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Could someone please tell me how to install RAR on DNS-323?
I have fun_plug installed and telnet connection. I want to be able to unrar some archives that are on my DNS -323 through telnet .
What I did so far is downloaded linuxrar-3.6.0.tar.gz from Rarlab website and unpacked it using my PC to the temp folder on DNS-323. After that using telnet connection I moved files "rar" and "unrar" from temp folder to the bin folder. However when I input through telnet "unrar e myfile.rar" the following error comes up : /bin/unrar: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected.
What do I do wrong ?
Thanks for help.
You download RAR/unRAR for the ARM architecture? Default i386 build will not work.
I am not sure. I grabbed the one that is called rarlinux.3.7.0.tar.gz from the rarlab.com Which one should I have then ? If you can please could you post the link to the proper version ?
Try this one
Thanks ... Didn't have a chance to install it earlier .... Anyways ... it works but it doesn't unrar some of the archives ...%) It says : no files to extract. When I use Winrar under Windows the archive extracts just fine. It is not corrupt or password protected . Does it depends on version of winrar that was used to compress the file ?
I have not experienced any issues with the arm version or rar.
I have processed many rar volumes. syntax ./unrar e whatever.rar
I have download and extract this file to /etch/bin. Is that all I need to do? My SABnzbd programme still cannot extract the archives - it says at least one file failed to be unpacked. How do I test my installation of Unrar whan I have many rar files (001, 002, 003 etc...) in a directory?
(Sorry I am a Linux noob - got the unix manual sat here on my desk!)
Only way I can extract the files on my downloaded rar files on the 323 is using my vista machine with Windows unrar
Thanks for your help!
Last edited by truxntrax (2007-11-21 01:18:02)
I think .001, 002, 003 files are not rars... rar volumes are usually r00, r01 or the obvious .rar
.001 .002...etc files are joined with hjsplit, mastersplitter or winsplit.
Hope that helps.
Last edited by index monkey (2007-11-21 12:29:55)
Got this sorted now - didn't have the unrar file in /usr/bin just had it in /bin.
SABnzbd is now happily locally extracting my downloaded rar files.
Now I guess just got to work out how to cross compile this for the native 323 without Debain Etch.
Any pointers? Thinking about how to cross compile all the python stuff....? Ubuntu machine ready to go!
Last edited by truxntrax (2007-11-21 15:01:18)
sala wrote:
Try this one
I experienced segmentation faults using the above unrar package and/or the unrar-free package (on some rar archives, probably rar version 3), causing hellanzb to produce empty download folders and making the CH3SNAS unstable. After switching to unrar-nonfree these rar archives were extracted without error.
To install the unrar-nonfree package under chrooted etch environment you need to perform following actions:
1 - backup the file /etc/apt/sources.list and create a new one with only the following line
deb http://ftp.ie.debian.org/debian etch main non-free
2 - run following command
apt-get update
3 - run following command
apt-get install unrar
4 - restore backuped file to /etc/apt/sources.list
5 - run following command to restore original situation
apt-get update
NOTE: non-free refers to the fact that the source code may not be used to build other programs. The use of the program it self is not limited.
Last edited by EnricoM (2008-07-02 10:20:42)
Hi guys,
If your interested I got winrar running and have a script for it. Im fairly new to it so its pretty basic but works!
Firstly download winrar for Linux http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.9.0.tar.gz
Then I copied the extracted folder called rar to the root folder of the DNS-323
In the last line of the script I have the folder called downloads which is the location where all the rar files are. Change this to whatever location you download to. Then change the file name to the exact name of the first rar. I called this script extract.vbs and saved to the desktop for ease of use. Use notepad to change the file name to be extracted each timeCall it whatever you like but make sure its .vbs Hope it works! Any improvements please let me know!! Obviously you can change the time it waits.
The script is as follows:
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmd"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys "telnet"
WScript.Sleep 2000
WshShell.SendKeys "cd mnt"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'command line prompt
WScript.Sleep 150
WshShell.SendKeys "cd HD_a2"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'command line prompt
WScript.Sleep 150
WshShell.SendKeys "cd rar"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'command line prompt
WScript.Sleep 150
WshShell.SendKeys "unrar x /mnt/HD_a2/Downloads/The.Rundown.DVDRip.XviD-iMBT.part1.rar"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'command line prompt
BTW please no comments on the movie being extracted!!! If you want actually you can take away the last enter command so it will open all the way but wont start to run so you can change the file name there
It saves to the rar folder btw! Im sure you can change that if you want but it doesn't bother me!
Hi guys,
I ran an anti-virus scan on my dns-323 and I think it deleted some of the unrar files....it now always says no files to extract...could someone please give me a step by step way of installing it?