DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-12-14 17:54:53

Registered: 2007-12-14
Posts: 18

Directories different between mapped drive and telnet access

I have my DNS-323 set up with MLDonkey 2.9.2. The two drives put in are in a JBOD configuration, formatted with ext2. Firmware is 1.03

It's working fine, but I am noticing something a bit weird.

If I Telnet to the DNS-323, and go to the directory /mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/torrents/, I can see five subdirectories: downloads, incoming, seeded, old and tracked.
I have also mapped the /mnt directory as a drive on my laptop (Vista Home Premium). But I cannot see the five subdirectories under /torrents from the mapped drive.

I thought it might be something to do with permissions, so I disconnected the drive and mapped it using the admin credentials I use for the telnet access. Still nothing.

I then telnet'ed again to the DNS-323 and did:
/mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/torrents # chmod a+rw /mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/torrents
/mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/torrents # chmod a+rw /mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/torrents/incoming

but I still cannot see the directories other than through telnet.

What am I doing wrong?

Last edited by uppsju (2007-12-14 17:55:30)



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