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#26 2008-09-29 17:50:43

Registered: 2007-05-12
Posts: 83

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Copyright ownership and modification are two seperate things....

I have not looked, but did you state no modifications?  Im not trying to be a ass here, but a simple question to add support for the 2nd disc because you dont have that capability and you throw copyright at me - kinda defeats the whole purpose of sharing information about this device and the software written for it.

Did you ask permission from D-Link to scrape from their web interface?  Its copyrighted....

Last edited by mykroft (2008-09-29 17:51:21)



#27 2008-09-29 18:36:03

New member
From: US
Registered: 2008-09-26
Posts: 3

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

philw wrote:

Is there any way to port your Vista gadget to a Mac OS X widget?

The last Mac I had was a Lisa, and a very fine piece of kit it was. You'd probably be better off just writing it from scratch on top of whatever they have there, but I know nothing about it I'm afraid.

Boy times have changed since those days lol  Widget vs Gadget there aren't many differences, both are html/dhtml javascript based.  It seems feasible though I am not at all versed in coding and what is needed to turn a standard html web page into a gadget or widget. 

With the permission of philw, or course, and anyone willing I would love to see this ported over.  It doesn't seem like it would take much, file structure between gadgets/widgets are similar as well as the *.html and *.js files.. it seems only names would need to change.



#28 2008-09-29 18:42:03

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Port away... it's pretty easy stuff. I really don't have access to that gear at the moment so I can't do it.



#29 2008-09-30 13:07:54

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Oh, in 0.95 I added a little chart so you can monitor the temperature of the thing as a trend from your desktop.



#30 2008-09-30 22:33:02

From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2008-05-11
Posts: 24

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Hey man... Big thanks for the gadget... Nice, clean and super friendly usage!



#31 2008-10-02 13:13:00

Registered: 2008-01-04
Posts: 56

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

This is a fantastic effort. Thanks.

It is displaying the up time fine 751hrs, but not displaying temperature, space or anything else. NaN NaN. Would love it to work fully.

Have managed to login just fine, I am accessing over wireless, would that be a factor?




#32 2008-10-02 13:17:37

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

It's tested with a DNS323 with a single volume (all I have), with firmware version 1.05. What precisely are you using? it may work with other things, but I can't of course be sure.

"NaN" means "Not a number", which suggests that it's failing to parse those values. If there are no error messages (red text), then it sounds like your web page format is different from what I'm expecting, hence you may be using older firmware. If that's the case, then you'll need to mail me a copy of the web page you actually receive and I can make the code work with that too. But the first thing to check is the firmware... if you're on 1.05 it should be ok...

Wireless should not make any difference; mine's accessed first via wireless and then via powerline networking!



#33 2008-10-02 14:31:20

Registered: 2008-01-04
Posts: 56

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Hey Philw,
Using 1.05 FW
I am using 2 single volumes backed up each night.

No red text as far as I can see, I don't have alot of "enabled" FW options.
I have telnet access, no probs with accessing any part of the DNS.

Also when I press the reload part at the top the device disappears from the sidebar altogether, and has to be reloaded, and login put in again. Maybe this has something to do with it?



#34 2008-10-02 14:37:13

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Sounds like something nasty there, although this is the only case I've heard. I'll mail you about it. Pressing the title just reloads the whole thing from scratch, although if it says explicitly "reload" then that's an indication that it's not starting up correctly on your system.

The two single volumes is likely an issue as I have no second drive; others have two drives but they appear as one if RAIDed that way.

I will mail you and see if we can sort it out.



#35 2008-10-07 14:51:34

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

I just updated this to 0.98 with support for two separate drives as well as the single-disk or single-logical disk. There are various other tweaks such as graphs of space/ temperature versus time. I think it's about done, but I left a couple of numbers free before 1.00.

Oh, and I moved it to here:
although the update code should get that magically.

