Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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The files I put in the root directory, when I'm logged in as root, are disappearing when the DSN 323 is rebooted. First, why? Second, how do I prevent this from occurring?
I'm particularly concerned about my .profile file which defines aliases and the checks my Seagate drive.
Firmware 1.05 w/funplug 0.5
Yes, "root directory" = "/home/root/".
OK. How do I get it to save and execute a .profile type of file upon login after a reboot or shutdown.? Or, am I SOL?
Are the user login accounts also on the ramdisk?
Yes; /home is part of the ramdisk based rootfs.
It should be easy to create something like /ffp/home and then symlink that to /home either from fun_plug or with an ffp startup script (in /ffp/start). There don't appear to be any files under /home by default so nothing to preserve there. I guess you could change the home directory locations themselves; but those come from the passwd file and would have to be synced back to the flash partitions (like password changes) so the symlink method is probably more direct. I haven't tried this; but it looks straight-forward - unless somehow who has tried is aware of gotchas?
not aware of any problems, but I use a moveroot script, found here http://dns323.kood.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2753
I give.
Fonz, if usermod & store-passwd.sh will make it permanent, then I'll go for it. BUT, this is beyond my knowledge. Please give the full commands. TIA.
an example of usermod is in the script that I posted the link to. As to store-passwd.sh - it is located in /ffp/sbin (in ffp 0.5 at least) have a look there, or in the wiki under how to:ffp http://dns323.kood.org/howto:ffp
Last edited by luusac (2009-03-16 00:15:45)
I tried the script. At first it didn't work. After trying a bunch of "stuff" with nothing working, I then looked at the ffp/start directory with an "ls -alg". It took about 30 seconds to for me to realize that the "mvhomeroot.sh" only had rw permissions. Hmmm. So, I chmod'd it for rwx and rebooted. Upon login, it executed the .profile file as I hoped. Victory! Thanks.