DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2008-08-10 15:24:31

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

[REL] Transmission 1.3

Transmission is a light-weight BitTorrent client that, fortunately, runs on the DNS-323 and CH3SNAS devices.

* Remote access via web interface
* download of multiple torrents at once
* low memory imprint
* low CPU usage
* blocklist support
* proxy support
* Magnet URIs
* Speed and Seed ratio limits (global and per-torrent)
* µTP support
* UDP Tracker support
* Multiscrape

Latest version: 2.92


Transmission 2.83  (ffp-0.5)
Transmission 2.92  (ffp-0.7-arm)
Transmission 2.83  (ffp-0.7-oabi)

If you already have an older version of Transmission installed

This is easy. Download the above package, then install it:


$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
  (wait for a while so Transmission can shutdown cleanly)

$ funpkg -u Transmission-2.83-1.tgz
$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh start



$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
  (wait for a while so Transmission can shutdown cleanly)

$ funpkg -u Transmission-2.92-arm-1.txz
$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh start



$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop
  (wait for a while so Transmission can shutdown cleanly)

$ funpkg -u Transmission-2.83-oabi-1.txz
$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh start


If you're installing Transmission for the first time

Make sure you have the following packages installed before installing Transmission:

- ffp-0.5: curl-7.18.1.tgz
- ffp-0.7-arm: curl-7.21.4-arm-1.txz
- ffp-0.7-oabi: curl-7.24.0-oarm-1.txz

Download all packages, then install them:


$ funpkg -i curl-7.18.1.tgz
$ funpkg -i Transmission-2.83-1.tgz



$ funpkg -i curl-7.21.4-arm-1.txz
$ funpkg -i Transmission-2.92-arm-1.txz



$ funpkg -i curl-7.24.0-oarm-1.txz
$ funpkg -i Transmission-2.83-oabi-1.txz


The main application runs as a daemon in the background. Clients communicate with the daemon via HTTP.
Users usually control Transmission via the built-in Web interface, but there are alternatives available.

By default, only processes running in the same environment (in this case the NAS) can "talk" to the server.
In order to allow access from a remote location, say, from your iPhone, or at work, you need to tell Transmission which IPs are allowed to access it. This is done with a whitelist.

The whitelist is a comma-separated list of IP addresses.  Wildcards can be specified in an address by using '*'.  The default is "" (local access only)
Example: "127.0.0.*,192.168.1.*"

You can also provide credentials in the form of login and password to make access more secure. The web interface will then ask you for the login information everytime you access it.

To set up both a whitelist and login credentials, the daemon has to be started at least once from the command-line.
The parameter '-w' specifies where Transmission will download files to. You can use whichever path you want, but you should specify this option on the first start. Otherwise, Transmission will download to the user's home folder by default, which is located on the NAS's internal memory, and that is very small. You'll get "Disk full" errors with your first download.


$ su nobody -c "/ffp/bin/transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -w /mnt/HD_a2/Downloads -t -u <username> -v <password> -a,192.168.*.*"

You should see some text about Transmission starting. If there are no error messages, you can quit Transmission by pressing Ctrl-C.

With the above white list, you should be able to access the Web interface from your local network.

If it is your first time installing Transmission, you may want to change certain other settings as well. Type "transmission-daemon --help" for a list.
Important: When you call transmission directly (like above) you must always include the '-g' option and point to the config folder of your choice. The default is /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon.

Note: The --port option refers to the RPC port, which is used for communication between the server and a client (e.g. the Web interface). The default ist 9091. This is NOT the BitTorrent port,
To change the BitTorrent port, use transmission-remote (type 'transmission-remote --help' for details).

After the first setup, always start Transmission with:


$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh start

The script uses the default config folder /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon. If you chose a different directory, you have to edit this script.

Also, the script starts the transmission process by default as user "nobody". This is done so you can delete files from a Shared folder.
This also means, that all files and folders that Transmission uses must be owned by the user "nobody" as well.

If you get error messages like "Access denied", or "invalid folder". Do this:


$ /ffp/start/transmission.sh stop   (wait a while after this)
$ chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
$ chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/Downloads

Of course, replace the above download folder with yours if you don't use the default.

