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#1851 2011-10-12 17:14:45

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hm, that's strange. Does the logfile report anything suspicious?



#1852 2011-10-13 02:01:50

Registered: 2011-05-03
Posts: 10

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK, could you tell how you compile? Or give link to post about this
i compiled last version but i've got 7.5MB transmission-daemon
i compiled libevent
patched miniupnp/miniupnpc.c
and compiled transmission


#./configure --prefix=/ffp --disable-gtk --disable-nls --enable-lightweight

(i want to patch transmission about changing top folders for myself)


# ldd /ffp/bin/transmission-daemon
ldd: can't open cache '/ffp/etc/ld.so.cache'
        librt.so.0 => /ffp/lib/librt.so.0 (0x4000e000)
        libevent-2.0.so.5 => /ffp/lib/libevent-2.0.so.5 (0x40018000)
        libcurl.so.4 => /ffp/lib/libcurl.so.4 (0x40051000)
        libssl.so.0.9.8 => /ffp/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8 (0x40090000)
        libcrypto.so.0.9.8 => /ffp/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 (0x400d6000)
        libdl.so.0 => /ffp/lib/libdl.so.0 (0x4020d000)
        libz.so.1 => /ffp/lib/libz.so.1 (0x40218000)
        libm.so.0 => /ffp/lib/libm.so.0 (0x40235000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /ffp/lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x40250000)
        libc.so.0 => /ffp/lib/libc.so.0 (0x4026a000)
        ld-uClibc.so.0 => /ffp/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0 (0x40000000)



#1853 2011-10-13 04:37:13

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Hm, that's strange. Does the logfile report anything suspicious?

Turns out that Transmission Remote v3.24 shows the status of "unknown" for any paused torrent with Transmission 2.4.1. I'll see if there is an update. Likely not a transmission issue after all unless the status codes got buggered up somewhere.

Update: The Transmission web page seems to be fine. There doesn't seem to be an update for Transmission Remote. Anyone else with a GUI front end noticing an issue with the status of paused torrents?

Update 2: Transmission Remote GUI v3.1 also shows a status of unknown for a paused torrent.

Update 3: October 16th - Transmission Remote dotnet 3.24.1 fixed the status display and was released today.

Last edited by FunFiler (2011-10-17 04:59:13)

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#1854 2011-10-13 10:12:08

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

@pavelc: I don't really do much different, other than stripping the resulting binaries:


$ make DESTDIR=$HOME/devel/releases/Transmission-2.41 install-strip

I also link libevent statically, just so I don't have to provide another extra package for people to download (Transmission is the only tool I know that uses libevent).

@FunFiler: That is most likely because Transmission now supports queuing, and thus has new "Queued for download" and "Queued for seeding" states. Any 3rd-party tools must be updated accordingly, I guess.
Any other problems to report?



#1855 2011-10-13 12:44:58

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I've updated the first post so everyone knows that Transmission 2.41 is out, after several people told me it works fine smile

If anyone has problems running this one, please let me know.



#1856 2011-10-15 05:56:56

Registered: 2008-03-09
Posts: 113

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

I've updated the first post so everyone knows that Transmission 2.41 is out, after several people told me it works fine smile

If anyone has problems running this one, please let me know.


Thanks for your awesome work.
I seem to be having issues with 2.41. I have a hard time pausing or removing torrents from the webui.
I can roll back to any of the 2.3x and I do not have this issue.

Any ideas?




#1857 2011-10-15 06:00:06

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I was able to pause and restart a torrent from the web UI. What do you mean by "hard time"?

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#1858 2011-10-15 06:40:52

Registered: 2011-10-15
Posts: 22

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Looks good so far. Have a DNS-343 and updated from 2.33.

Couple of notes:
"funpkg -u Transmission-2.41-1.tgz" from front page needs update to new version "funpkg -u Transmission-2.41-2.tgz".
Don't forget to force refresh browser in case old files are cached.
Can't see the queue actually working. Multiple torrents started, and all running. (Could be operator issue, of course).

Thanks for the newest release!



#1859 2011-10-15 14:58:11

Registered: 2009-06-21
Posts: 18

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

nUll wrote:

KyleK wrote:

I've updated the first post so everyone knows that Transmission 2.41 is out, after several people told me it works fine smile

If anyone has problems running this one, please let me know.


