Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I have built a TFTP server (from tftp-hpa-0.42 from Fedora's source) for the DNS-323. With this (and a DHCP server that can set the right options) it is possible to set up a DNS-323 as a PXE boot server (network boot for PCs). I'm using it and unfsd3 to serve Fedora install trees to my local LAN.
For anyone that is interested, I'm attaching it here. It is built as an add-on to fonz's funplug.
oh, that would be nice just so we can do recovery for PC's that support booting on the LAN (ghost, ect)
I haven't tried it, but if you use DHCP on the DNS-323 (udhcpd), you need to add the following lines to udhcpd.conf and restart udhcpd:
siaddr <IP of the DNS-323>
boot_file <your PXE boot file>
If you are using a Linksys WRT54G (Linux versions) or similar device for DHCP, I've got a perl script that will add these options via the ping "backdoor". I can post it here if anyone is interested.
Is anyone using this tftp server with udhcpd? I can't get it to work. DHCP is working, tftp does something but it ends with:
PXE-T01: File not found
Just to get something working I tried it with chroot debian. but the only config that sort of works is with tftpd. But I want to install debian on a diskless station and the debian bootimage is PXElinux, which wants a tftp server that supports the tsize option. For some reason atftp and tftp-hpa don't want to work. I prefer to have it working without the chroot debian environment. But if that is what it needs then I will use it.
Are you putting (replace the IP):
boot_file pxelinux.0
in your udhcpd.conf and then restarting udhcpd? You'll need something like pxelinux.0 from syslinux, along with a config file and such.
I'm using a different device for my DHCP server today, so I don't use udhcpd today, but I used a Linksys WRT54G running Linux and udhcpd before and just had to add those options and restart udhcpd.
I have the debian netboot image installed in /mnt/HD_a2/tftpboot. I tried the DNS-323 dhcp server, the debian dhcp3 server (in chroot debian), the dhcp server in my speedtouch adsl modem. I only had a little bit of succes with dhcp3 + tftpd. But then I needed pxelinux needed the tsize option.
Are you using tftpd with a different dhcp server? Or don't you use tftpd on the DNS323 anymore?
I tried a lot of options in the udhcpd.conf and restarted in between changes of course. But documentation is rather limited, so, I am not always sure that I use the right options. A log file would be nice for instance. Oh, what are the options for your tftpd? I can only see -s and -l. But a tftpd -h or --help doesn't give any help. Is there any way to keep it running in front and switch on verbose messages?
FYI: I got it working with chroot debian, using dhcp3 and tftpd-hpa. But now I am stuck with nfs. :-(
any news about funplug and tftp?
The downloadlink is incorrect. Where can i download the file tftpd-hpa-0.42.tgz?
The download link is still wrong. Could someone please fix it? Thanks!
One can also try tftp-hpa-0.48 ipk from the optware/dns323 feed.
See http://dns323.kood.org/howto:optware for optware setup instruction.
See also http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Optware/dns323
Hi, fonz
My router is running Tomato, and dnsmasq is enabled. I'm not sure if enable tftp feature on Tomato's dnsmasq would consume lot of resources or not. So yes, a reliable tftp server on DNS323 would be great for setting up a pxe server. dnsmasq does contain a tftp server, and it can be run as stand alone feature. But how to make 2 dnsmasq servers work inside one subnet, like one is main DHCP server and other is a replay?
To burdellgp
I'd be apreciate if you can share more information about pxe server setup.
Thanks and have a good day.
Last edited by kenyloveg (2009-07-11 07:54:25)
I've add "dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0,," to dnsmasq configuration on Tomato, device with lan boot can boot to now.
But 192.168.160 is a Windows tftp server...... Still wanner to make DNS323 act as a pxe server...