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Hi folks
I have recently bought a DNS-323 but have had no luck getting it to work as it is supposed to. I have set up a virtual server on my router (forwarding port 21 to the LAN IP of the DNS-323). I have set the DNS-323 to allow read/write FTP access for myself and read access for anonymous users. I am running OS X and Ubuntu but can't FTP to the DNS-323 via the WAN IP, however, both machines can access the DNS-323 via the LAN IP. There must be some step I'm missing, but I can't work out what it is. Can anyone assist?
fordem wrote:
From a PC on your home network, go to www.grc.com and use ShieldsUp! to verify that the ports you think are open, are in fact open - your ISP may be blocking them, once you have verified they are open, you need to find if they are blocked anywhere along the "path"...
similar issue discussed on this thread http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p7038-2007 … html#p7038
Last edited by mig (2007-10-26 09:57:00)
It sounds like you may be trying to access the DNS-323 using ftp to the public ip from inside the same LAN - this will not work unless your router supports loopback.
fordem wrote:
It sounds like you may be trying to access the DNS-323 using ftp to the public ip from inside the same LAN - this will not work unless your router supports loopback.
Ahah... that might be it. the FTP server works using the internal IP. So to check FTP access from the WAN, I'd need to use another computer outside my LAN, or spoof my IP?
Now I just need to find out why the iTunes server doesn't work
Another computer outside the LAN - you can fiddle with the ip addresses if you want, but I doubt that it'll make a difference - the traffic still enters the firewall on the inside interface.