Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I have followed the instructions. Downloaded the ffp files, placing both files fun_plug.sh and fun_plug.tgz at the root level of Volume_1. I then restart the DNS-323. Once fully restarted, I launch Terminal and try to Telnet into DNS-323. But it doesnt work. I have my DNS-323 set to DHCP and my router to always assign it the same IP address
Terminal results
robocub:~ erik$ telnet
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
Can anyone shed some light for me?
Can you mount the drive via samba (or something similar)? If you can, do you see the ffp folder and the ffp.log file? If you see those, then I wold presume ffp installed properly on your system.
So the next guess would be that you have the IP address wrong. Is your router set to DHCP mode, and if so, is outside the scope of the DHCP range?
Robocub wrote:
I have followed the instructions. Downloaded the ffp files, placing both files fun_plug.sh and fun_plug.tgz at the root level of Volume_1.
I think the fun_plug script should just be named 'fun_plug', with no extension. Give that a try and see if it works. Apologies if you've tried that already...
bandd wrote:
Can you mount the drive via samba (or something similar)? If you can, do you see the ffp folder and the ffp.log file? If you see those, then I wold presume ffp installed properly on your system.
So the next guess would be that you have the IP address wrong. Is your router set to DHCP mode, and if so, is outside the scope of the DHCP range?
Hi bandd, Yes I can mount both drives Volume_1 and Volume_2 with Samba. Thats how I copied the fun_plug files there. But when I reboot the NAS, nothing else happens and Telnet is not running. I did a port scan on the NAS and definitely no Telnet or SSH is running.
dilettanti wrote:
Robocub wrote:
I have followed the instructions. Downloaded the ffp files, placing both files fun_plug.sh and fun_plug.tgz at the root level of Volume_1.
I think the fun_plug script should just be named 'fun_plug', with no extension. Give that a try and see if it works. Apologies if you've tried that already...
The script is called fun_plug.sh
I'll try your suggestion and remove the .sh
Although I thought *nix systems required the extension.
Nothing is actually required in Linux (with small exception); there is just a "standard" way of doing thing, like using the extension on shell for shell scripts. In this case, the script that the D-Link firmware has calls fro running a file named fun_plug, with no extension. It is not relevant that it is a script. You could write a binary called fun_plug and it would run.
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