Type http://<your NAS IP>:9091/ to access the Web interface.

Have fun with the new version and report problems and experiences here.

To keep it clean and organized, please direct questions regarding Transmission itself (slow speed, corrupt downloads or bugs you may find) to the Transmission developers at www.transmissionbt.com.

I'm not a programmer on the team, I just provide the builds that run on the DNS-323 and the CH3SNAS.

You may also find answers to your questions in the old Transmission thread.


* v1.33: The devs fixed some minor memory leaks and crash problems with malformed torrents. This version doesn't require libintl anymore so you can savely uninstall that package if you like.
* v1.34: Another tiny bugfix release from the Transmission devs. No major changes to report :)
* v1.40: This one brings quite a few changes: Uses fewer resources, RPC server performs better and is more secure, lazy bitfields, more accurate bw limits etc. For a complete list check the Transmission website.
* v1.42: The new version brings better peer management, support for several BEPs (BitTorrent Enhancement Protocols), fixes quite a few bugs, and now compiles on Windows. For a complete list check the Transmission website.
* v1.50: Transmission now has IPv6 support (although I'm not sure if the NAS does support IPv6), and fixes loads of bugs. Downloads should be a lot faster than in 1.42. transmission-remote has been overhauled, and its output is now more detailed, and you can control the daemon more individually. Complete list at the Transmission website.
* v1.51: The new release fixes the dreaded 100% CPU bug. It should perform fairly well now on our beloved NAS. The web interface now works with Internet Explorer, and some other creepy bugs have been eradicated.
Full changelog at the Transmission website.
* v1.52: Well, none of the changes of this version really affect us NAS users, so I'm not sure what to write here :=) Full changelog at the Transmission website.
* v1.60: This one brings some cool changes: per-torrent seed ratio, file prioritization & file selection, random port, UPNP improvements.
File prioritization and per-torrent seed ratio aren't in the web interface (yet), so those are command-line only.
* v1.61: Bugfix release. Fixes issues with the web interface on headless devices (I haven't noticed any problems here), and implements protection against CSRF attacks through the web client. Full Changelog is - as always - available at www.transmissionbt.com
* v1.70: This one got it all: DHT support, faster web interface (a lot faster!), optimizations to RPC code, several bug fixes and memory optimizations.
* v1.71: Bugfixes.
* v1.72: Bugfixes, including some crashers.
             Preallocation on embedded systems. You have to set "preallocation" in settings.json to 2 for this to work (quit Transmission first!). Please note that for large files this will take a while and use some CPU.
* v1.73: This one brings some speed and memory optimizations as well as an updated web interface for the iPhone (including Inspector and Add Torrent buttons). Also you can set a usermask in settings.json for file creation, which means you won't have to run Transmission as a specific user ('nobody') anymore to delete files.
* v1.74: Another maintenance update with mostly changes "under the hood", fixes and optimizations. One thing you'll notice is that the web interface now shows the seeding process.
* v1.75: Main reason for the 1.75 release was an issue with MacOS X 10.6, which of course doesn't bother us. But there's also a bugfix that prevents high CPU usage at startup.
* v1.76: Some minor bugfixes and cleanups. Nothing really major for us NAS people.
* v1.80: This is a Big One: Support for magnet links, seeding until a specified ratio is reached, set per-torrent speed limits with transmission-remote, turtle mode in the WebUI, and much, much more.
* v1.82: 1.80 apparently had some rather critical bugs, which now are fixed :)
* v1.83: Bugfixes
