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I have a DNS 323 that I've had for a while and it worked fine. I updated firmwares and so forth. Recently my computer started freezing whenever it accessed the files (explorer, picasa, itunes, etc). Assuming it was Windows Vista (because hey, its windows) and tried it from my eeepc (linux) and got the same results.
I can telnet into the box fine, list the files and so forth (in both windows and linux I can generally list the files, but accessing a file causes the issue) and a file system check does not show anything too out of the ordinary.
My question is three fold
a) can I move a disk to an external USB or firewire enclosure without losing the files?
b) can I move a disk to a replacement DNS 323 enclosure without losing the files?
c) my only desktop at the moment is a windows machine, it has a spare ata port and I think I can locate efs2 drivers for vista, the question again is will I lose files.
Thanks for all your help,
Alidar wrote:
a file system check does not show anything too out of the ordinary.
is that with e2fsck -c -v /mnt/HD_xx ?
Alidar wrote:
a) can I move a disk to an external USB or firewire enclosure without losing the files?
b) can I move a disk to a replacement DNS 323 enclosure without losing the files?
c) my only desktop at the moment is a windows machine, it has a spare ata port and I think I can locate efs2 drivers for vista, the question again is will I lose files.
If the underlying fs is clean/ok (and *for example*, say that there is a firmware/config problem with the 323), then yes you should be able to pull a drive and mount it. Remeber if you insert in in an enclosure the fs is still ext2, so you will need the installable ext2 fs driver. As to inserting a pulled drive into another 323 I think that you will need to update the config of that 323 (e.g. hdd serial number in flash).
When I get home I'll double check the exact command I used, but I'm about 90% sure that's what I used.
I have a RAID1 config, if I do pull a hard drive, should I pull one over the other?
hmm not sure. I also use raid1 and have pulled drives in the past and mounted them (both with linux and windows+ext2 ifs). Try the RHS drive (search the forum to check this is right). Regardless, when you pul a drive mark which bay it came from so you don't accidentally swap on re-insertion.
Thanks for your help. I'm going to pick up an ata cable in the next couple of days and give this a whirl.