DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-07-11 13:24:56

Registered: 2007-07-11
Posts: 6

Missing folders

I'm new to the forum so if this has been answered already, I apologise. My DNS323 is running firmware 1.02 with two Samsung 320Gb drives in raid 1 configuration. I had a drive failure last month, so bought new drive, installed it and logged in. The system reformatted the drive and synchronised with the other disk. All seemed fine until I noticed that any data being written to the raid was only being written to the new drive - no sign of drive activity on the old drive. I was concerned that the integrity of the raid was being lost so I powered down, pulled old drive and reinserted it - I hoped that the raid would compare the two disks and resynchronise again. When I powered it up, it appeared to be working properly as a raid (both drives accessing when saving data to it). However, I discovered that some of the folders that had been created between installing the new drive and removing & re-inserting the old drive had been lost. I checked each drive individually and neither of them has the missing folders. I assumed that they had been lost so I went to recreate them and I got an error message back saying that I cannot create the folder as a folder of the same name aready exists!!

Anyone got any ideas on what went wrong and more importantly how I can recover the folder and data?

Sorry for being so long-winded but I felt that you might need some background info.




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