Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I just bought the DNS-323 and have placed 2 x 500GB discs inside, using RAID 1, updated with latest firmware (1.03) and set filesystem to ext2 (recommended after updating firmware)
I seem to run into some problems though.
By default there is a share (Volume_1) with access to all users, witch i can acces with explorer by : '\\NAS\' (No problems there)
I've then created a user 'User1' and gave the user access (Read/Write) to a folder '\\NAS\Pictures'. When trying to access this share i'll be asked to enter username and password, but it will not accept this. When it prompts again i has places ACER infront of the entered username ('ACER\Bruger1') and I can then try again, witch ofcourse doesn't work since it is my laptop that is called ACER. I don't have an Domain Controller (DC).
I've also tried to enter NAS\User1 as username - still doesn't work!
When I try to give the user 'User1' access through FTP the login works fine.
Can it be Windows (I'm running Vista) and the OS (Linux) on DNS-323 that can't interchange username/passwords.
My goal was to use the DNS-323 as a backup for pictures and documents, and would like to use Windows Sync Center to sync files between my laptop/PC's and DNS-323, but this will require the networkaccess to work.
I hope anyone can help with this issue.
Please feel free to aks further questions, if I've missed something
have you verified so that the DNS-323 and your laptop is on the same workgroup?
to check on the DNS: connect to GUI->setup->device
to check in windows: control panel->system->computer name
reading your post again, I think the problem is this:
try \\NAS\Volume_1\Pictures instead of \\NAS\Pictures
it's a security problem between Vista and DNS323. Same problem here, but used my free time to play with fun plug etc :-)
With Beta Firmware 1.04 the Problem is fixed, but it's not stable at the moment.
This is out of the Conceptronic CH3SNAS manual, which's the same device:
! Windows Vista Network Note !
The security policies which are being used by Windows Vista are not supported by the
Samba software in the CH3SNAS.
Therefore, to use file shares/folders of the CH3SNAS, you need to change this the
security policies of Windows Vista.
Changing the security settings.
1. Click "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Run".
2. Type "secpol.msc" and click "OK".
3. Allow Windows to open the Security Policies window by clicking "Continue".
4. Click "Local Policies" and choose "Security options".
5. Right click on "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level" and select
6. Change the value "Sent NTLMv2 response only" to "Send LM&NTLM - use NTLMv2
session security if negotiated".
7. Click "Apply" and "OK" and close the Security Policies screen.
8. Reboot your computer.
You can now map a network drive to your computer with the steps below:
1. Right click on "Computer" and select "Map network drive...".
2. Select the drive letter you want to use (for example "Z:").
3. Type the folder which you want to map (for example "\\CH3SNAS\Volume_1").
4. Click "Different user name" and type the username "Guest" (or another username)
and the password which is configured for the CH3SNAS share.
5. Click "OK" and Click "Finish".
Your CH3SNAS share is now mapped to a driveletter on your computer.
source: http://download.conceptronic.net/GRABNG … MAN_ML.pdf
Last edited by spflug (2007-07-27 18:21:36)
Back at home I tried the above, and it works.
Instead of "8. Reboot your computer." you can also run "gpupdate"
I had the same problem with XP, I fixed it by making sure my windows logon had a password and created a user on the DNS-323 with the same name and password, since then i've had no problems.
Thanks a lot.
I'll try this as soon as possible, and come back with the results
I came across this solution for window users at dlink and it works (I know it's a old thread)
http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?p … on=DNS-323
before this I has it at the default access to ALL, because the easy share 3.5 did not seem to work once you deleted the rule for ALL and added rules for specfic users, but with the work around inthe link above I now have acces to folder I want and the rest only to their folders only.
good luck and happy holidays and still waiting for firmware 1.04 Dlink is too slow for my tastes.
kind of crap that this solution will not work for people with Windows Vista Home Premium, since policy editor is not part of that edition >(
criticism of M$ of course, not of previous poster.