* v1.90: Another release focusing on bugfixes and optimizations. This one includes a fix the infamous "tracker did not respond" problem some of you were having. You can now also use transmission-remote to test if the assigned port ist accessible and update your blocklist.
* v1.91: 1.90 was crashing on startup for some people, this should be fixed now. Another crasher when adding a torrent via FTP URL is also fixed.
* v1.92: This one fixes an issue with seemingly complete downloads which aren't really complete, as well as issues with IPv6, the incomplete directory feature and port forwarding in some rare cases. This version also has changes to the watchdir functionality.
* v1.93: This is a pure bugfix release, nothing really major, only a couple of rare crashers.
* v2.0:  A lot was done for this release: Faster startup, faster file verification, Local Peer Discovery (LPD).
            The option to specify a script that gets executed when a torrent is completed is now in the official builds as well.
* v2.01:  This build optimizes some things, like parsing magnet links, and moving local data to another disk.
* v2.03:  Bugfix release.
* v2.04:  Another tiny bugfix release. This one includes the problem of long shutdown times which some might have experienced (I have :)
* v2.10:  Small cache to reduce disk IO, RPC server now supports gzip compression, CPU optimizations.
* v2.11:  Bugfix release.
* v2.12:  Bugfixes and performance tweaks.
* v2.12-2:  Repackaging of 2.12 that fixes an error with updating the blocklist.
* v2.13:  Bugfix release.
* v2.20:  This release brings lazy verification, fixes some long-standing bugs and also improves performance in certain situations.
* v2.21:  Bugfix release: The previous version broke connection encryption.
* v2.22:  This one fixes the ugly speed display bug and provides faster endgame. Also some other minor fixes.
* v2.30:  A new major release, which brings µTP support, UDP tracker support and also implements BittTorrents "Fast Extension".
* v2.31:  Fix packaging error (Transmission team) and fix µTP support (myself)
* v2.32:  Maintenance release that fixes several crash issues, problems with seeding torrents, and includes my µTP fix from last release.
* v2.33:  Maintenance release that fixes only issues with OSX Lion. Released just for completeness, and because some users' trackers require the latest version.
* v2.41:  A new major release, which brings use queue support as well as a nice overhaul for the web interface. Also, transmission-remote has support for SSL connections now!
* v2.42:  This bugfix release fixes some UDP-related issues.
* v2.50:  This release brings some performance improvements, especially for very large torrents. Also, some webseed issues have been fixed. The web interface received some treatment as well, and has some new functionality.
* v2.51:  A maintenance release with updated 3rd-party port-forwarding libraries as well as the latest jQuery for the web interface.
* v2.52:  This release fixes a potential security issue with multiscraping. Everyone should update to this one as soon as possible.
* v2.60:  This release fixes several bugs, including an issue with magnet links. It also brings improvements to the web interface (in-browser notifications are now supported).
* v2.61:  This release fixes a security issue in the web interface.
* v2.71:  An updateworthy release brings better µTP performance, fixes problems with incoming encrpyted peer connections, magnet links, and the speed limit scheduler. Also, the web interface now shows files nested under directories.
* v2.73:  This release (actually v2.72, which I skipped) fixes lots of issues with webseeds and magnet links, and also brings various tweaks to the web interface.
* v2.74:  Fixes for magnet link issues, µTP/UDP problems and web interface functionality.
* v2.76:  Only minor changes.
* v2.80:  Lots of under-the-hood work to speed things up and get rid of thread lockups.
* v2.81:  Bugfix release
* v2.82:  Bugfix release

