DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2012-07-27 15:26:17

New member
Registered: 2012-07-27
Posts: 2

Locked out of root, due to changing web admin passwd?

Hi Guys, did a quick search and didn't see anything.

So while getting my ffp enabled DNS-321 ready for external access, i realized that the dlink web portal still had the default password set. I changed it via the web interface (login of admin) to something different and carried on.

Today I was unable to SSH into the box. After being sure I didn't have the wrong password, I began to suspect that the password change of the portal overwrote the root password. I have only passable linux knowledge so that seems likely, but would like confirmation.

To fix this, I found a thread here that will allow re-enabling of telnet. My current plan would be to...

1) re-enable telnet
2) telnet in and follow the howto steps i used the first time to set up ssh and root http://nas-tweaks.net/371/hdd-installat … s-devices/

I guess my question is, will this work, and should i be able to use the legacy DLink web portal in other ways without stomping on ffp? I planned to use it for DDNS client updates.
Oh and how do i avoid this in the future?




#2 2012-07-28 03:09:37

New member
Registered: 2012-07-27
Posts: 2

Re: Locked out of root, due to changing web admin passwd?

sorted the problem, i must not have run the script to write the password to the flash memory on the device (doh!) I remember downloading the script, just not running it!

Once i realized i could re-enable telnet's execute permissions from the fun_plug script, the path was clear.



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