Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Hi, I've a conceptronic's ch3snas (1.01) and been trying to fun_plug it with no success.
I'm no expert but after reading your tutorials this should be kind of a easy task.
I've copied fun_plug 0.1 from http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/ and changed this line
VOL1=/mnt/HD_a2 to VOL1=/mnt/Volume_1
and deleted this because I'm using only one disk
then copyed it and fun_plug.tar by windows ftp with "quote site chmod 777 fun_plug" successfull.
restarted nas and when I try to access with Putty it won't start.
In windows explorer I still see both files.
If I use file explorer by ftp access now I see two Volume_1 folders!!
The same in windows ftp with dir command !!
What is going wrong?
Many thanks!! It couldn't be more simple! Telnet working now.
I thought that ch3snas firmware 1.01 didn't correspond to dns-323 1.01 because it's from 04/27/2007 and so would need to change the hd_a2 to Volume_1.
I've installed twonkyvision and server is running.
With a transgear dvx-500 syabas based I can access twonkyvision web page through port 9000 but files won't open or play.
Is there any other media server like oxyl-box or wizd that can be installed?
thank you again