Last edited by KyleK (2016-03-10 18:25:37)



#2 2008-08-11 00:05:00

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 11

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks for the effort KyleK!

I tried to install Transmission 1.32 on my CH3SNAS. Transmission 1.22 has been working fine before, but this version doesn't want to start.

First I uninstalled the old version by running


funpkg -r transmission1.22

After installing the packages you mention in your post, I ran into some problems starting transmission:


sh: cannot create /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/transmission-daemon.log: nonexistent directory

I solved it by creating it myself and giving it to 'nobody':


mkdir /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
chown nobody:501 /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

In the ffp/start/transmission.sh script, the lines to create the path has been commented out. My guess because '-daemon' is appended to create the path, but not to test for its existence.

After that, the log file is created and two directories. However, I can't connect to the daemon by using clutch or transmission-remote. There is no output of transmission to the console or log. I cannot kill the daemon by running the script in ffp/start, but only by running


killall -9 transmission-daemon

Ctrl+C isn't working either, I need to supend it when running from the console and then kill it.
I tried all sorts of settings/options for transmission (host/port/checking paths), but it didn't help.

I notices something about 'gettext' in the previous thread but installing your version, but this also didn't help me.

Have you got some suggestions for me?

Last edited by carnifex (2008-08-11 00:07:51)



#3 2008-08-11 00:46:36

From: Saxony, Germany
Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


KyleK wrote:

3. Type "transmission-daemon -f -t -u myadmin -v mypassword -a +"

You should see some text about Transmission starting. If there are no error messages, you can quit Transmission by pressing Ctrl-C.

I don't get any feedback and i can't quit by Ctrl-C.
A settings.json isn't created.

Last edited by NASewise (2008-08-11 01:18:06)



#4 2008-08-11 00:54:51

Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 11

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

NASewise wrote:


KyleK wrote:

3. Type "transmission-daemon -f -t -u myadmin -v mypassword -a +"

You should see some text about Transmission starting. If there are no error messages, you can quit Transmission by pressing Ctrl-C.

I don't get any feedback and i can't quit by Ctrl-C.
A settings.json isn't created.

I'm getting this same error.  After I type in the command the cursor hangs on a blank line and I have to open a new SSH connection.  When I do a netstat in the new session it shows nothing listening on port 9091.



#5 2008-08-11 01:21:54

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

@carnifex: I commented the lines for creating the directory because Transmission does it by itself. I didn't think of the log file though.
I'll put the lines back in in the next release.

Regarding the issues you guys have, it is really strange. I can't reproduce the hang at all. Could you try and run it through strace?


strace transmission-daemon -f

Also do this:


ldd /ffp/bin/transmission-daemon

Post the results here please.

Last edited by KyleK (2008-08-11 01:38:00)



#6 2008-08-11 01:46:13

From: Saxony, Germany
Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

hope this helps

Attachment Icon putty.log, Size: 18,090 bytes, Downloads: 2,478



#7 2008-08-11 02:07:15

Registered: 2008-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

well, same problems here.

Kylek i think the libcurl.s.0.4 file is also need, i have installed the curl-7.18.1.tgz.



#8 2008-08-11 02:57:19

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I just tested with a completely fresh install of funplug 0.5 and could reproduce the bug.

Apparently, there's an updated version of uclibc at http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0.5/packages/ which fixes the issue for me.

So, download the package (uclibc-0.9.29-4.tgz), install it via "funpkg -i uclibc-0.9.29-4.tgz" and then reboot the NAS.

Let me know if it worked.

@Nasp: the libcurl 7.18.1 package actually contains the libcurl.so.4 library. ldd doesn't report an issue with libcurl and Transmission runs (it wouldn't otherwise)

Last edited by KyleK (2008-08-11 02:59:15)



#9 2008-08-11 03:30:31

Registered: 2008-02-18
Posts: 63

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


Keep the good work Kylek!!

and tks.



#10 2008-08-11 11:37:52

Registered: 2007-12-17
Posts: 61

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Yeah works now thanx alot Kylek for your work!!

Last edited by Pejn (2008-08-11 11:38:08)



#11 2008-08-11 13:35:11

From: Singapore
Registered: 2007-05-29
Posts: 77

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

thnx for the good work!

2xDNS-323 ,1xDNS-313, 1xDNS-343



#12 2008-08-11 13:36:59

From: Saxony, Germany
Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Downloads never reach 100% in Clutch, they end by 9x%, but switch to seeding. Bug?

Closed Clutch and reopened, now it seems back to normal.

Last edited by NASewise (2008-08-11 13:46:50)



#13 2008-08-11 13:44:22

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

NASewise, please check what transmission-remote reports:


transmission-remote 9091 -l -n <username>:<password>

Change 9091 to the RPC port you configured. the "-n" parameter is only required if you specified authentication credentials.

If you can, you could also verify the data with a different torrent client on your PC/Mac (just use the same torrent file and point it to the downloaded data).

I suspect this may just be a bug in the Clutch PHP code that does incorrect rounding. In any case, please report this at the Transmission forums.



#14 2008-08-11 13:49:55

From: Saxony, Germany
Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Everything ok now, but Progress: now shows on every completed torrent 0.00%, but seeds just fine.

Wieder alles i.O., auch wenn bei Progress: überall nur 0.00% steht, aber es seedet.

