1.2 TB partitions. The disk wizard web page does not suffers from this problem (I was told)

Does 1.09 from dlink 4k aligns partitions? Alt-F does. (you say you will be using WD20EARS, which has 4k physical sectors. If partitions are not properly aligned write speed will suffer)

I finally managed to get some time to get my NAS installed and I have to say that so far the process has been painless. Thanks again for all your assistance, and of course all the other posters to the various forums. All the information supplied has been most helpful.

I adopted the strategy of installing the bare minimum required on the DLink firmware in order to get Alt-F installed. For safety I initially installed Alt-F on top of the DLink firmware. I have a B1 board, so after testing whether I would be making a brick, I flashed the firware to Alt-F-0.1B7. I rebooted and then reformatted the drives to ext4 in a RAID1 configuration.

Some observations about the process. Startup on Alt-F is faster than DLink and I couldn't format to ext4 while using Alt-F on top of DLink only after flashing. In answer to the question about the DLink and 4k alignment, I actually didn't check that because I jumped straight over to Alt-F. With respect to the disk partitioning, I used the disk wizard and it worked correctly.

DNS-323 (B1) on Alt-F-0.1RC1
2x2TB WD20EARS (ext4 RAID 1)



#62 2011-05-29 04:22:55

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

gturrill wrote:

Some observations about the process. Startup on Alt-F is faster than DLink and I couldn't format to ext4 while using Alt-F on top of DLink only after flashing.

That is deliberate, on reboot the box wouldn't recognize the ext4 filesystem. You can't also create RAID5 while Alt-F is not flashed.

Yes, it's paranoia, you could be formatting the second disk, or create the RAID5 array for another system.
But safer then sorrow.

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#63 2011-06-07 13:22:05

Registered: 2011-01-03
Posts: 23

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

im having a little problem

i had a power outage this morning, and im running "over the top"

so i am now back to the original firmware, now i have tried to reflash B7 back on my NAS

but i cant seem to set the execute permission of the funplug, it tells me Access is denied

and no matter how or where on the nas i try to change permissions im told access is denied

any ideas?  once i get this working i think i will flash permanently   



EDIT: deleting and copying fun plug back on seems to work, copy and replace does not

now i just gotta wait for disk check...hmmm 60% full 1.5TB drive might be here a while

EDIT 2:  after disk check. i cant seem to access any of the files on nas. i remapped network drive (cause if new ip). i can see the files, but whenever i try to access them
it tells me it is not accessible.  i have turned on the samba server. also side note  i cant seem to activate dlna server ushare

please help

Last edited by rellikzephyr (2011-06-08 12:04:30)



#64 2011-06-08 17:59:42

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

rellikzephyr wrote:


EDIT 2:  after disk check. i cant seem to access any of the files on nas. i remapped network drive (cause if new ip). i can see the files, but whenever i try to access them
it tells me it is not accessible. i have turned on the samba server

-You can access the box through its web pages, right?
-Are you using a fixed IP or DHCP for the box? Setup->Host
-Is the workgroup correct?
-Can you access the files by browsing the network (using Windows Explorer, not IE), instead of mapping a network drive? (caching/fast remount problem? I'm not a ms-windows user)
-In which box directory are your files? Under you user account or on some other directory?
-Have you changed the smb configuration files? Services->Network->smb->configure or edited the /etc/samba/smb.conf file?

Have you watched the log files? System->Utilities->View Logs

[Added: did the file checking runs OK? System->Utilities->View Logs->System Log, search for fsck

also side note  i cant seem to activate dlna server ushare

-What do you mean exactly? Is there an error message?
-Or the "running" status never comes on, it is always "Stopped" even after configuring and starting the service?
-Or you can't you see the shared files on another computer?
-Have you ever been able to use it?
-ushare is pretty old, and uPNP/DLNA servers/clients implementations seems to be very picky about each other.

