DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-07-08 21:10:46

New member
Registered: 2007-07-08
Posts: 2

DNS-323 makes ITunes crazy !

I have a very strange problem.
After moving my lib from a NDAS to the DNS-323 I have problem to syncronise my Ipod Nano.
My Ipod 60GB is running fine, but much slower then before.
The Nano is causing this message: "found an Iopd in service mode - need to reset "
After resetting It causes the same message - no help

The Nano is OK, I have checked with a second PC / Itunes

This is my configuration:
WIN XP pro at PC
NAS mapped as a drive
ITunes set LIB to this mapped drive
All Music on the NAS

Why is ITunes acting crazy with the Nano and not with the Ipod.
BTW: I can not map the NAS with the Tool-SW, I had to do it manually with the explorer.

(pardon my spellings, I am no native - I am German)




(WIN XP pro , DNS-323 , Itunes , Ipod 60GB , Ipod Nano 2GB)



#2 2007-07-09 04:01:26

DNS-323 Talker
Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 245

Re: DNS-323 makes ITunes crazy !

Check to make sure that Windows isn't mapping your iPod and DNS-323 to the same drive letter...happened on my son's computer when I hooked up the DNS-323 and mapped a network drive when teh iPod wasn't connected.  After that I had somewhat similar problem (can't remember the exact iPod/iTunes error message, but similar to yours).  Remapped the iPod to a different drive letter and problem went away...

DNS-323 w/two Seagate 500 GB RAID1
Fonz's Fun_Plug- Don't DNS-323 without it!



#3 2007-07-09 22:26:07

New member
Registered: 2007-07-08
Posts: 2

Re: DNS-323 makes ITunes crazy !

OK thanks I will try.


(WIN XP pro , DNS-323 , Itunes , Ipod 60GB , Ipod Nano 2GB)



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