Last edited by philw (2008-10-07 14:52:59)



#36 2008-10-08 21:36:29

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-08-31
Posts: 44

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Hi philw,

that's a nice little gadget you wrote! I love it. I've got a CH3SNAS, and except for one thing everything seems to work fine. However, just below the gadget name ("DNS323 Monitor") I get a "Maint_LLTD error 404". Judging from your screenshots, this is where the system time/date are supposed to show. Correct? (BTW, the uptime seems to be reported correctly.)

So, I don't really know how to read XML/HTML/JavaScript. This is why I didn't find the part in your gadget that is responsible for the system time display to maybe fix or rather uncomment it. Could you help me? (And, in case you would like to support the CH3SNAS with this feature, the page showing time and date has the address http://<NAS-IP>/web/tools/timezone.asp. Code seems to be "//ele.innerHTML="Time: "+hoou+":"+minu+":"+seco+fnbsp+"Date: "+mont+"/"+fday+"/"+fyea;"[?]. Don't know, whether this might help.)

So long, and thanks again for this wonderful gadget. I think it's the most useful one I found so far...


Conceptronic CH3SNAS FW 1.03, ffp from USB key.



#37 2008-10-08 22:19:38

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

Maint_LLTD is the name of the DNS323 page where you set up the Link-Layer Topology discovery thing, so it can be seen (I think) by Windows PnP etc. Something like that. 404 is HTTP 404 - that page doesn't exist on your box, therefore.

(a) Quick fix
So to stop that error, the simplest thing is to comment out the following line from the file default.js:
new StateObject("/goform/Maint_LLTD",     "<p>LLTD: {0}</p>",         "ServerData",                 formatLLTDStatusPage, 'name="f_status" checked>Enable' ), // Must be done after /goform/adv_status page.

You can edit the file in notepad and put a comment symbol two slashes: // in front of it. Then it won't do it any more. Alternatively, I have tried to enclose here a version of the 0.98 file with the change made. Note that I haven't tested this, but it's a one-line change so it should be ok. You will need to replace the file within the gadget directory with this one, then just reload the gadget (click on the "DNS 323 Monitor" title). It should be fine after that.

(b) A Better fix
I really need a way to tell if the device is talking to a DNS323 or a CH3NAS - if I can find that out then I can automatically enable or disable the above feature. There may be other things which fail, although if it gets that far then it's only got two more things to do (lan and power management).

So if you were able to email me the page (use file->save page as from your browser) which you see when you first log into the CH3NAS, then I could take a look at what's in that that and use something on it to determine the type of device it is. The DNS323 has "DNS323" written in it, but I'd like to positively identify the CH3NAS if I can. Once I know how to do that (I just write something to look for the name of the device), then I can enable/ disable the above line automatically depending on which type of device it's talking to.


Attachment Icon default.js, Size: 21,626 bytes, Downloads: 293



#38 2008-10-08 22:42:55

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

nurunet wrote:

just below the gadget name ("DNS323 Monitor") I get a "Maint_LLTD error 404". Judging from your screenshots, this is where the system time/date are supposed to show. Correct?

No, you are getting a Maint_LLTD error because you don't have a Main_LLTD.asp page on your CH3SNAS - this is why you are getting a 404 error.  There is such a page from firmware 1.05 on the dns323.  The Maint_LLTD reference in the gadget displays whether the LLTD feature is enabled or disabled on the dns323.

Try putting  // at the beginning of the line
"new stateObject( "/goform/Maint_LLTD", ........."
in default.js.  look for default.js in "C:\Users\<YOUR VISTA USERNAME HERE>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\NasMonitor0.98.gadget"
so it should look like "//new stateObject( "/goform/Maint_LLTD", ........."
remember to reload the gadget.  You can made the edit with notepad.

