Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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is there a way to input german umlauts within the telnetd?
There is no problem to list the umlauts with "ls -l", but there is no way to input the umlauts.
And so I can't change to a directory containing some umlauts or to do some file operations on these files within the telnet environment. (eg. Hörspiel is listable, but I can't input "cd Hörspiel" to change to this directory)
Btw, there is no problem with nfs or ftp, only with telnet. I use UTF8.
Any hope?
also ein workaround wäre die Tab-Taste...
Welchen Client verwendest du? Mit Putty/Tutty kann man in der Telnet Umgebung wenn man den ersten Buchstaben eingegeben hat bequem mit Tab die Eingabe vervollständigen.
Viele Grüße
Hi there,
a workaround would be the use of tab...
In putty/tutty you can complete the inserter beginning of a word with the tab key.
That is not Putty but bash on the dns-323...
But you need a client to connect from windows to the dns. And this client can be putty... and afaik, bash supports tab-completion, but some telnet clients don't forward the tab-key...
The client is native bash from linux. The workaround could be work, but I do have 2 folders (Hörbuch and Hörspiel), so shell tab-completion doesn't work so fine Btw. I think, there is settings, that tab-completion does switch between the hits and not only showing them, any hints?)
Another strange effect, "vi test.txt" can write the german umlauts in the test.txt file (I don't see it during the editing, nly some strange signs), but "cat test.txt" list the umlauts.
I think, same behavior with non-US letters in other languages? Any comments?
mre: try to input the folder in parantheses, like
# mkdir "Hörspiel"
No chance. The problem is, if i push the "ö" button on the keyboard, nothing happens on the screen. Doesn't matter, if there are parantheses or not. Neither the clipboard does work to insert german umlauts (middle mouse botton in Linux).
So if I insert "Hörspiel" from the clipboard, the result is "Hrspiel". Really strange. Can somebody confirm this?
mre wrote:
No chance. The problem is, if i push the "ö" button on the keyboard, nothing happens on the screen. Doesn't matter, if there are parantheses or not. Neither the clipboard does work to insert german umlauts (middle mouse botton in Linux).
So if I insert "Hörspiel" from the clipboard, the result is "Hrspiel". Really strange. Can somebody confirm this?
I can confirm this. The problem occurs using telnet.exe from Windows XP or Putty.exe telnet clients. I'm using fonz's fun_plug 0.3