Last edited by jcard (2011-06-08 18:04:00)

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#65 2011-06-12 04:09:22

Registered: 2011-06-12
Posts: 6

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Thanks for cfw. Flashed Alt-F-0.1B7 into DNS-323 B1 and all went fine. I have two separate WD20EARS 2TB drives formatted in ext4 fs.
1.With dlink 1.8 ofw and samba my network throughput between nas and my stationary pc was about 10-12 Mb/s. Jumbo frames was on. Now i have only 2 to 5 Mb/sec. Jumbo frames also on. Is it worth to change samba for nfs or to tweak samba somehow? Why so slow?
2. Can cfw turn off a bright blue power LED? Ofw 1.8 has this ability.
3. With ofw 1.8 my Smart UPS APC 620 with serial interface works fine. I used compiled modules pl2303.ko and usbserial.ko. Are there precompiled modules for cfw kernel or i need to compile them myself?
4. /dev/sdb won't spindown while transmission downloading files at /dev/sda

Last edited by dnkroz (2011-06-12 12:39:24)



#66 2011-06-14 18:09:16

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

dnkroz wrote:

Thanks for cfw. Flashed Alt-F-0.1B7 into DNS-323 B1 and all went fine. I have two separate WD20EARS 2TB drives formatted in ext4 fs.
1.With dlink 1.8 ofw and samba my network throughput between nas and my stationary pc was about 10-12 Mb/s. Jumbo frames was on. Now i have only 2 to 5 Mb/sec. Jumbo frames also on. Is it worth to change samba for nfs or to tweak samba somehow? Why so slow?

2-5 mpbs is too low. But Alf-F is not faster then the stock firmware.

Have you reboot after setting-up Jumbo frames? Setting high MTU values during operation can effectively degrade performance, see issue 19, "Jumbo frames make linux start swaping" http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/detail?id=18

Also, a MTU greater then 3700 or 7500 stresses the memory allocator for a machine with only 64MB of memory. Perhaps the vendor's firmware uses a different or patched memory allocator, or the network driver is a proprietary one?

ext4 versus ext2 does not explains the lower smb performance, see topic "Filesystem and disk layout performance on 0.1B4" in http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f

I have not yet done any comparable and reproducible network/disk tests, such as using 'netcat' for pure network performance and for network+disk/fs performance. It would be interesting if someone does it.

2. Can cfw turn off a bright blue power LED? Ofw 1.8 has this ability.

Not through the web interface. Try from the command line

   echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/power\:blue/brightness # turn off
   echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/power\:blue/brightness # turn on

Or do you mean the network led? It is controlled by the network driver, I'm not sure if we can turn it off.

3. With ofw 1.8 my Smart UPS APC 620 with serial interface works fine. I used compiled modules pl2303.ko and usbserial.ko. Are there precompiled modules for cfw kernel or i need to compile them myself?

Currently there is not kernel-modules package, so you have to compile the modules yourself, or open a request.
added: Anyhow I added usb-serial support (with no chip-specific modules) for the next release.

4. /dev/sdb won't spindown while transmission downloading files at /dev/sda

Have you installed Alt-F packages in some filesystem in the sdb disk? Then it is used for packages binaries and log files, and won't spindow. You can try to uninstall all Alt-F packages and reinstall them in sda (save configuration files first).

Also, swap uses both disks in parallel, if swap is being used and paging occurs, the disks will not spin-down.

Please request one of my "Lectures" on this subject, if you really want to :-)

Last edited by jcard (2011-06-14 19:35:00)

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#67 2011-06-15 19:04:12

Registered: 2011-03-03
Posts: 24

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

When will be the next stable release?



#68 2011-06-16 05:27:19

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Keon91 wrote:

When will be the next stable release?

Really don't know. I try to do a new release every two or three months.
It was to be last month, hope I can do it till the end of this one.
But my building is under heavy civil reconstruction, no mood sad

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#69 2011-06-16 09:22:39

Registered: 2011-03-03
Posts: 24

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary


I found this release: 0.1RC1-snapshot (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1555717/DNS-323 … index.html)

How stable is it? is it compiled from r1114 ?




