DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2009-06-04 16:17:08

New member
Registered: 2009-06-04
Posts: 4

Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

I wasn't able to find any info on the D-Link support site (go figure) so I figured I'd post my query here.  I've got roughly 500 gigs of photos, music, and movies I wanted to move over from another drive (copied everything over from ext3 to NTFS so I could re-use the drive).  If I go to drag and drop several folders which is probably a few gigs at a time, everything will run fine for about 12 minutes then the transfer stops, I get an error message and I lose connectivity to the DNS-323.  So far I've tried firmware 1.06 (which it shipped with) and 1.08 beta.

I found some initial information that before 1.03 it didn't like files that were 2 gigs or larger but that was fixed in 1.03.  Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

The DNS has a static IP address I set and once I get an error while copying the files I can no longer ping the device or access the GUI.  I know that the device isn't a fully fledged PC but I should be able to dump files over without too much trouble.  I made the switch from using a quad core system that also served as a file server to the DNS because I wanted to conserve electricity but so far this experience has been a PITA.

Last edited by surrealillusion (2009-06-04 16:40:37)



#2 2009-06-04 20:20:13

Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 360

Re: Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

wired or wireless network?  What is the error message?



#3 2009-06-04 20:33:57

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Registered: 2009-06-04
Posts: 4

Re: Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

Wired and Wireless, wired PC running XP SP3, wireless Vista Ultimate

Error message basically says it cannot copy the file because the network path no longer exists.  It definately has something to do with the network interface on the DNS-323 as I can't even ping it after it errors out during a file transfer using samba.



#4 2009-06-05 00:43:43

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Registered: 2009-06-04
Posts: 4

Re: Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

To provide another update, copying smaller folders that aren't that large transfer without any problems.  As soon as I get to a folder with 8+ gigs it will choke almost at the end.  At this point the PC loses connectivity to the NAS and then when you go to ping you'll get packet loss.  Does anyone else have issues copying large files or a folder with lots of files in it over to their 323?



#5 2009-06-05 16:02:06

Registered: 2007-06-18
Posts: 43

Re: Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

3 weeks ago, I copied almost 500 megabytes from one DNS-323 to another DNS-323 from my Vista machine. All data was copied in one operation, no interruptions. Running FW 1.06 on one unit and 1.07 on the other. My switch/router only supports Fast Ethernet, so the copy was not at maximum speed. No jumbo frames or other special tricks.



#6 2009-06-05 23:00:40

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: Challenges copying files over from previous backup drive to DNS-323

surrealillusion wrote:

Wired and Wireless, wired PC running XP SP3, wireless Vista Ultimate

Error message basically says it cannot copy the file because the network path no longer exists.  It definately has something to do with the network interface on the DNS-323 as I can't even ping it after it errors out during a file transfer using samba.

Correction - it definitely has something to do with the network - your being unable to ping a host does not necessarily point to the host having a problem, but rather that no response was received from the host - the host could be sitting there, doing everything it should and there is no network path linking your computer to the host.

As an example - try pinging www.dlink.com - I'm sure you'll get a response, now disconnect the cable between your modem and the wall - does ping still work?  Probably not, but both you & I know that the D-Link host has nothing to do with the failure - it's the lack of a network path between the two hosts.

Your symptom is fairly common and typically points to a network with a medium~high level of network errors, which force a retransmit of the corrupted packets - you need to find the cause of the errors and correct it.

By the way the 2GB problem with 1.03 had a completely symptom, a completely different error message and a completely different cause - the error message in that case essentially told you that there was insufficient space - I don't remember the actual wording, but you could probably search the forum and find it, if you wanted to.



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