DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2007-06-23 18:57:08

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

"Network name no longer available" Huh?

I'm trying to get files copied to my 323 and every other transaction the system (Win XP) gives me the error "The network name is no longer available". At one point the 323's window closed, as if the mapped network drive had gone off the network.

Anyone else experienced this issue?

I'm running the latest fun_plug and TwonkyMedia.




#2 2007-06-23 19:54:37

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Update: When I try to connect to the DNS via the Mac (OS X) everything is looking good, then the mapped folder disappears and I get this message:

Server Connection Interupted
WORKGROUP;[Server Name]

with the only choice to Disconnect

The 323's disks were spun down when I connected. Is this the problem? When the disks power down it confuses both Windows and Macs? I doubt it, since a lot of folks seem to be having good luck with their systems.



#3 2007-06-23 19:56:30

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Update 2: Now the folder is back (on the OS X system) and I can see the directories. Wait. Now it's gone again. WTF?!!

Update 3: I get the same "Server Connection Interrupted" message about every 2 minutes. When I tried to launch an mp3 stored on the 323 it spun for about 30 seconds, launched iTunes, then copied & played the song about 30 seconds after that. A few minutes after the open Finder folder window for the 323 cleared itself, as if it had lost the connection again.

There are no other devices currently on my network. Do I have a bad unit, a bad install of fun_plug or Twonkymedia, or some other issue?

Last edited by travis (2007-06-23 20:12:57)



#4 2007-06-23 20:48:17

Member / Developer
From: Berlin
Registered: 2007-02-06
Posts: 1716

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

bad network cable? bad wireless connection?



#5 2007-06-23 21:01:34

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Good idea. I'll try a direct connect later today and report back. Thanks!



#6 2007-06-24 20:03:42

From: Helsingborg, Sweden
Registered: 2007-01-20
Posts: 13

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

I have the same issue with my two Macs I connect from.

As long as there is activity, everything works fine. As soon as the volume has been idle for a while (don't know how long, but say it's at least 15 minutes) all of a sudden the "Connection Interupted" with the DISCONNECT button pops up.

Feels like an inactivity timeout of some sort.. Is it Samba? Is it a TCP issue? I don't know yet, but it's lame :-/



#7 2007-06-27 05:16:18

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?


I tried connecting direct (non-wifi) to my router. I had the same problem on both Mac (disconnects. slow and buggy) and Windows XP (very slow. connection terminated randomly)

So I reformatted the drive and tried adding files *before* adding the fun_plug or TwonkyMedia server.

...and everything works fine thus far. Everything fast and well. Files transfer A-OK.

Now I'm in a dilemma: I want my Xbox 360 to be able to see the 323. That requires TwonkyMedia (right?) which requires the fun_plug. But one of those two seems to have been the problem on more than one install.

As mentioned above, I'm not a Linux guru. I don't know how to customize fun_plug scripts or can recognize what might be fracking things up.

What's the opinion of the crowd? I know fun_plug works great for some folks. Why is it causing trouble for me?




#8 2007-06-27 11:33:59

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2007-01-17
Posts: 259

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?


To me this sounds like the twonkymedia server is using up to much resources from your box.
Most probably it uses to much memory.

If you have telnet access this can be checked with the top command.



#9 2007-06-29 20:00:15

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Thanks for the advice, frodo. Tomorrow I'm going to re-install KRH's fun_plug, then see if the problem returns. If it does, we at least know where to start the troubleshooting. If everything works fine, then Twonky may well be the culprit.

I'll post more in tomorrow.


Last edited by travis (2007-07-01 03:03:20)



#10 2007-07-02 17:49:38

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

I reformatted on Saturday. Moved a few music files over. They played a-ok on both PC and Mac.

Used WS FTP to install the fun_plug basic stuff. Everything worked fine on both PC and Mac. This was Saturday evening.

Sunday morning went to install TwonkyMedia. The 323 web config went straight to a screen saying that I needed to format and mirror one of the drives. I let it do so, wondering if something had gone wrong. It formatted, mirrored. The files from the day before seemed to be intact.

Installed TwonkyMedia. Music loaded and played well on both PC and Mac. According to Twonky's config screen, it was using 51k of memory. This was Sunday afternoon.

On Sunday evening the problems began again. The Mac kept having a "Disconnect" screen and erratic behavior (worked for a few minutes, then cut out). On Windows I got the message "The Share name \\[Share name]\Volume 1" is already in use." It crashed *both* my Mac and XP systems after giving these errors. I was able to get to the Twonky config once. It showed 59k memory usage.

