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I'm attempting to sync files on CH3SNAS with rsync. When I execute the command to sync (on Win7 with rsync 3.0.8)
rsync -rt --chmod=Dg+s,ug+w,Fo+w,+X [some.dir] ch3snas::u/xx
On every file to sync I get the following message:
rsync: failed to write xattr user.rsync.%stat for "/xx/..." (in u): Operation not supported (95)
but all files are copyed fine. But this message is quite annoying. How can I switch it off or even better - avoid an attempt to set this attribute?
I use the following rsyncd.conf:
uid=blah gid=admins use chroot=true fake super=true read only=false refuse options=xattr [u] path=/mnt/HD_b2 [v] path = /mnt/HD_a2
Attempt to add xattr as below did not help.
mount xxx /mnt/HD_a2 -o user_xattr
Any ideas?