Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I have a folder with sub folders and files that were backed-up by the DNS-323 scheduling backup software, but cannot delete it now. I have tried to deleted using FTP and from my workstation (WINXP-PRO) share drive which is on the DNS-323 running in RAID-1. This is the only folder that I cannot delete or change the permissions etc…
When I try to delete from WINXP-PRO I get the following error message:
Cannot remove folder Det første var em EP!:nAccess is denied.
Make sure the disk is not full or write protected
And that the file is not currently in use.
When I try to delete from FTP I get the following log:
STATUS:> Connecting ftp data socket
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
226 Transfer complete.
COMMAND:> DELE 01 Too Sick to Pray.mp3
550 01 Too Sick to Pray.mp3: Permission denied.
ERROR:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
Help much appreciated thanks.
Finally worked out howto do it:
Install telnet access to the DNS-323
Telnet into the DNS-323 using PuTTY
Issue the "ls" command to "list files" and navigated to the folder using "cd" command that did not want to delete.
Then changed permissions of the folder, subfolder and filers using the command "chmod -R 777 *"
I was then able to delete the folder/subfolder/files in question using my FTP client.
Hope this shared experience can help others.
Thanks that helped!
I screwed up my first attempt to install the telnet fun_plug and created a directory I could not delete in the process.
Hi. I runned into that damn problem too. And after days of searching I finally found this software: Delete Long Path File
It's GREAT. You can find it here: <a href="http://www.deletelongfile.com">www.deletelongfile.com</a>
tanisha123, you spammer you...
deleting dirs/subdirs is extremely simple in linux with the command
> rm -r foldername
This will Recursively delete all folders and subfolders for a given foldername (you'll have to cd there or provide the full pathname, obviously).
If you want to be extra cautious, add the -i switch for an interactive session, and the rm (remove) command will prompt you to approve each and every file, i.e.,
> rm -ri foldername