Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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hi all,
I read a lot of the ways to add a new hdd but am a bit confused. I installed my first hdd with success some time ago after a lot of trial and error. It now runs exactly as I want (webserver and ftp server on the drive), and I dont really want to change anything. however, space is running out and I want to add a new hdd.
I have firmware 1.03 and funplug 0.3 installed. I have already installed the second hdd in the dns and it is formatted and now drive 2
my issue is the following:
I would like to make the two hdds as a JOBD but dont want to reinstall everything (because I think I will run into a lot of issues again, and that will take me a lot of time, if Iwill succeed at all....). How can I do that? can I make a backup of the drive by just copying everything through windows explorer to a save place, reformat the two drives to a JBOD and recopy the files back to the dns?
I'm not sure this will work, so need your opinion on that.
I haven't touched Linux in a few years, more money in supporting MS, but if I recall correctly that will work provided the permissions don't get stripped from the files. Linux/Unix uses file/folder permissions differently than windows/MS.
[rwx rwx rwx] or [root(?) Group User] permissions
"chrmod 777 filename" would turn on every permission to a file and make it possible to execute.
This is easy to look up. Just do a search on yahoo or even Debian's site for man pages.
Someone more up to date than I should be able to direct you better.
pwvandeursen wrote:
hi all,
I read a lot of the ways to add a new hdd but am a bit confused. I installed my first hdd with success some time ago after a lot of trial and error. It now runs exactly as I want (webserver and ftp server on the drive), and I dont really want to change anything. however, space is running out and I want to add a new hdd.
I have firmware 1.03 and funplug 0.3 installed. I have already installed the second hdd in the dns and it is formatted and now drive 2
my issue is the following:
I would like to make the two hdds as a JOBD but dont want to reinstall everything (because I think I will run into a lot of issues again, and that will take me a lot of time, if Iwill succeed at all....). How can I do that? can I make a backup of the drive by just copying everything through windows explorer to a save place, reformat the two drives to a JBOD and recopy the files back to the dns?
I'm not sure this will work, so need your opinion on that.
The problem with the DNS-323 configuration is that it doesn't have a nice way to change the two separate volumes to a single JBOD without going through the format process. So your solution of copying everything off onto a separate machine, then doing the JBOD format, then copying everything back should work just fine. I'm not 100% sure though how fun_plug works on the JBOD, i.e., I don't know which disk it needs to be on, but I'm guessing it would just work. Someone else with more fun_plug knowledge would know...
thanks for the reply guys. THat at least helps me a bit further. Anybody here that can give a definite remark to the issue?