Thanks for your awesome work.
I seem to be having issues with 2.41. I have a hard time pausing or removing torrents from the webui.
I can roll back to any of the 2.3x and I do not have this issue.

Any ideas?


The same for me,
I cannot pause any torrent, but I can add new ones,
any tip?

Last edited by sonci (2011-10-15 15:09:37)



#1860 2011-10-15 15:17:51

Registered: 2009-06-21
Posts: 18

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

sonci wrote:

nUll wrote:

KyleK wrote:

I've updated the first post so everyone knows that Transmission 2.41 is out, after several people told me it works fine smile

If anyone has problems running this one, please let me know.


Thanks for your awesome work.
I seem to be having issues with 2.41. I have a hard time pausing or removing torrents from the webui.
I can roll back to any of the 2.3x and I do not have this issue.

Any ideas?


The same for me,
I cannot pause any torrent, but I can add new ones,
any tip?

I think it just needs several refresh in the browser,
just clear the browser cache


Last edited by sonci (2011-10-15 15:36:48)



#1861 2011-10-15 21:04:01

Registered: 2010-04-18
Posts: 47

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

For those who use Opera (me smile ), these's a problem with the content area (not showing at all).
I just saw that it was already reported with the dev team. See https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/4568

It seems it will be solved in 2.50.

Last edited by rsd76 (2011-10-15 21:04:36)

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin & Hobbes)



#1862 2011-10-19 17:10:49

New member
Registered: 2011-10-19
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


I've been suffering the OOM killer problem in DNS-323, exactly the same symptoms as Elmor (See http://dns323.kood.org/forum/viewtopic. … 53#p42353, post #1677): plenty of swap space available, web interface becomes unresponsive, SSH slows down a lot, and finally the transmission daemon is OOM-killed by the kernel. I experienced this problem with almost every transmission build since I started tweaking my DNS-323, starting with version 2.30

In the past, I tried re-installing ffp completely and in some cases the issue disappeared, but this last time I rebuilt my DNS-323 the issue appeared again and I could not seem to make it go away. I tried tweaking the settings.json file quite a bit, reducing peer connections, etc... But nothing seemed to help.

And then, I learned about the "open-file-limit" setting. I set this to 20, and the issue appears to be gone now, or at least transmission does not crash every 30 minutes which is a huge improvement. I noticed that your build does not include this setting by default and I'm not even sure if this is the right solution, but if it is, should your build include this setting?



#1863 2011-10-19 17:26:56

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hm. My packages don't include any user-specific settings.
The settings.json is created by Transmission if the file didn't exist before.
As far as I know, the number of open files is limited by Transmission itself, although to 1.024 I believe.

In the 4 or so years I've used Transmission on the NAS, I've never had this problem, and apparently only very few people experienced the issue.
Unless there is a way to reliably replicate this behavior on other machines, I'm afraid I can't be of much help.



#1864 2011-10-19 21:21:50

New member
Registered: 2011-10-19
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


You have a point: The issue is in fact hard to reproduce (I have setup ffp + transmission for a friend who also owns a DNS-323 and cannot reproduce the issue there). I'm ok with setting the open-file-limit myself, but I guess it would be beneficial to include details about this issue somewhere in the documentation and potential configuration tweaks to try to fix it.

Btw, Is there any detailed information on how transmission deals with open-file-limit? I'm using a value of 20-25, but I'm not sure how this affects the number of open connections.



#1865 2011-10-20 01:18:12

New member
Registered: 2011-10-20
Posts: 1

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hi Kylek,

I just update mine Transmission to 2.41, is there way to increase the activate downloading limited?
Looks like the default activate download limited is 5 so when I quote 6 BT one will have "Queued for download".
Is there way to raise it to like 10?



#1866 2011-10-20 09:45:37

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I'm not sure if you are able to configure queuing via the web interface (can't look right now), but I do know that it's currently not possible with transmission-remote.

What you have to do is quit Transmission, and then manually edit the settings.json file in Transmissions data folder.


"download-queue-enabled": true,
"download-queue-size": 2,
"queue-stalled-enabled": true,
"queue-stalled-minutes": 30,
"seed-queue-enabled": false,
"seed-queue-size": 10,

There you can enable or disable download and seeding queues separately and also increase their respective queue sizes.



