Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I cannot change the workgroup or hostname of my DNS-323 (firmware 1.03, no fun_plug).
When I attempt to change the the name via
setup >> device >> name and then press "save settings" I receive a random unicode character such as which it displays right now.
I have gone back to factory defaults a couple of times with no changes. What is curious is that the CfgBackup shows the correct name (testname) in various locations.
Here is the output of the CfgBackup:
Version = v2.5 ;CF-SYS-MODEL-STR = "testname" CF-WEB-IDLE-TIME = "10" CF-IP-DHCP-ENABLE = "0" CF-IP-STATIC-IP = "" CF-IP-STATIC-IP-NETMASK = "" CF-IP-STATIC-IP-GATEWAY = "" CF-IP-DNS1 = "" CF-IP-DNS2 = "" CF-TIMEZONE = "-8" CF-METHOD = "2" CF-WEB-USER-IDLE = "10" CF-TIMESERVER = "" CF-WL-WIRELESS = "0" CF-WL-COMM-MODE = "2" CF-WL-SSID = "" CF-WL-CHANNEL = "0" CF-WL-AUTH = "0" CF-WL-SECURITY-MODE = "0" CF-WL-ENCRYPTION-MODE = "0" CF-WL-KEY-FORMATE = "0" CF-WL-DEFAULT-KEY = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-1 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-2 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-3 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-4 = "" CF-WL-PSK = "" CF-Daylight = "f" CF-WL-MACADDRESS = "" CF-WL-SIGNAL = "" CF-WL-CONNECT = "0" CF-WL-BEGIN-CHANNEL = "1" CF-WL-END-CHANNEL = "11" CF-WL-COUNTRY-REGION = "0" CF-JUMBO = "0" CF-WL-WIRELESS-MODE = "0" CF-UDHCP = "0" CF-QUOTA = "0" CF-UDHCP-START-IP = "" CF-UDHCP-END-IP = "" CF-UDHCP-LEASE-TIME = "604800" CF-POWER-MANAGE-STATE = "1" CF-POWER-MANAGE-TIME = "5" CF-iTunesServ = "1" CF-LINKSPEED = "0" CF-UPNPAVServ = "1" CF-COMPANY-URL = "http://www.dlink.com.tw/" CF-UPNPAVPRESCAN = "i" ;ShareFolder:/mnt ;CF-AP-APStation = "1" CF-AP-APOnOff = "0" CF-AP-SSID = "" CF-AP-CHANNEL = "0" CF-AP-802-11G-ONLYMODE = "0" CF-AP-SSID-BROADCAST = "0" CF-AP-SECURITY-MODE = "0" CF-AP-AUTH = "1" CF-AP-ENCRYPTION-MODE = "1" CF-AP-KEY-TYPE = "1" CF-AP-DEFAULT-KEY = "1" CF-AP-KEY-VALUE-1 = "" CF-AP-KEY-VALUE-2 = "" CF-AP-KEY-VALUE-3 = "" CF-AP-KEY-VALUE-4 = "" CF-AP-RADIUS-IP = "" CF-AP-RADIUS-PORT = "" CF-AP-RADIUS-SHARED-SECRET = "" CF-AP-PSK = "" CF-AP-SIGNAL = "" CF-AP-TX-RATE = "0" CF-AP-TRANSMIT-POWER = "0" CF-AP-BEACON-INTERVAL = "100" CF-AP-RTS-THRESHOLD = "2346" CF-AP-FRAGMENTATION = "2346" CF-AP-DTIM-INTERVAL = "1" CF-AP-PREAMBLE-TYPE = "2" CF-AP-CTS-MODE = "2" CF-AP-OWN-IP-ADDRESS = "" CF-AP-SESSION-TIMEOUT-INTERVAL = "0" CF-AP-PID = "" CF-AP-AUTOCHANNEL = "" ;[ Volume_1 ] comment = path = /mnt/HD_a2 valid users = read only = no guest ok = yes ;0000 ;admin:Lnrqv6ozs4FEc:0:0:99999:7::: nobody:pACwI1fCXYNw6:0:0:99999:7::: ;nameserver nameserver ;#!