What do you think? Bad NAS? Bad drives? **Why does it work fine at first, then degrade so quickly?**

getting fed up,



#11 2007-07-02 18:24:40

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Why not leave it for a week or so before you put on TwonkyMedia and see what happens?

If I recall correctly the DNS-323 has 64 MB RAM - it looks to me like your desire to add functionality is simply pushing it beyond it's capabilities.

Question (for Travis) - are you running any "standard" services (daemons?) that can easily be disabled, iTunes server, ftp server, DHCP server, etc.?  Another question (this time for the linux guys who know how this thing works) - I know the fun_plug can be used to add functionality, I assume it can also be used to stop non essential functions, am I right?

Last edited by fordem (2007-07-02 19:24:50)



#12 2007-07-02 19:40:55

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Thanks for the reply, fordem.

I'm hoping to get the problem diagnosed sooner, rather than later, to still be within the return window for either the drives or the NAS. If I want too long I could be stuck.

Re: services. I turned off the iTunes server, the ftp server and the built-in media server. Don't think the DHCP was activated to begin with. I'm at work, so I can't check right now.

Shouldn't a lot of other people be complaining about Twonky and the 323, if the former maxes out the latter's hardware? I only have ~200 MB worth of music files on there right now. That's not much :-/



#13 2007-07-02 20:06:16

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

I live in a different country to you, with different expectations and different standards, and here we have a slightly different point of view when it comes to returning merchandise - if it doesn't work with your hacks or add-ons, that's your problem and you're not entitiled to an exchange or refund.

So if your focus was knowing if your hardware is at fault, so that you could return it or have it exchanged, then you'd be doing exactly what I suggested - running it as the manufacturer intended.



#14 2007-07-03 02:15:37

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2007-01-17
Posts: 259

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?


Did you ever try "top" or "free" to check on your memory status.
I have never used the twonky sw so I don't know how much resources it eats but I am suspecting it to eat up to much RAM.



#15 2007-07-04 20:10:42

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Frodo - I did not, but I'm planning to spend some time today working on the problem, so I will give that a try. Thanks!



#16 2007-07-08 05:32:49

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

Frodo -- Sorry for the delay -- life is busy :-) Here's what the top command gives me:


Mem: 59836K used, 2112K free, 0K shrd, 11044K buff, 40452K cached
Load average: 0.60 0.16 0.05
26211 root     R       1440 26210100.0  2.3 top
26210 root     S       1440  1115  0.0  2.3 sh
4053 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4052 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4051 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4050 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4049 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4048 root     S       1408  4047  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4047 root     S       1408  4046  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4046 root     S       1408  4045  0.0  2.2 twonkymediaserv
4045 root     S        592     1  0.0  0.9 twonkymedia
3812 root     S       1440  1115  0.0  2.3 sh
1115 root     S       1448     1  0.0  2.3 telnetd
1070 root     S       1560     1  0.0  2.5 crond
1035 root     S       1264     1  0.0  2.0 lpd
  992 root     S       1556     1  0.0  2.5 sh
  988 root     S        776     1  0.0  1.2 op_server
  965 root     S        488     1  0.0  0.7 fancontrol
  956 root     S       2664     1  0.0  4.2 webs
  940 root     S        524     1  0.0  0.8 chkbutton
  865 root     SW         0     1  0.0  0.0 md0_raid1


Here's what free command says:

              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:        61948        59752         2196            0        11044
Swap:      1060208            0      1060208
Total:      1122156        59752      1062404



#17 2007-07-11 03:21:02

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

bump so that hopefully frodo knows what to do with the numbers above



#18 2007-09-08 18:37:17

Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 16

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

This thread has been dead for a while, but I wanted to update it for those nice enough to help:

It was my router. My POS D-link router was the cause of dropped connections. I bought a Linksys WRT54G and the problem went away.

Now all I have to do is get iTunes and my 360 (via Twonky) to see the 323...

Thanks again



#19 2007-09-11 09:07:55

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2007-09-10
Posts: 249

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?


i take it XB360 users (like myself) need another medium to recode the files on the 323 in order to have them play on the 360? i am hoping to KILL THE PC all together and just use the 323 as the Media Server and the 360 to play them. i know for now, i have to have XPMC or Vista MC with 3rd party application to convert DIVX files so 360 can play them.

my 323 has no HD's as of yet, but i need to find out if i still need my PC to do conversion streaming (eg, transcode360 or equivilent)

323 to PC MC to 360.. just doesnt not make sense when trying to play DIVX .. grr MS

please confirm if you can



#20 2007-09-15 18:55:55

Registered: 2007-09-15
Posts: 7

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

I've had issues when connected to my work via VPN and trying to copy files to the DNS-323 at the same time. Fails during copy. I have it connected to a gigabit DIR-655 router (latest firmware or one rev. behind...) and gigabit from my PC to router as well so there shouldn't be any bottleneck. It's not like I am moving/copying very large files (100mb or less usually zipped to extract there). I also see it *go away* where the device name is no longer available. Usually I have to then power cycle it and reboot PC at same time then reconnect and it's ok again for a while (anywhere from 1->4 days).