#1867 2011-10-21 13:38:59

Registered: 2011-10-15
Posts: 22

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks, KyleK. You are correct. They haven't added the ability to modify queueing in the web interface yet. Edited the settings.json directly and it works just fine.



#1868 2011-10-24 22:28:38

New member
Registered: 2011-10-24
Posts: 4

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Transmission 2.42 is out!
lately I've been suffering from lack of peers due to errors in UDP trackers. Apparently the error is this one:

which is fixed in the latest release so whenever you find the time could you please compile and publish that version? your work is greatly appreciated, thanks.



#1869 2011-10-24 23:48:12

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

There you go.
Transmission v2.42 is out and about. Download is available in the first post, as always.

Although I'm not sure this'll fix your issues. I believe the NAS is little-endian.



#1870 2011-10-25 00:05:15

New member
Registered: 2011-10-24
Posts: 4

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks! that was fast!
It actually seemed to have solved the issue, but after a while I get 'Connection failed...' for all UDP trackers again.

I found these errors in the log, I don't know if it is related:

UDP Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 208896 (tr-udp.c:75)
UDP Please add the line "net.core.rmem_max = 4194304" to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:80)
UDP Failed to set send buffer: requested 1048576, got 208896 (tr-udp.c:86)
UDP Please add the line "net.core.wmem_max = 1048576" to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:91)



#1871 2011-10-25 00:22:36

New member
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 1

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

cristian2k wrote:

Thanks! that was fast!
It actually seemed to have solved the issue, but after a while I get 'Connection failed...' for all UDP trackers again.

I found these errors in the log, I don't know if it is related:

UDP Failed to set receive buffer: requested 4194304, got 208896 (tr-udp.c:75)
UDP Please add the line "net.core.rmem_max = 4194304" to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:80)
UDP Failed to set send buffer: requested 1048576, got 208896 (tr-udp.c:86)
UDP Please add the line "net.core.wmem_max = 1048576" to /etc/sysctl.conf (tr-udp.c:91)

I've just got my 325 today and I'm trying to set it up with v2.42 but I'm getting the same errors whilst running the initial command

su nobody -c "transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -w /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Downloads/Complete -a,192.168.*.* -c /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Downloads/AutoLoad -C --incomplete-dir /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Downloading"



#1872 2011-10-25 14:13:50

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Well, I'd say this is a rather informative warning message, as it tells you exactly what to do smile

I'd create a sysctl.conf in /ffp/etc with the lines mentioned in the warning, and then load it prior to starting Transmission:


$ sysctl -p /ffp/etc/sysctl.conf

This message has existed for as long as Transmission had UDP support, so it's nothing new.



#1873 2011-10-25 15:46:40

New member
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Well, I'd say this is a rather informative warning message, as it tells you exactly what to do smile

I'd create a sysctl.conf in /ffp/etc with the lines mentioned in the warning, and then load it prior to starting Transmission:


$ sysctl -p /ffp/etc/sysctl.conf

This message has existed for as long as Transmission had UDP support, so it's nothing new.

what does " sysctl -p /ffp/etc/sysctl.conf" do ? Google search tells me this is loading setting into kernel..

Do i need to issue this command every time transmission start ? or only do it once ?

I have done as told..checking the log..no longer see the UDP error..thanks..

I am new to this , about to upgrade to 2.4.2..currently running 2.4.1-2 ,before i jump to it.better understand the background more.

In between i am running DNS-320.

Last edited by hmanxx (2011-10-25 16:17:22)



#1874 2011-10-25 15:55:25

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Transmission complains that the system's TCP receive and send windows are too small, probably because Transmission (or Bittorrent in general) expects quite a lot of messages coming in from loads of peers.
The tool tries to set application-specific buffers that suit its needs, but this fails if
A) You don't run Transmission as root
B) the max size of those buffers is smaller than the size Transmission wants.

Although I don't think it'll make much difference, you can create a sysctl.conf file with the two parameters Transmission suggests, and then call the above command once when your system boots up (create a new .sh file in /ffp/start, or call it from /ffp/etc/funplug.local).
Then this warning in the Transmission logs should go away.



#1875 2011-10-25 19:12:35

New member
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

thanks..will try out the funplug.local option..for starting this before /ffp/start .



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