Edit: Ja das scheint damit zusammenzuhängen

Last edited by NASewise (2008-08-11 14:03:39)



#15 2008-08-11 13:53:08

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

In den SVN-Versionen eigentlich nicht mehr. Aber für Transmission 1.3 wurde extrem viel überarbeitet, und einige Sachen fehlen ja auch noch in Clutch, von daher wundert es mich nicht wirklich :)

EDIT: Das dürfte dein Problem erklären: http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/1171

Last edited by KyleK (2008-08-11 13:56:17)



#16 2008-08-11 14:01:09

Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 9

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hey Kyle, thanks for all the hard work. I'm pretty new to all this (just installed fun_plug 0.5 for the first time today). I now have transmission running, but found that curl was required to install it.



#17 2008-08-11 14:23:22

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Good catch. I wrote the setup instruction from a Update point-of-view, so I subconsciously assumed people would have curl already installed :)

I updated the first post with a link to libcurl.



#18 2008-08-11 19:40:47

Registered: 2008-08-01
Posts: 11

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks, I got everything working now.  The only extra thing I did was to change the permissions on my download folder (chmod -R 777 /mnt/HD_a2/folder) so that I could move the file to another folder afterwards.  Besides that, everything works well.



#19 2008-08-11 22:00:31

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 11

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Problems solved, Transmission up&running!

Installing the package made it work.

Thanks again KyleK smile.



#20 2008-08-12 02:05:17

Registered: 2008-03-09
Posts: 113

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


Thank You for this information... With this grate news I was able to move away from 0.4 and upgrade to 0.5.... I was only holding on to 0.4 because of Transmission working ok in 0.4



#21 2008-08-13 21:10:19

From: Reading - UK
Registered: 2008-02-28
Posts: 119

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Think I am up and running with 1.32 now so thanks KyleK

I did have one problem which i am not sure is a ffp or transmission issue. I used the clutch preferences page to set the download directory however every time I tried to start a download it failed saying the destination directory did not exist.

In the end I modified the transmission.sh to add the -w switch and specified the download location there which seems to have worked.



#22 2008-08-13 21:15:08

From: Reading - UK
Registered: 2008-02-28
Posts: 119

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I spoke to  soon - the download has failed again sad

The settings.json file shows:

    "blocklist-enabled": 1,
    "download-dir": "\/mnt\/HD_a2\/downloads",
    "download-limit": 100,
    "download-limit-enabled": 0,
    "encryption": 1,
    "max-peers-global": 200,
    "peer-port": 51413,
    "pex-enabled": 1,
    "port-forwarding-enabled": 0,
    "rpc-access-control-list": "+",
    "rpc-authentication-required": 0,
    "rpc-password": "",
    "rpc-port": 9091,
    "rpc-username": "",
    "upload-limit": 100,
    "upload-limit-enabled": 0

/mnt/HD_a2/downloads exists and is owned by nobody with full access

drwxrwxrwx   19 nobody   501          4096 Jul 25 20:36 downloads

Any ideas before I try the Transmission forums



#23 2008-08-13 21:26:04

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

The script is configured to start Transmission as user "nobody". For it to be able to write to your download folder, the directory has to be owned by "nobody" as well. You can change the owner of a folder with this command:


chown -R nobody:501 /mnt/HD_a2/downloads

Now Transmission shouldn't have a problem accessing the directory.



#24 2008-08-13 21:33:58

From: Reading - UK
Registered: 2008-02-28
Posts: 119

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

rap wrote:

I spoke to  soon - the download has failed again sad

/mnt/HD_a2/downloads exists and is owned by nobody with full access

drwxrwxrwx   19 nobody   501          4096 Jul 25 20:36 downloads

Any ideas before I try the Transmission forums

As I said in my second post it is owned by nobody.

any more ideas




#25 2008-08-13 21:50:52

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Are you sure Transmission reads the correct settings.json?
Are the files/folders within /mnt/HD_a2/downloads also owned by nobody?

You can also try running Transmission as root, just to see if it works then. Do it on the console, then you have direct ouput:


transmission-daemon -f



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