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Sorry for the newb questions...
I'm running the 1.5 firmware. If I enable FTP so I can access my files remotely, will my files still be safe? What are the risks of someone gaining unauthorized access to my files?
Also, my external IP address changes periodically. Is there another way to access my unit via the web without knowing the IP?
itcave wrote:
If I enable FTP so I can access my files remotely, will my files still be safe?
No. Any time you allow external access then your data is not safe. It really comes down to a question of how safe/unsafe are you prepared to tolerate. ftp is inherently unsafe (passwords and data are sent over the wire unencrypted). Search this forum for sftp and/or ssh/scp. You pay also want to consider a vpn (either software like openvpn or hardware on your router).
itcave wrote:
What are the risks of someone gaining unauthorized access to my files?
Anyone who intercepts your traffic anywhere between the remote computer you are using to ftp in and your home network will have your userid/passwd in plain text can then login and get at your files. As to what the likelyhood of this happening .... I will leave to others to say.
itcave wrote:
Also, my external IP address changes periodically. Is there another way to access my unit via the web without knowing the IP?
Yes, google dynamic dns. You may want to try www.dyndns.org. Look for this in your modem/router configuration or on the dns-323 web interface. You need to sety up an account with one of these services, you will then get a free 'domain name'. Your modem/router or dns-323 will update this service with your ip address periodically, so even when it changes you will still be able to get to your ip by using the domain name.
Remember you will need to punch a hole through your firewall to get remote access too.
Search this forum and the wiki - there is lots of info on this topic.
Wow. So I guess won't be using ftp....
From what I've been reading, the encryption in sftp taxes its little cpu enough to slow the transfer rates way down.
If I do setup sftp of ssh, can I fell like my files are safe then? Like safe enough to hold files with my personal banking?
Thanks for the tip about dyndns.org