I have not tested this as I am in the middle of network reconfiguring, so I don't guarantee it to work.
See here for what LLTD is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_Layer … _Discovery



#39 2008-10-08 22:47:41

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

philw wrote:

(b) A Better fix
I really need a way to tell if the device is talking to a DNS323 or a CH3NAS - if I can find that out then I can automatically enable or disable the above feature. There may be other things which fail, although if it gets that far then it's only got two more things to do (lan and power management).
So if you were able to email me the page (use file->save page as from your browser) which you see when you first log into the CH3NAS, then I could take a look at what's in that that and use something on it to determine the type of device it is. The DNS323 has "DNS323" written in it, but I'd like to positively identify the CH3NAS if I can. Once I know how to do that (I just write something to look for the name of the device), then I can enable/ disable the above line automatically depending on which type of device it's talking to.

Hmm, both typing at the same time :-)

Is there anything in the debug.asp page that you can use? There was also another page listed in the list of forms available on the dns323 txt file I emailed you a while back that had some debug type info in, but I can't remember the name of the form, or get at it the file as I am disconnected from my 323 at the moment.



#40 2008-10-09 01:09:53

Registered: 2008-07-14
Posts: 6

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

If I want to use this to monitor my DNS-323 from work what ports would I need to open? Just 80 to the webadmin?



#41 2008-10-09 02:12:55

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

SirVilhelm wrote:

If I want to use this to monitor my DNS-323 from work what ports would I need to open? Just 80 to the webadmin?

yes, port 80.  In short, if you can point your browser at the dns323 and see the login/status pages then the gadget will work (because it gets [almost] all of its info by parsing the web interface.  The qualification to this is if you have another web server running on the dns323 on port 80 - eg lighthttpd, in which case use you would need to tweak the gadget accordingly to point at the right port (e.g. 81)



#42 2008-10-09 02:16:09

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

luusac wrote:

Is there anything in the debug.asp page that you can use? There was also another page listed in the list of forms available on the dns323 txt file I emailed you a while back that had some debug type info in, but I can't remember the name of the form, or get at it the file as I am disconnected from my 323 at the moment.

No, there isn't - I looked.  As you know DNS323 is splashed over (almost?) every page, what I also don't know is what the CH3SNAS pages are like, it would obviously make life easier if they both had the type of unit specified on the same form in the same place, but you know how inconsistent the coding forms are on the 323 ... do don't hold your breath on that one.



#43 2008-10-09 04:07:50

Registered: 2008-02-02
Posts: 95

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

ok, just installed Phil's gadget and it rocks! Pretty darn cool. For us less tech savvy folks, how can we tell if this thing does not call home or send any info from our computer or network to the outside world? Thought I would check about privacy & security issues before leaving this thing on for good. More importantly, can this gadget update itself so that in the future, so that it may do the things that I just mentioned. Good stuff here!



#44 2008-10-09 04:44:06

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

mealto wrote:

For us less tech savvy folks, how can we tell if this thing does not call home or send any info from our computer or network to the outside world? Thought I would check about privacy & security issues before leaving this thing on for good. More importantly, can this gadget update itself so that in the future, so that it may do the things that I just mentioned.

It doesn't do anything nasty and can't update itself.  Gadgets are restricted to what they can do (by design) by Microsoft.

But don't take my word for it:
To give you peace of mind you can rename the installation file by adding ".zip" on the end.  Then you can open it by double clicking on the file in explorer and then open all of the .js .html .xml files in notepad and see what they do.  This gadget doesn't contain any compiled code (although gadgets can be activex).  As it isn't compiled code I am sure several people have opened the gadget up to see what it does and how it does it, and they would have shouted if there was anything untoward.

But how many times have you downloaded shareware/trial versions of software of the internet? They could be doing all manner of things - it just depends on what you are prepared to trust.

Do a search using your favourite engine for security of vista gadgets or sidebar gadgets and you will probably come up with a few hundred pages on the security model that restricts gadgets.




#45 2008-10-09 11:57:18

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

The same thought occurred to me with other gadgets. The Active-X thing seems to me to be the only way you could really get out of the framework (same as with a browser). There's none of that in there, although you need to look to know (the framework won't warn you, unlike your browser).