#70 2011-06-16 21:37:41

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Keon91 wrote:


I found this release: 0.1RC1-snapshot (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1555717/DNS-323 … index.html)

How stable is it? is it compiled from r1114 ?


It is the result of the normal development cycle, some bugs fixed, soft version bumps...

Meanwhile, added >2.2TB disks (3TB pre-GPT-partitioned full handling), support for GPT in the disk partitioner, now working on GPT on the wizard, making web pages w3c validator compliant, writing help pages, still miss fine tuning nfs/cifs/ftp/http/rsync backups, ... can't remember what else.

I don't svn commit often, so, no, r1114 does not represents the snapshot.

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#71 2011-06-16 22:05:35

Registered: 2011-03-03
Posts: 24

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

but is 0.1RC1-snapshot stable enough for daily usage?

or do you recomend 0.1B7?

it would be great to have GPT support, keep up the good work!

Do you have any idea when 0.1RC1 will be released?



#72 2011-06-17 00:08:26

Registered: 2008-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

I am wait for enable rysnc backups from remote address, like ftp ou samba shares from others NAS.

keep up the good work JCard!



#73 2011-06-17 03:28:12

Registered: 2011-06-12
Posts: 6

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

jcard wrote:

2-5 mpbs is too low. But Alf-F is not faster then the stock firmware.

Have you reboot after setting-up Jumbo frames? Setting high MTU values during operation can effectively degrade performance, see issue 19, "Jumbo frames make linux start swaping" http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/detail?id=18

Also, a MTU greater then 3700 or 7500 stresses the memory allocator for a machine with only 64MB of memory. Perhaps the vendor's firmware uses a different or patched memory allocator, or the network driver is a proprietary one?

ext4 versus ext2 does not explains the lower smb performance, see topic "Filesystem and disk layout performance on 0.1B4" in http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f

I have not yet done any comparable and reproducible network/disk tests, such as using 'netcat' for pure network performance and for network+disk/fs performance. It would be interesting if someone does it.

I've made some samba tweaks and tests. Still low speed, then i just tried nfs and, voila, 10-12 Mbps! So i'll stay with nfs for now.

echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/power\:blue/brightness # turn off
   echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/power\:blue/brightness # turn on

Or do you mean the network led? It is controlled by the network driver, I'm not sure if we can turn it off.

That did the trick, thank you. I've put this in startup script.

Currently there is not kernel-modules package, so you have to compile the modules yourself, or open a request.
added: Anyhow I added usb-serial support (with no chip-specific modules) for the next release.

Thanks a lot! I hope prolific 2303 chip will work.

Have you installed Alt-F packages in some filesystem in the sdb disk? Then it is used for packages binaries and log files, and won't spindow. You can try to uninstall all Alt-F packages and reinstall them in sda (save configuration files first).

Also, swap uses both disks in parallel, if swap is being used and paging occurs, the disks will not spin-down.

Please request one of my "Lectures" on this subject, if you really want to :-)

Yes. I've installed transmission in /dev/sda.

Last edited by dnkroz (2011-06-17 03:31:08)



#74 2011-06-30 22:35:45

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-09-21
Posts: 289

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

So I missed Alt-F  June release, and I will miss July and August as well.
But dont dispair, its not forgot, in September I will resume work. smile

Meanwhile I will have very limited internet access.

Please consider discussing Alt-F at http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f/topics
Please consider filling Alt-F bugs at http://code.google.com/p/alt-f/issues/list



#75 2011-09-11 18:23:51

Registered: 2011-09-10
Posts: 21

Re: Alt-F-0.1B7 is released on Alt-F first anniversary

Hey jcard i'm wondering if your back again and working on this. I look forward to flashing ALT-F but i don't think its do for prime time yet and still needs more work.

Keep up the good work. Hoping to unlock the full potentials of the my shiny NEW DNS-323 i got a few days ago

Last edited by jebise (2011-09-11 18:25:17)



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