I have power management disabled on my adapter on the PC's/laptop, disabled Wake on Lan as well. I assign a static IP for the DNS323 too at the router and DHCP the PC's and all of them are fine otherwise. It shouldn't just *disappear* for no reason at all....

Suggestions, ideas? seeing same problem?





#21 2007-09-15 21:22:32

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

metalmike wrote:

I've had issues when connected to my work via VPN and trying to copy files to the DNS-323 at the same time. Fails during copy. I have it connected to a gigabit DIR-655 router (latest firmware or one rev. behind...) and gigabit from my PC to router as well so there shouldn't be any bottleneck. It's not like I am moving/copying very large files (100mb or less usually zipped to extract there). I also see it *go away* where the device name is no longer available. Usually I have to then power cycle it and reboot PC at same time then reconnect and it's ok again for a while (anywhere from 1->4 days).

I have power management disabled on my adapter on the PC's/laptop, disabled Wake on Lan as well. I assign a static IP for the DNS323 too at the router and DHCP the PC's and all of them are fine otherwise. It shouldn't just *disappear* for no reason at all....

Suggestions, ideas? seeing same problem?



I suggest you sit down and starting with a clean sheet of paper, write down the details - and then start a new thread.  You have posted in two threads what may or may not be the same problem.

In this thread you mention your work VPN - in the other thread you don't - is that VPN a PC to LAN VPN (established between a specific computer and the work place LAN) or a LAN to LAN VPN (established between your home firewall and the work place LAN)?  Does the disconnect happen ONLY when you're using the VPN?  Does it happen from one PC or ALL the PCs?

This sort of detail will enable us to either locate the problem area or perhaps suggest ways to narrow it down.

BTW - a static ip is assigned at the device using it - you can't assign a static ip for the DNS323 at the router or DHCP server.  You can assign a DHCP reservation at the router or DHCP server which will ensure that the DNS-323 always gets the same ip address, but, although it may appear similar, DHCP reservations are not the same as static addresses.



#22 2007-10-02 14:59:12

Registered: 2007-09-15
Posts: 7

Re: "Network name no longer available" Huh?

fordem wrote:

metalmike wrote:

I've had issues when connected to my work via VPN and trying to copy files to the DNS-323 at the same time. Fails during copy. I have it connected to a gigabit DIR-655 router (latest firmware or one rev. behind...) and gigabit from my PC to router as well so there shouldn't be any bottleneck. It's not like I am moving/copying very large files (100mb or less usually zipped to extract there). I also see it *go away* where the device name is no longer available. Usually I have to then power cycle it and reboot PC at same time then reconnect and it's ok again for a while (anywhere from 1->4 days).

I have power management disabled on my adapter on the PC's/laptop, disabled Wake on Lan as well. I assign a static IP for the DNS323 too at the router and DHCP the PC's and all of them are fine otherwise. It shouldn't just *disappear* for no reason at all....

Suggestions, ideas? seeing same problem?



I suggest you sit down and starting with a clean sheet of paper, write down the details - and then start a new thread.  You have posted in two threads what may or may not be the same problem.

In this thread you mention your work VPN - in the other thread you don't - is that VPN a PC to LAN VPN (established between a specific computer and the work place LAN) or a LAN to LAN VPN (established between your home firewall and the work place LAN)?  Does the disconnect happen ONLY when you're using the VPN?  Does it happen from one PC or ALL the PCs?

This sort of detail will enable us to either locate the problem area or perhaps suggest ways to narrow it down.

BTW - a static ip is assigned at the device using it - you can't assign a static ip for the DNS323 at the router or DHCP server.  You can assign a DHCP reservation at the router or DHCP server which will ensure that the DNS-323 always gets the same ip address, but, although it may appear similar, DHCP reservations are not the same as static addresses.

Ok, I got you on the DHCP reservation, using same IP for it at the router. With regards to the VPN, I was connected to my work via VPN and had the device mounted to my PC as drive G: and copying files to it. Performance went down the tubes at that point (copy was in progress at the time) and then it errored out on the copy. I am wondering if this can be heat related though. I'll monitor the temp when I next keep it up running over a period of time and see what it is when it happens. I'll go check the other thread now too.



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