Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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It seems that quite a few DNS-323 users (here, here & here) sooner or later will have problem that the front LED:s burns out and it would be quite nice to replace both the burned out and remaining LED:s with new and better working LED:s. So open question if anyone has suggestions of new LED:s to be used?
I think I remember reading on this forum (but it is possible that it was somewhere else on the web) of replacment LEDs and a link to a supplier .... I take it from your post (citing 3 threads) that you have already searched .... keep trying !
Well, actually it's no big deal having one of LEDs not working; was more if anyone had a suggestion of replacement LEDs. Making some more searching only indicates that I'm not the first one to ask about replacement LEDs.
I'd be interested in finding this out too. I'm down to only two working LEDs now - the network indicator and the bright blue one when it's active.
Both drive LEDs and the faint blue one when it's sleeping have gone At least it's "stealthy" I suppose!