Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Hi All, I have a DNS-323 model A, with 2x 750Gb WD drives in it. It has been working fine for a few years. It is about 1/2 full.
Yesterday none of the computers on the network could access any files. No amount of power cycling made any difference. The web interface wasn't responding.
Eventually I pushed the reset button and I got the web interface back, but seemingly not all the files. It is as if I have jumped back a few months. Files that were deleted have re-appeared. Files that were created last week are no longer there.
I then re-created the original users and set their permissions (R/W on everything)
I tried accessing via ftp (using Filezilla) but I can't see anything different. I was hoping that it might be a permission issue. While doing this I looked at a folder that should have had files in it but didn't.
I then installed fun_plug and telnetted in and had a look around, but could see nothing different than via ftp. I tried to go to the folder with the missing files that I had just been looking at via FTP, but the folder was missing.
I went back to ftp and the folder is still missing.
Can anyone suggest any reason for this strange behaviour, and suggest where I can go from here?
Are your disks in a RAID configuration?
It is theoretically possible that you had a previous RAID failure and all changes since that time were being made written to one disk only, and now something has happened so that you are seeing that "older disk".
I say theoretically because I have not seen this happen with a DNS-323, but know of instances where it has happened with other network storage devices.
If you do not have a backup try reading the disks one at a time using a PC.
It could be a disk failure caused the journalling to roll back to good versions of the files too.
Thanks for the comments.
Yes, it is set to RAID 1. Unfortunately we live in an area which isn't blessed by terribly stable power, and even though I do have it on a UPS, sometimes even that runs out.
I took the disks out and connected them up to an Ubuntu system. I found that they weren't a mirror of each other at all. The left one was missing about 10% in terms of volue of and numbers of files.
I copied the files off the right hand one which is I think as good as it is going to get.
I then did an fsck on each one and there were hundreds of errors. Different on each drive.
Are these errors typical of power failures?
I notce that the Scan Disk function in the tools menu of the web interface was and still is (after running the fsck) greyed out. Is the DNS-323 supposed to do an fsck?
In terms of journalling, the partitions seem to be ext2 rather than ext3.