/bin/sh /sbin/ifconfig egiga0 netmask route add default gw HOSTNAME='testname' echo "Setting hostname .... $HOSTNAME" /bin/hostname $HOSTNAME ;root:x:0:0:Linux User,,,:/home/root:/bin/sh admin:x:500:500:Linux User,,,:/home/admin:/bin/sh nobody:x:501:501:Linux User,,,:/home/nobody:/bin/sh ; localhost.localdomain localhost testname testname ;root:x:0:root 500:x:500:admin 501:x:501:nobody ;SADDR = "" DADDR = "" SERVER = "" PORT = "25" MODE = "0" AUTH = "1" UNAME = "" PASSWD = "" INTERVAL = "0" TEMPERATURE = "140" KOT = "F" ;CF-SYS-MODEL-STR = "DNS-323" CF-WEB-IDLE-TIME = "10" CF-IP-DHCP-ENABLE = "1" CF-IP-STATIC-IP = "" CF-IP-STATIC-IP-NETMASK = "" CF-IP-STATIC-IP-GATEWAY = "" CF-IP-DNS1 = "" CF-IP-DNS2 = "" CF-TIMEZONE = "-8" CF-METHOD = "2" CF-WEB-USER-IDLE = "10" CF-TIMESERVER = "" CF-WL-WIRELESS = "0" CF-WL-COMM-MODE = "2" CF-WL-SSID = "" CF-WL-CHANNEL = "0" CF-WL-AUTH = "0" CF-WL-SECURITY-MODE = "0" CF-WL-ENCRYPTION-MODE = "0" CF-WL-KEY-FORMATE = "0" CF-WL-DEFAULT-KEY = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-1 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-2 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-3 = "" CF-WL-KEY-VALUE-4 = "" CF-WL-PSK = "" CF-Daylight = "f" CF-WL-MACADDRESS = "" CF-WL-SIGNAL = "" CF-WL-CONNECT = "0" CF-WL-BEGIN-CHANNEL = "1" CF-WL-END-CHANNEL = "11" CF-WL-COUNTRY-REGION = "0" CF-JUMBO = "0" CF-WL-WIRELESS-MODE = "0" CF-UDHCP = "0" CF-QUOTA = "0" CF-UDHCP-START-IP = "" CF-UDHCP-END-IP = "" CF-UDHCP-LEASE-TIME = "604800" CF-POWER-MANAGE-STATE = "1" CF-POWER-MANAGE-TIME = "5" CF-iTunesServ = "1" CF-LINKSPEED = "0" CF-UPNPAVServ= "1" CF-COMPANY-URL = "http://www.dlink.com.tw/" CF-UPNPAVPRESCAN="i" ;SYSTEM = "0" EMAIL = "0" ;web_root /web port 3689 admin_pw db_dir /mnt/HD_a2/.systemfile/.mt-daapd mp3_dir /mnt tmp_dir /mnt/HD_a2/.systemfile servername testname runas nobody playlist /etc/mt-daapd.playlist password extensions .mp3,.m4a,.m4p rescan_interval 0 ;;#FTPConf=V1.04 #stop #FTProot=/home/ftp #FTPport=21 #anonymous=yes,read class all real,guest,anonymous * limit all 5 Any /etc/ftpmaxnumber ul-dl-rate 50 all throughput /mnt * * oo - * timeout idle 120 timeout maxidle 120 timeout accept 120 #passive ports 65501 65510 pasv-allow all * restricted-uid * noretrieve /home/ftp readme README* login readme README* cwd=* message /welcome.msg login message .message cwd=* compress yes all tar yes all chmod yes all delete yes all overwrite yes all rename yes all umask yes all log commands real log transfers anonymous,real inbound,outbound ;0000 ;0000 ;
other than not being to set the workgroup or hostname everything seems to work normally.