The source is concise and easy to read if you're technical, like some here. I think they'd scream scream the place down if you found anything bad. Ask them. Oh, you just did ;-)

If you run something like "fiddler2" then you can watch the outgoing TCP from the gadget and see precisely what it's requesting and from where. You can probably upload the file to an online service and ask for a virus scan, although if I'd put my own nasty stuff in there then they'd not find it that way anyway (because they would not have seen it before). Fiddler2 is actually an easy to use windows application which you may find instructive to understand what your machine's doing.

An even better check is that I can punctuate and spell my native language reasonably well (including in the code comments), and I've yet to see a script-kiddie who can do something as basic as that.

If you look at the code or a sniffer trace you'll see that it checks the version number when you open the settings pane - it just looks for it's own .gadget file on my web server, and if it doesn't find it then it says "new version available"and gives you a link to go and get it if you want. So as luusac says updating is optional.

My personal advice to users is not to run anything, even on Vista, which they're not sure is safe. Virus checkers are mostly a waste of space for well published reasons, so you just have to be careful, which is of course what you're doing. That doesn't prevent you running lots of free software, but you have to pick and choose.

Oh, if you're going to run any of the add-on software for your NAS then you need to ask the same questions, but let's not open that can of worms in this thread please!

But the bottom line is as luusac says.

And of course my liability for anything you do with the software is limited to the price you paid for it!



#46 2008-10-09 14:14:06

Registered: 2008-08-14
Posts: 49

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

philw wrote:

Maint_LLTD is the name of the DNS323 page where you set up the Link-Layer Topology discovery thing, so it can be seen (I think) by Windows PnP etc. Something like that. 404 is HTTP 404 - that page doesn't exist on your box, therefore.

(b) A Better fix
I really need a way to tell if the device is talking to a DNS323 or a CH3NAS - if I can find that out then I can automatically enable or disable the above feature. There may be other things which fail, although if it gets that far then it's only got two more things to do (lan and power management).

So if you were able to email me the page (use file->save page as from your browser) which you see when you first log into the CH3NAS, then I could take a look at what's in that that and use something on it to determine the type of device it is. The DNS323 has "DNS323" written in it, but I'd like to positively identify the CH3NAS if I can. Once I know how to do that (I just write something to look for the name of the device), then I can enable/ disable the above line automatically depending on which type of device it's talking to.

In the HTML file of the login page it says:


<title>Conceptronic CH3SNAS</title>

Guess you can use that as an identifier.



#47 2008-10-09 14:54:29

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

As they say... "that will do nicely". Give me a few minutes to figure out what a CH3NAS is...

Update: actually on the DNS23 the title tag of the main page is the name of the device (which you have given to it), so that's perhaps not the best thing to use.

Last edited by philw (2008-10-09 15:01:37)



#48 2008-10-09 15:05:04

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

how about device description in advanced status?  Can somebody post the status page html from a CH3SNAS if it appears appropriate (i.e. says "CH3SNAS" for device description).
That looks like it will do it. See p.42 of http://download.conceptronic.net/GRABNG … ll_ENG.pdf
So can somebody with a CH3SNAS post the html output of the status page?

Last edited by luusac (2008-10-09 15:08:54)



#49 2008-10-09 15:08:22

Registered: 2008-09-19
Posts: 41

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

That's user-changeable... I was hoping to find a field which identifies the device which the user can't spoof. For example this from the 323 status page is probably good enough to identify that:
   <DIV id=box_header>

      <H1>WIZARD SETTINGS : </H1>
     The DNS-323 2-Bay Network Stor

Last edited by philw (2008-10-09 15:09:19)



#50 2008-10-09 15:11:31

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Windows Vista Gadget

philw wrote:

That's user-changeable... I was hoping to find a field which identifies the device which the user can't spoof. For example this from the 323 status page is probably good enough to identify that:
   <DIV id=box_header>

      <H1>WIZARD SETTINGS : </H1>
     The DNS-323 2-Bay Network Stor

Or in the dns323 there is a description as well as a name - I assume that the description is not changable, whereas name is.  Parse for description=dns323, else ch3snas?



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