Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
You are not logged in.
I have created a user and assigned permissions through the DNS-323 web interface. On my local computer I have some automatic backups that I want to to write to a permission protected folder on the 323. Is there a script I can run that will automatically log me in to the protected folder so my backup program can access it?
On my winxp box - I use the same password/login that i setup on the dns box - and then it auto reconnects them for acccess on login
winxp - search for auto login and there is a simple modification to have a password but have winxp auto log you into it
A script on my professional Compaq nc6220 to log on my home Network
A batch code to put on desktop and click or to save in \Profiles\All users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Adapt it
@echo of
rem DLINK DNS-323 - FirmWare 1.03 - fun_plug 0.3
rem HD Samsung 320 Go + Seagate 500 Go
rem Volume_1 RAID1 300 Go
rem Volume_2 JBOD 200 Go
rem Batch Windows XP Pro SP2
rem A placer dans Profiles\All users\Menu Demarrer\Programmes\Demarrage
rem Adresse IP fixes des ressources réseau
set NAS=192.zzz.yyy.1
set VDR=192.zzz.yyy.2
rem N'impote quel utilisateur défini dans le NAS
set multiuser=toto
set multipsswd=toto
rem Reveil des disks du NAS (ping secondes + 1)
ping -n 5 %NAS%
rem Détruire les montages professionnels
net use * /delete /yes
rem Réseau Maison
rem Les postes XP sont configurés; soit avec 1ière lettre en Majuscule, soit et Minuscule ... à améliorer
rem Personalisation Utilisateurs du DNS-323
if "%username%" == "Titi" goto titi
if "%username%" == "titi" goto titi
if "%username%" == "Tata" goto tat
if "%username%" == "tata" goto tata
echo Erreur Utilisateur ou Mot de passe
goto fin
set PEAGE=titipasswd
goto mappage
set PEAGE=tatapasswd
goto fin
rem photos
echo Montage I: Images
net use I: \\%NAS%\Volume_2\partage_jbod\Images /user:multiuser multipsswd /persistent:no
rem Répertoire partagé pour tous les utilisateurs LOGIN=dummy PEAGE=dummy
echo Montage P: Public
net use P: \\%NAS%\Volume_2\partage_jbod\Public /user:LOGIN PEAGE /persistent:no
rem Divx et plus / Définir le chemin records pour vdrbox et son Mot de Passe dans le NAS
echo Montage R: records on vdrbox
net use R: \\%VDR%\records /user:vdrbox vdrbox /persistent:no
rem Définir le chemin personnel de l'Utilisateur et son Mot de Passe dans le NAS
echo Montage U: Utilisateur
net use u: \\%NAS%\volume_1\user_raid1\%username% %peage% /persistent:no
set NAS=
set VDR=
set PEAGE=
Have fun
Last edited by debianbox (2007-11-03 16:28:38)